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New Cloning Method. Only takes 3 to 5 day.


And I just wanted to add that a plant beginning to grow does not necessarily mean that the stalk and the root merged.
All it means is that the extra root kept the plant hydrated long enough for the cutting to grow its own roots.

It'd be really nice to see what was going on inside the soil, instead of speculation about it.
I did this with about 7-8 cuts last week, and not a single one has shown any growth in the original root mass. The cuts themselves are growing tho

i only grow mine in water and i use a microscope all the time.. the main grafted root does indeed grow again after the shock.

and grafting is indeed key.. a wrong graft can ruin the whole plant. but if you take ur time you should be fine..

btw this method is great for really hard to root clones.


Seems like an awful lot of trouble to do something so simple as cloning tbh. Try doing this for 165 plants going into a 4x8 ebb and flow tray, you will buy an aerocloner soon after I promise. Some strains clone in 5 days in an aerocloner anyhow, and the longest is 14. Sorry to be the pooper here, but this is not realistic on a larger scale, and that's assuming anyone ever gets a decent rate on a small scale. You are introducing more chances of failure using this method due to handling than what is already available, and that is a fact. Even supposing all of your utensils are sterile, which I doubt after hearing that you use aluminum foil to block light from roots, in a water bottle.....I have serious doubts about the usefulness of any of this, but hell, prove me wrong, Everyone said the same of LEDs years ago. Good luck guys, but don't risk a plant to this you can not afford to throw away. Wish you all the best and strong roots.


New member
Okay I have to give this a try. I did a couple clones and I used a nice, neat single thread with a double knot to close the stem.

My only question, when I put this in a water bottle for the first couple days, do I submerge the area where the stem and root are grafting? Or do I only submerge the root?

By the way, in my experience brown slime is not caused by light. If anything, light probably slows it down a little. If you're having problems, EWC tea adds microbes that will eat the slime. There's a good thread here on ICmag that covers everything brown slime. It appears it's an environmental issue so not everyone has a problem with it, but if you do have problems, there's only a couple options (that actually work) to get rid of it.

Red Swan

Just perused this entire thread, thanks to the growers in the last few pages who described the method in understandable and clear english. Interesting idea.

I finally gave up after trying every cloning product and then found H&G root excellerator. Clones that used to take 4-5 weeks to root if they even rooted are rooting in 10 days. Easy to root clones are rooting in a week or less depending on ambient temps. Expensive purchase but at 1 ml per gallon you are set for a few years.


Feeling good is good enough.
Just perused this entire thread, thanks to the growers in the last few pages who described the method in understandable and clear english. Interesting idea.

I finally gave up after trying every cloning product and then found H&G root excellerator. Clones that used to take 4-5 weeks to root if they even rooted are rooting in 10 days. Easy to root clones are rooting in a week or less depending on ambient temps. Expensive purchase but at 1 ml per gallon you are set for a few years.

Good to know man!



New member
I cloned a specifik pheno of Euforia in 5 days, i use garland heat propagater , with little greenhouses.

They also only took 5 days to root in 1 liter soil(the first transplant) , so 10 days from cut i had em in 4 liter pots. Which is a record for me. 12 days was the previous with widow, again from cut to rooting in 1 liter pot.

Medium; root riot
Hormone: clonex
additive: hydrogen peroixde and superthrive

i take clones from week 2-3 in bloom. this gives me very good result have done so on the last 100 clones i´ve succesfullly rooted. have 100% with this method as of now. last batch was 24 ww those took 7 days, and then 5 more to root in 1 liter pot with soil.

Have cloned around 600 clones before using clones from mother that are still in veg usualy it took my 10-14 days to root em.
So i almost took 10 days clone time off by taking them in bloom. had 95% succes with this

I always go from greenhouse to 1 liter pots with pre-soil once roots show, a weaker kind of soil the npk is 15-20-50, then superthrive and boom they are done, i found that they react better to this than coco and nutes. then once done i transplant to 4 liter coco, usualy takes a week then 13 liter coco.

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