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New Cab for Micro PICS!

Hey guys! Awhile ago I stumbled upon DrBudgreengene's post(Link in my sig below) about micro growing under CFL's and it inspired me to build a setup like his. I found a simple cheap and effective solution at my local Casa-de-pot. The cabinet is one of those generic 36" x 13" x 24" 2 shelf closet cabinet. It is perfect for fitting 27-36 20oz Coke bottles that Dr.Bud uses in his system.

For lights I used the exact same as Dr. Bud. 5 42w WARM CFL's. I got some simple screw down light sockets, a lamp cord and wired the light in a parallel circut. EASY, now all five lights are powered by one cord!

I'm not finished with the cab yet, I still have to add a sheet of Plexi/arycrllic below the lights for a heat shield, then a small 4" PC fan will cool off the light "chamber". I am also adding a small 90 CFM Dayton to a 4" Carbon Scrubber for odor control( When I build the mother cab, this fan and filter will also clean the mother cab air too!!!) This setup is super easy, simple and well worth the effort! The total cost of everything was around $ 114.00 US(without the carbon filter\fan). I will be building another one to use as my "Mother" room to make this the perfect perpetual micro SOG growing system for the money and space!

Here are some sample bud shots of what I have in the cab now. Just 3 unknown bagseeds about 4 1/2 weeks in flower! Enjoy!! ;)




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Nice one :)

I just got done refitting my cab, I was going to go the perpetual sog route but simply couldn't make enough room - my duct fan is pretty big, its a 5" and just takes up too much space inside. No matter, will do a traditional grow again and then establish a mother box sometime later. I'm running 2x70w HPS and 2x35 2700/6400k CFLs.

Im big on simplicity too, no need in complicating matters :)


Listen my username is from 07 lol
looks good, cant wait for it to be in full production mode. been thinking of either doing a sog perpetual grow like this with some 55w an 85w CFLs i have or just selling my setup to my friend for $500 an seting up a nice 250w or 400w HPS cab, depending on how this turns out i might just stick with CFLs for a sog perpetual harvest.good luck


I have a cab very similar to yours that I am in the process of building.. I have a 2ft2bulb t12 fixture mounted vertically on either side.. For the top, I can't decide if I should do a 75w hps bulb or a bunch of cfl's, or both? Where did you get those bulb fixtures? They look perfect.


Very nice cab MadHacker... The Doc has inspired all of us one way or another... glad to see your in his footseps.. keep it up


Looks sick man, do you have any pics of the overall setup? layouts and such. Are you going to run the scrubber on the outside?
Sorry for the late reply, been busy at work...

Oaklandish...I got my fixtures at Lowes for $1.49 each (5 total)

bud_me... The carbon scrubber and fan will be on the outside, sucking air out of grow chamber into fan, then out the scrubber. When I build my Mom cabinet, I'll use a "y" duct spliter and suck air from both cabs through the one filter! The cab pretty much is my setup right now, the plants shown just came from my PC grow cab with 42w CFL (That's why the plants are so small). Like I said before my cab is'nt finished, I still need to add the heat sheild and PC fan the the light chamber....when I finish that, I'll take some more in-depth photos for everyone. I also plan on doing a step-by-step photo guide to Micro CFL growing...I'll post when I'm ready to begin (about 2-3 weeks) Good luck to all and keep'onGroin :rasta:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
First, thanks for turning off the bold font. Much easier to read your later posts. I look forward to pics of the cab. It may have been root porn that got me to overhaul my freezer but, I find it's cab porn that interests me the most now.


Smoke it if ya got it!!
Nice to see this going on so I can compair my micro perpetual grow with yours. I'll be using 300 watts of hps though with 30 plants harvested every 10 days.


Hey fellas, just a little plant porn update! Now in 5 1/2 or 6 week of flower (only 2nd week under 5 42w CFLs, all other time under 40w CFL) Cab will be finished in another week, so more updates to come. :wave: :rasta:

Small Plant is up first...This plant would have been bigger, but I snipped off the top bud for a sample...wish I would'nt have done that now!

She is frosting up nicely now and smells like oranges. If you close your eyes and smell this beauty, you'd swear you were sniffing an orange!


Now for the Tall one. She smells just like hot coco, or chocolate!! I could'nt believe my nose! I definately can't wait to smoke this girl!!!!



