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New Build CrawlSpace does anyone have experience

the house sits on piers and that is the reason i am not doing a bigger room so that i dont have to move any of the existing peirs even though i am sure that there are more piers than needed but yeah i no dummy i gonna make sure that the house doesnt fall even i have to reinforce and put some more piers in. but thanks for the concerns and replies humble im glad to see that people are interested and helping out with ideas


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
oh I did my own digging project when i was younger and had the back for it. it's not for the faint of heart.


LOL humble1 you're talking like an old man!! Aren't you still a youngin'?


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
LOL. I've been rockin velcro shoes and sweatpants since I could walk.
Plus, you try digging out a pit like that and see how it ages you!
youngER still implies that I'm young, no?


Active member
HBxNLmaster - Treated or cedar - no big deal if you already have the treated. Cedar is just better for keeping away insects.

Drywall isn't going to mildew any worse than anything else in a high moisture setting. Greenboard, mildew resistant drywall, even less so. Ultimately, drywall will be easier to clean. But, it's your room, so....

I used that silver bubblewrap-type stuff inside a cab one time. Man, that stuff reflects every bit of heat back into the room. If you need the heat, use it. If heat is going to be a problem, you might reconsider. A lot of people here swear by panda film.



I'm not sure about the purple board but I was informed that the green board in a very moisture / water setting is actually a double-edged sword.

How about something like cement board or other?


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
sheet styrofoam won't mildew, just don't bleach it to sterilize. oh, and you'll need big washers to hang it otherwise the screws will rip right through it.
+1 for panda instead of silver.


What will bleach do to styrofoam? :chin: Will it dissolve or otherwise "melt"?

+1 on Visqueen vs. Reflectix as well, but I'd recommend Kilz/Kilz2 over Visqueen though. I'm phasing out Visqueen and replacing with white-pigmented mildew-resistant sealer / primer.
well i the panda film is cheaper but i was just thinking that the extra insulation would be nice and it is suppost to block like 95 % of infrared rays so i was thinking this would help with peace of mind of cops or whoever not being able to see it with FLIR or whatever that heat sensing stuff they use is, plus i have used it in quite a few rooms i set up for friends and my last room and really liked it. It does a great job reflecting all the light and the dimples make so it doesnt have hot spots. I dont know i really like the stuff even tho its expensive. Plus like i said i think i will need the extra insulation come winter it should help the space heater not run as much as it really does help keep heat in. also before when i used the sheet insulation i used button caps like they use on button cap nails i just pulled them off and ran screws through the button caps and into the insulation you have to make sure you dont run the drill to fast and pull to far in but they work great to hold it up and makes it very sturdy, for those looking for a fast easy way to put up walls i really recomend this sheet insulation(make sure you get it with silver lining on the inside tho as light shines thru the blue only sheets) this stuff is easy to cut you can even use a utility knife and it is pretty sturdy stuff if you get the thicker boards and its the same size as a sheet of plywood 4'x8'. it is also cheaper than plywood i do believe its been a while since i bought any but its def cheaper than plywood, osb might be cheaper but i dont like osb as its not very weather resistant. The only thing is this is going to be a slow process as i dont have much money to spend on materials, really the only thing i need to buy is the insulation, plastic, weeping tile and the sump pump. I should be able to get most of this stuff but what sucks is i dont have any genetics at all so im going to have to do all of this and then try to come up with some more money to order genetics i was gonna order them now so i would have them when i needed them but i just don't have the money to do both and building the room right the first time is more important right now. Ill just have to get the room ready then look for genetics, i have a buddy who claims he can get me clones but then when i tell him to get them he always says he will and doesn't. So i guess i will be making an order at the botique soon i think my first order will be hashberry, satori, and i hope northern lights but the botique is out of nirvana NL and that is all i can afford so i might just go with ak48 or something else. anyone have any recomendations on other cheap strains that get the job done, i want something high yeilding but stabilized so i can cross it with both hashberry and satori thats why i wanted NL cause i have done the HBxNL cross in the past and it was my fav strain so far.

Humble what kinda digging project did you do and how did it turn out.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
I had the same idea as you, space wise, but the landlord gave me the boot before I could hang the lights. Then it was a mad dash to backfill all the dirt I took out.
aww that must have sucked all that digging for nothing, i haven't abandoned this idea but for now im using my spare bathroom to breed some seeds and get a crop going while i work and hopefully make a few bucks to buy the pump and such


You might have to dig another hole deeper, and stick a sump pump in it or you could find the plants under 2 feet of water after a heavy rain. I know because I dug a 2 foot hole and put a sump pump in it. I always hear it kick in when it rains. It depends on where you live though.
i will be alright i as i already have a drainage ditch behind the house and with the one arrond the room and the pump i should be just fine i am well above the water table
i will be starting sometime next week i am just finishing up the replacement under pinning

thanks for the luck and many pics will follow