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New Clones Light Green New Growth...


This is happening to some degree on all new clones. I had a similar problem in the last set of clones and I'm not sure if this is the same issue because it looks a little different (I'm hoping it's not that serious...) but here's my setup:


What system are you running? 6 bucket DWC in a *hydrohut* (I know about the issues people are having, this is an old one my buddy grew fine in...)
What STRAIN are you growing? MS, sour diesel, mango
What was the establishing technique? clone
What is the age of your plants? about 2.5 weeks veg
How tall are the plants? 6-10 in.
What PHASE are the plants in? veg
What Technique are you using? Lucas Formula
What substrate/medium are you using? Hydroton and rockwool
What is the Water temperature? 74F
What color are your roots? Can't see them at the bottom of the bucket yet, they were white when I put them in.
Are your roots slimy? No clue
What Nutrient's are you using? GH micro and bloom
How much of each if using multiple? 5/10
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? 740 PPM (water comes out of tap at 190)
What is the pH of the "Tank"? 5.79 right now, I keep it 5.8-6.1 (lower 2x a day)
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equipment? Pretty sure.
When was your last watering? Filled the rez 3 days ago...
How often do you clean your system: It's only been 3 days....
What size bulb are you using? CFLS: 105WX2 and an 80W
What is the distance to the canopy? 4-8 inches
What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)? 38 min 50 max today, I think it got up to 65 max.
What is the canopy temperature? 65 night up to like 77 day
What is the current Air Flow? 6'' vortex 450 CFM running at medium-high + clip fan inside the tent
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? no.
Is your water HARD or SOFT? 190 ppm
What water are you using? Tap
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched? No
Have any pest chemicals been used? No
Are plant's infected with pest's? No

Thoughts? TIA.


Dr. Doolittle
I have seen people not have problems in there huts and then when given away they have issues.... your plants are starting out the same exact way all the others started out, the yellowing of the petiols out...... I would keep them in there another day and remove them just to show how fast they recover from being removed.

Air flow is a must with these huts
I have seen peeps have different fans and such use with no problem, but using a smaller fan and plants got issues...... different amounts of air flow going through them.


thanks stitch I was in denial because I didn't want to spend more money.. I am going to see if an intake and 1 or 2 oscillating fans help (right now ive got 1 non-oscillating fan and the vortex... Even if that doesn't fix the problem it will improve my setup. Also, my hut is in a corner so a passive intake is half-blocked... Should I tape open my passive intakes?

Any recommendations on what type/how much cfm I need?

Thanks again stitch, sorry I didn't listen sooner.


Dr. Doolittle
How big is your vortex? 4 6 in?

I would try keeping as much things open as possible, but if that does not work then remove them to make sure the hut was the problem, the huts can't be ruled out as the problem.

Not sure as the CFM, but it has to be enough where it gets constant fresh air.

Yes tape them open, otherwise they will suck themselves shut and it will act like a damper and shut down the air flow,

What CFM is your vortex?
I would remove it away from the corner and put it where it gets better fresh air.

Lt. Go0B3r

New member
hydrohut is now out of business...that should tell you something. i had a hydrohut for about 7-8 months and had 3 unsucessfull crops that yielded at about 20 percent efficiency. one of my friends had the same model as me and his clones were dead within 1 week of putting them in there. granted, he didn't have sufficient exhaust but I still have never seen anything like that. I got yields on all 3 failed crops but like I said, about 20 percent of what it should have been. i think the reason was that i have 2 6 inch vortex running filtered intake and exhaust so the air was never standing. my advice just ditch the hydrohut and either build your own room or switch brands. im running 2 "darkrooms" model DR150, i switched them over on my 4th crop 2 weeks into veg, and within 3 days they were looking better than ever. i got more growth after switching to the new hut in 5 days than the previous 2 weeks!. Spend the extra $350 and save yourself the trouble.


Well... The larger model secret jardin dark room won't fit in my room, and it might not fit in my new place... so I'm ordering the one that's 3'11'' x 3'11'' x 6'7''....

So it's like 30 cubic feet smaller than my hut, I think it will be big enough to fit my 6 bucket setup in, and I definitely could use the space since it's in my bedroom haha.

Until that gets here I'm going to leave the door on the hut open, and if they get worse I'll take em out and pop em in my closet without the system running for a day or two and hand water because I don't have room for the rez and controller in my closet... hopefully the new tent solves the problem, I'll let ya'll know.

