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New Budget increasing drug war funding





"Funding for the Defense Department's counternarcotics efforts in Afghanistan is set at $501.5 billion, up about one-third over this year" - holy fuck ..

(well yeah obviously...but SHEESH!)

You Do Know Why Their In Afghanistan Don't You.???
And I can gaurantee you, "Its Not Because Of Some Bull Shit Make Believe Terrorist Crap ~~~or OIL". IT's The DRUGS.:biggrin:


Active member
This is the first time I have seen obama flat out lie. Either that or the DEA is 100% out of control and needs a leash. He clearly said funding would be cut to the areas where they actually increased. what the fuck is going on. it's just about time to bounce up out of this country.
Why don't you educate yourself and the people around you instead.

When the people are educated... they make the right decisions. Follow the links in my sig.

Stay Safe! :tree:


One day you will have to answer to the children of


change, change we can't really believe in because it isn't happening. the African Jesus is really just an old white man in sheep's clothing. I was willing to give the guy a chance, but he has proven that no matter what "slogan" we can believe in, the truth is the only thing we can believe in is that all politicians are the same regardless of sex, race or party.


In other words, that wickid indica your buddy had the other night? Yeah the CIA copped that from Afghanistan and is selling it back to you, with your ass.

Edit: True story though, the CIA are the largest cocaine cowboys in the world.


Active member
Like I have said before until anybody can win the presidency then our elections are a joke. The only people that can get enough Electoral votes to win is a republican or democrat. A person running in another party cannot win the presidency of the USA!They do the same crap every four years they get a few jerks from this party a few morons from the other party everyone hand picked so that nothing will ever change. It doesn't matter who wins they still get their man or maybe woman some day. But either way nothing will ever change with the system that is in place


clinton obama bush,all on the same page dont anyone get it !!!! check out alex jones,as he is sometime poasted up on this site.This is just the start of the end for life as it WAS!!!!!!The plan is to have us in the corbra clutch,anyway possibale colapse the old system and have us totaly at the mercy of the goverment,in the police state that we now live in. O;h Ya I forgot if finding a job is hard in the private sector is hard dont worry the gov is hiring at all levels,so rush in and help inslave your own people,wile making a good living:gday::thank you::jump:


change, change we can't really believe in

you would have to be a total fucking douche bag to believe in that bull shit in the first place.

I'll keep my guns, money, and freedom. You can keep the "change."
for instance this picture...


that picture is full of false hope. we all know barrack would never legalize it, why even support that horse shit?