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New Closet Scrogg 400 watt HPS grow


During the day my temps are usually between 74-79 degrees. and the temps at night are usually around 68 degrees.

I like the fox farms products i guess but i've been starting to dislike all products in a bottle more and more. I really like worm composting or biodynamic teas if you have the time and money. I'm working on building or buying a worm bin that I can use to harvest super chronic compost or compost tea. but it's mostly a matter of money and time but i know I'll be able to get it by summer so I'm fine with one last grow with the FF


Today i got a worm bin! It'll still be a month or two before i have any worm tea or compost but I just thought i'd throw up a few pics of and a closet update.




thanks TruthorLie, i did a lot of duct taping and theres a hanger pulling on the filter to keep it from blocking too much light.

The quality is of the green house is pretty low because it's from target :p. The plastic connecting to the zipper has already broke twice but my gf keeps re sewing it back together. We will probably only get 2 grows out of it but we always have more gift cards and they're cheap :p


you've got the same brand and style ballast i run, I haven't used the wattage reduction feature yet, I've got 2 600 duals., anyway I'm growing my first scrog and i see I'm seriously lacking after seeing your closet grow, really healthy looking, good stuff.


Thanks Skagitmagic. I got a new goody today and I was wondering if any one here had any experience with Soil Moist Plant tabs? I'll take a picture of what I got


Nice setup. What are the dimensions of your cab? I just put a 400 into my closet just today that I plan to mod-scrog next grow. My space is only 2x2 so i'll have to monitor the heat. I hope it can manage it.


I just measured my green house and its 1.5x2 and is 3 feet tall. Keeping it cool is a matter of your ventilation and set up. If your light is going to be inside your cab then i recommend getting one of the nice hoods that completely surrounds the bulb and has the spots for cool tubes. But it all depends on your setup feel free to put a pic up of it.


Wow, yours is even smaller than mine. So you're rocking a cool tube?

So far, the air cooled hood + 3 PC fans is keeping it the cab under 80 degrees.I still gotta figure out a proper intake. My cab is a wood frame + panda film and I don't really have any ideas atm.


No, I'm far too ghetto for cool tubes. I got a hood that's just a metal reflector behind the light and i have a clip fan sucking heat from it. My green house is clear and plastic so i just have the light as close as i can to the top of the green house.

For your intake if you don't mind getting creative you can take the biggest can you have and use a can opener and take off the top and bottom. Then you should duct tape a layer of metal screen over it so you have a filter to stop hair and solids going into your grow. Then you would wanna cut a whole in the bottom of your cab the size of the can and shove it in and seal with duct tape. then put a fan on the outside of it blowing in to the cab. let me know if i didn't explain that well :p


That's actually a pretty great idea. I can easily do that for now, i'm sure I have all those things around the house. Thanks, man.


Thanks Trick, your buds are looking really big.

No problem Marn, the other thing you should be thinking about is humidity. After watering with a 400w the humidity can build up alot even with a good ventilation system. If you don't mind spending fifteen dollars then i recommend getting a DampRid dehumidifier. I got a little powdery mildew break out at first but i put in my DampRid and started watching my humidity levels and so far no mold in flowering :).


Thanks for the advice. I sure can use it. I plan on doing the intake tomorrow. One of the things my cab is missing is a digital thermometer. I have no way of gauging the humidity at the moment. I need to pick one up asap. Tonight, i'm having my first experience with smart pots. Gonna transplant a confirmed female from a 2 liter bottle into a 2 gallon smart pot. I bet she loves it.


How did your transplant go Marn? After I'm done with this grow I think I'm going to switch to 5 gallon smart pots.