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Lt. Go0B3r

New member
Your making the right decision by replacing the hrdrohut. Ill stand by the secret jardin dark room anyday as a top quality pre-made hut. i use them as well as 2 other friends and we've all seen terrific results within days! the 3'11'' x 3'11'' x 6'7'' hut will be more than enough for 6 plants. good luck witht he grow and keep posting im curious to see how the dark room works out for other people.


Thanks Goober, here is how the worst yellowing looks right now, just after I pulled them out of the hut and threw em in my closet. My darkroom should get here wednesday, I can't wait. I'll update on my plants status.



Dr. Doolittle
Ya phatty, like I said, you got the HH syndrome dude.... sorry to see that :(

Since you removed them, watch them get sooooo much better quickly, day by day the color will return.

hydrohut is now out of business...that should tell you something. i had a hydrohut for about 7-8 months and had 3 unsucessfull crops that yielded at about 20 percent efficiency. one of my friends had the same model as me and his clones were dead within 1 week of putting them in there. granted, he didn't have sufficient exhaust but I still have never seen anything like that. I got yields on all 3 failed crops but like I said, about 20 percent of what it should have been. i think the reason was that i have 2 6 inch vortex running filtered intake and exhaust so the air was never standing. my advice just ditch the hydrohut and either build your own room or switch brands. im running 2 "darkrooms" model DR150, i switched them over on my 4th crop 2 weeks into veg, and within 3 days they were looking better than ever. i got more growth after switching to the new hut in 5 days than the previous 2 weeks!. Spend the extra $350 and save yourself the trouble.

Lt, where did you see they went out of business at?
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I'm also clueless as to how much to hand-water these babies for the time being, here's what they look like, this first one is kinda droopy so that means it needs less water right?


Lt. Go0B3r

New member
The manager at my local hydroponic store told me that the owner of hydrohut was filing for bankruptcy because so many people were wanting their money back for the faulty products. it was getting too expensive for the company to give people all their money back so he decided to just cash out and shut the whole thing down. he sounded pretty confident about that but then again i guess he could be wrong. ive noticed though that a lot of online websites have stopped distributing hydrohut products.


Dr. Doolittle
Yes, the one that is droopy needs a to have a little les water, but they are in hydrofarms?

They should have lots of air and should not be droopy, why are you hand watering them?

Thanks for the heads up Lt. It sucks when shit like that goes down.......


I can't fit my rez and controller buckets in my closet so they're all disconnected without water in the bottom. I could fill each bucket individually but that would be a huge pain, especially to adjust the ph.

I haven't actually watered them since I took them out of my system, I'm just assuming I might have to before wednesday or thursday when my new tent arrives. They are in a closet with the doors like 4'' open and a 6 inch clamp-fan, that should be enough ventilation right? Should I run the airstones even though there's no water in there so the roots get oxygen?


Dr. Doolittle
running air stones without water? Na, it would be pointless, you want to keep moisture in there but you also want it to get a little air, otherwise the moisture will become stagnet.

I would lift the lid just slightly to allow a little air coming in and out.

you would be better off misting the roots with nutrients few times a day to make sure those roots keep moist, otherwise your plants will end up dying very quickly.


mm ok, but how can I mist the roots if I can't see them? They haven't gotten to the bottom of the bucket yet..I could spray the bottom of the bucket/hydroton..


Well for the most part the plants seem to be recovering, there is no new yellow and a very small portion of it seems to be getting it's color back, but growth seems really slow, and the one that was drooping is drooping even worse -- which makes me think it's underwatered? I moved aside some hydroton to feel the rockwool, and it feels dry.

Can someone tell me how much I should water these babies? I don't want to over do it...

I just used 1 cup of water per each plant, even though the one in the picture above is the only one that seems like it REALLY needed it..
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Dr. Doolittle
Are the roots wet or dry feeling? make sure you have clean hands when you do so.

Are they getting enough air, they will look overwatered if they have not enough air in there, you can try putting the air stone in there, but I think it may cause the pump to break without it being in water.


I think they're fine, the droopy one picked up after I gave it water, and the rest are chugging along. I'm not sure about the roots though, what would the best way of checking them out be? I mean, they're not through the bottom of the bucket yet, and I didn't want to dig hydroton out of the way because I was worried about damaging the roots.

I think they've got enough air...

I'm starting to get those teency tiny little black flys again, I never found out what those were/if they were bad. Are they something to worry about?

Thanks!!! I'm happy these ones are working out, or at least are in moderately healthy conditions..!

*EDIT* I checked again, half of them have roots that are just starting to come through the bottom of the bucket...and they look healthy...woo!
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