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New Cannabis Resin (Hashish) Forum Mod


Hi there everyone,

just wanted to inform you that i will be helping to mod this section from now on. so if you have any requirements, thread title changes or anything else, don't hesitate to drop me a pm.

same goes for any threads you guys think should be stickied here. just let me know.

lastly, in the interest of ic mag tou and keeping the peace, please don't hesitate to report posts, or drop me a pm, if you want a moderator to check something out.

this hash Forum must be the biggest on the internet, we have a real treasure trove of hashish related infos here. i look forward to watching the community's archives continue to grow with all your contributions.

many thanks for all your contributions, in the past and in future, they are what make ic mag what it is.

and now back to smoking, vaping, eating and most importantly making hashish!

let those trichomes dance brothers!



Welcome to the task gaiusmarius...

And I agree, IC is the place to go for extensive resin topics at both ends of the scale of knowledge and capabilities (though most oil processes get so deep into the subject that it ends up being more than I am able to comprehend or attempt with the specific & expensive "accessories" to achieve).

But I sure do love viewing the end product resins in all their different processes !!