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New 12'x24' Grow room

Satans pal

Alright, its been a long day. 11:30 here and ready for bed. Just wanted to give a quick update before I go there. :)

LTG.... I just ran the water out there a couple of weeks ago and am not sure about the freezing yet. The lines have only been in for about 2 weeks and I just picked up my sink today, so is not hooked up to the faucet yet. The plumber said because it was a plastic hose, it could freeze without splitting the hose. We shall see.

DHF.... Yes the ones with the auto start. But what is puzzling is the a/c units do not seem to shut off at desired temp. I have the heater in the room set at 70 and the a/c units at 85 just so I can make sure they are coming on when supposed to. So the t-stat for the heater read 71 and the a/c was going for an hour still. Now I could see a default unit if one were doing it, but 2? Anyway we shall see when everything is hooked up.

Hey Bob, I cant believe your not telling me I need to get solar or wind power set up. :jump: Just kidding, I get my dehuey on fri and if conditions are needing it, I will get another right away. As far as quick...it seems like its taking forever. :frown:

I got all the fans up, still need to secure and seal the a/c units, get the rest of the hoods and ballasts up, finish the sink and bring the ladies over. By the way, the ladies are 4-5 ft tall.

Not sure what to do about that except bend and train them down from the get go of 12-12. There are 15 of them, and any advice on that will be greatly appreciated.

Anyway.... Bedtime, here are some pics before I finish up tomorrow

Was going to leave you guys with a pic of some purple urkle that I just got, but I cant figue out the macro setting on the cam. Frosty and purple it is. :smoker:

Later, SP


shut the fuck up Donny
yikes 4-5 feet... you need to flip those soon, you are going to run out of vertical space very fast. You will def. need to get a net going to hold it down sea of green style. Weave branches so they spread out throughout the net, should be all good.

Satans pal

Alright boys and girls....... Here is the current finished product. I know some of you will ask what happened to the vert grow, well when I started this mission I was going to go with vented hoods and exhaust fans, then I decided to go sealed room after some very knowledgeable people on this site persuaded me otherwise. Well I already had the equipment, and I just couldn't tear these hoods apart so I will use them like this until I can just get some sockets and cords.

I will be bringing the girls over tonight and will post pics of them later. After that I will move the thread over to the soil grow area. If anyone has any questions or comments after that, I will be happy to still respond.

I want to tell everyone that gave advice or commented on this thread, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't have this beautiful grow space. :tiphat:

Here you go..............

Thanks again, SP


If you do have verticle hieght problems , you can use bushmasters from humboldt nutrients . It will stop all verticle growth . It is a strong hormone and should be used at half strength and only in emergencys imo


shut the fuck up Donny
If you do have verticle hieght problems , you can use bushmasters from humboldt nutrients . It will stop all verticle growth . It is a strong hormone and should be used at half strength and only in emergencys imo

Be very careful if you use bushmaster, that can be a recipe for disaster if you haven't used it before.

Half strength is still too much. I'd use 1ml/gal for 2 days max.


6K to 4K is too little flower

6K to 4K is too little flower

Seems like 6k flowering with 4k veg is a little off. I would suggest a bit more flowering light and a little less veg light. I go 1.2k flowering 400w veg myself.

I totally agree. the ratio should be 4 to 1.

so 8KW flower and 2KW veg would be perfect. plants are smaller in veg

works for me.


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Still waiting for pics of that room stuffed full of plants

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