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New England Growers and Medical Users


emerald city

Afternoon gang'sters;
Finally coming out of the lack of sleep fog...Every time we get more then 2 inches of rain ive got problems...Weird 13-14 years never an issue then starting last feb routine flooding everytime we get a BIG storm....You know those old new england cellars,no poured concrete floor for me.I gots crushed rock...Got a mountain behind me and a lake to the south which puts me in an area with a high water table....
Last spring after walking downstairs ,i stepped off the last step onto the floor and the water went over the top of my boots.I hear a fan blades hitting the water, see pot/plants floating by ,My ac system shorted out while submerged and my ballasts timers almost ready to turn on and me wading around trying to turn stuff off...Had to give up and shut the whole home down trying to figure out what breaker goes to what appliance......After regrouping i found what appeared to be the tide line/high water mark and built a platform floor above it.Basicly a 4x8 sheet of plywood on blocks...Works out pretty good but during a hard storm every 4 hour i gotta go pump water for 1/2 hour .....now for some reason my humidity is running a bit high and my new maxi frets absorbed moisture.,man its always something.Life of a farmer, better then a real job....
FB420-amber-vado-archie-HYF-mgk and you too headseed ,hope you all have a safe happy hallows eve...Im off :tiphat:


Active member
Damm it Jim,im a farmer not an english major...welcome to the newengland side of life.
hahaha on the trek reference!

I've been a NE'er for ever, but will finally be starting up medicine production. To say I am excited would be an understatement. Now if I could just motivate to clear out the one (or two, haven't decided) spare bedrooms.

Oh yeah, not to mention construct some sort of room conducive to the production of said medicine.


Archie - Looking good brother

Grateful - Awesome to see ya step in this thread. Your CJ is a staple in my garden and the gardens of many friends of mine. :tiphat:

Lil o bit...





Looks frosty. Any full plant shots?

edit: Looks like a bit of spider mite webbing on the top of one of the leaves in that first shot. Bottom right of the picture.

emerald city

nice pix
wish my babies looked as good
vado-you looks like you got things figured out.nice gro
KW -You a professional photog? I love that killing fields plant,is she the same plant as last time you took pix-just further along? awesome work.
I seem to produce good plants,nice end product but am never happy with my weight compared to others who are running the same breed...Also have high expectation's and see only the mistakes....Hopefully i come up with another camera soon then figure out the uploading thing so i can show ya'll some pix of my own little medicinal gig..
catch yah :blowbubbles:


Looks frosty. Any full plant shots?

`^^^ sure thing lune i mean lyodd i mean vado..........By the way your plants look happy,good to see.....


EC.... no I'm not a photogropher by trade I just seem pretty handy with the bud shots...............Thanks for the kind words brother..........Killing Fields...yes same cut as eariler, yeild is ok on this one but I've seen other phenos of it just produce massive buds.........


just checking in on my fellow Nerw Englanders.

Hi all ,and looking great Karma.

EC glad to hear the rain is slowing down up in your end of the wood.

Archie,FB,Vado,AmberTrich and the rest of you crazy new englanders have a great Holloween!

Amber Trich

Active member
wow, what a flurry of activity!

lots of good pictures.. vado obviously working hard, and representing us all well

ec.. be glad for the abundant maine mountain water- its some of the best in the world. ..and at least youve got crushed rock, my cellar floor is dirt!

welcome grat3ful!:wave:

oh yeah, and.. Happy Halloween Everyone!


Thanks amber and ernie. And a happy halloween to everyone.

gixxer... Do you mean a dehumidifier? Not sure exactly how you could use a dehydrator, I def wouldn't....

To a certain extent, the slower you dry your buds the better. Quick dried buds usually don't burn or cure as well in my experience. If you're totally out of buds you can quick dry a few for something to smoke on, but generally it's much better to wait the week or so it takes for them to dry proper... I'd never use a dehumidifier unless conditions were so humid that the buds weren't drying at all... :2cents:


gixx.........Vado is right on the dehydrator........It will zap all the flavor right out and it will also work to deteriorate the potency.......No bueno............If your in a pinch.......Set your oven to 150 and dry some smaller pieces for 15 min to 1/2 hr.......They wont taste so great but it'll work...........

Now VADO: I can assure you I never mentioned you to anyone unless they mentioned you to me 1st......Then I just tell them about our disagreement.........I never made up a damn thing........But anyway man........just let it go bro......It was a year ago.........lets let bygones be bygones........I have made alot of mistakes so far in my 42 yrs but for the most part I'm a good hearted guy who's intention's are true.......I love to grow good weed and smoke good weed so we really aint that different when you get down to brass taxes..........

I'm not that great with the non close up's but since you asked and to show my commitment to a truce I'll see what I can dig up..........




about as close to full plant shots as I get :)


Heh, not what I was told at all. By the way, trashing chaco behind his back was a classy touch. Real nice, bro.
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so classy and so expected you never let me down..........go eat another cheesburger.......

and for the record chaco is one of the best people on here...hes done nothing but good for everyone.........unlike a few people who change usernames every 2 weeks

emerald city

Sandbox getting to small boys?
Remember- Peace is THE mutual option.
pleasent evening to all.

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