I ended up with 2 Cord Verde males which I saved. One is tri-folar with 3 branches at each node. The other is very vigorous and bushy. I am going to save pollen for whatever. Anyway I had 4 pots sitting around filled with soil-less so I stirred in a couple spoons of EWC and planted 4 Northern Lights (untested) generously gifted by aridbud. The seeds are very vigorous as they are starting to show through the dirt after 3 days.
I will update this with pictures in about a week when the plants grow more. hopefully I have things spaced out enough so I don't get unwanted seeds as I don't have a separate pollinating room.
I will update this with pictures in about a week when the plants grow more. hopefully I have things spaced out enough so I don't get unwanted seeds as I don't have a separate pollinating room.