I have found 2 EXCELLENT phenos to work with for micro SOG under CFL's! Not bad for some bagseed. I started with 6 plants ended up with 4 females, and now I'm down to the 2 best. I definately plan on keeping these strains going, so a RE-VEG is in the future...I'll post a diary on that also, and about the life of these two wonderful plants...Keep on gro'in! :joint:
What's up man, how have you been? Have you seen my attempts at going perpetual? I made a clone cab and took 4 cuts of my cheese that you helped grow too ! I also started 2 g13/wwxNL's and they have just germinated, along with a trainwreck that is just showing its head above ground. I was wondering, did you do those little buggers 12/12 from seed? or just flower them early in veg. Seems like they were from your old setup and transfered into the new :joint: . I also flipped to 12/12 today at week 10. Those little bagseeds sound quite interesting with their smells too. Next time you'll get much better yeild when you do dr.genes method. good luck man :wave:
Whats up Dr.Herb ? I have'nt been on the boards as much as I would like due to work. I haven't seen you plants in awhile either. Sounds like you got things going good for ya! :headbange

Yeah those plants were started 12/12 from seed! They were under 40w CFL for 2 months and they are going on 4 weeks under the 42w's. I can DEFINATELY see a difference in bud growth, they are swelling to be massive! I went out to home depot yesterday and bought Miracle Grow Organic Choice Soil, Scott's Premium Topsoil, and 1 Bag of perlite. I mixed them all together (MG 2.0 cf/ ScottsTS 1.0 cf and 1/4 of perlite) this will be my soil mix. I also bought Schultz 10-15-10, Superthrive, and Alaska Fish Emulsion 5-1-1 so I now have all of the nutes Dr.Budgreengenes uses. I just Germ'ed 8 new NL/WW seeds which will be planted tommorow. After these 2 plants finish budding (about 1.5-2 weeks) I'll throw them back under 24/0 to REveg them and take some cuts, In the meantime the NL/WW will be in the bud cab. I wanted to take some update pics, but my camera is dead, so they will have to wait till tommorow. I'm about to head over to your post now to see what you've been up to! Good luck BUD! :rasta:


New member
Plants are looking sexy. Any chance I could check out some pictures of your setup and carbon scrubber? Or is that not built yet?


Hey guys, sorry for the late update, but as promised here it is!

The Smaller of the 2 remaining plants was finished, so I harvested her 4 days ago and got roughly 11 grams dry off her which was quite shocking! I was only expecting 2-3 at the most. The smoke is AMAZING, taste like oranges and lifts you into outer space! She is definately a keeper! When I harvested her I left the 2 lowest buds on, so I could throw her into reVEG when the final plant is finally finished. As for the bigger, final plant, she is really packing on weight. I attribute this to Superthrive. As soon as I started adding it to waterings, I noticed a difference in size and health right away. From now on Superthrive will be apart of my Nutrient line indefinately. That's some good stuff and the plants love it. Below is a before and after (1 Week) with Superthrive. You be the judge if the stuff works!!!

BEFORE Superthrive

AFTER USING Superthrive for 1 week

Here is whats left after harvesting the small one. She's waiting to reVEG.

Here are some pics of DRIED/Curing bud from her..whats left anyway!!LOL


Some more pics of the remaining plant.



Here are the Nutrients I use. The same DrbudGreengene uses.

I have my bottles ready (40 of em) just waiting for some clones. My Soil mix is 2/4 Miracle Grow Organic Choice, 1/4 Scotts Premium Topsoil and 1/4 Perlite.

Here are some NLxWW beans planted Yesterday in the PC Case Vegetative Cab.

And finally, the 2 20w CFL's lighting up the PC Case Cab.

Everything is going good, and I plan on keeping this thread updated about the NLxWW beans which have just sprouted. Good luck to all, and keep on gro'in! :rasta:

joesalamon....I don't have the Carbon Filter yet. I don't plan on building it, I'm just gonna purchase the 4" one made for the Hydrohut which is around $48. For the exhaust fan, I'll be purchasing a 180 cfm Dayton blower.


tagged...i'm interested..i got a wooden box here with about the same size i've been wanting to convert over.....you sound like you hit my idea dead on..and with CFL"s yet...een better....i wanna stick with cfl's for nwo because i dont have money to upgrade..and i could get ALOT of them in my box....thinking 2-300watts...but i'm really interested in how this next go aroudn does with the pop bottles....

I'll be watching...
Yeah it should go extremely well, but its probably gonna be 2-3 months (due to reveg for clones) until I get it up an running full speed. In the meantime, I'm gonna play around with the NLxWW beans to find a good mom, and I'm really thinking about running some Lowryder #2's through the cab to see how they do. Whatever I do, I'll be sure to document it here.

CFL's can grow some dank bud! 200 to 300 watts is perfect for a box that size. I have a total of 210 watts with 5 42w CFL's. Heat will be an issue (not like an HID though), so a good vent fan, or an arcylic/glass light shield will be needed to get optimum temps. With a heat shield in place and a good PC fan extracting air level with the lights with intake holes on the opposite side should be sufficient. The CFL's don't emit much radiant heat.
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