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New 1.2mX1.2mX2m tent now for the lighting...

I've got an Everest Garden supply/Homebox on it's way due to arrive tomorrow and have to look at lighting the thing up now. The 357 LED I just purchased is going to sit in the middle and I have a choice of 2 Pro-Gro 50W Plasma Lamps either side of the LED or a couple of 250W MH's on each side of it. I was originally looking into a pair of 150W MH's but the bulbs at those wattages aren't any good. At 250W I can grab Hortilux MH's or EYE MH-PS bulbs and I know they will get the job done. In U.S measurements this tent is a 4ftx4ftx6"7ft which is a lot of growing space for an apartment dweller like me. I have a small tent already 90cmX50cmX160cm which is very small and thin but will be great for veg. If I can Illuminate this tent using under 600W of Lighting I'll be happy as the only other thing drawing power would be the centrifugal fan attached to the OdorSok I got which pulls 60W but I think if I fit a fan speed controller to it it could pull less. I'd really love to grab a pair of 50W plasma lamps but I haven't had anyone tell me they use them and I have read they are prone to blowing up and even though the guy at the shop is really nice and replaces them it's going to suck if I'm 9weeks into grow and then all my bud gets glass through it from a blown lamp. The 357 only uses around 200W at any one time and I'm going to set it to veg when vegging and flower when flowering as we all know the Halides or the Plasmas are going to be pulling the weight so to speak. My question is do you think this will be enough light? either of the ideas I have. I'm most likely going to go with the Halides and I figure 500W of Halide plus 100+ of LED will be enough. Do you? The Plasmas would be experimental and would be joined by a couple of 130W fluoros if they prove not strong enough to effectively cover the area although they are supposedly quite good... lack of numerous reports though has me thinking its better to go with what you know. I'll be running everything from 2 or 4 big plants to a 1mx1m ebb/flow tray with 50 plants on it SOG style. I like to build DWC's and would love to grow 1 monster indoor plant in it. If I can seel my LED for within $50 of the purchase price I will and then it'll be a twin 600 or 1K with 14000K fluoro on the side but I doubt that is going to happen although I will try selling it. If not, what would you reccomend based on experience? and if it's something completely different to what I've prposed I'd love to hear your thoughts
Well, I'm forced to bump... I said I'd do it but nobody listened... well here's your bump...
Also, the exact lamps I want to use are 250W Eye-Hortilux "blue" MetalHalides, one on either side of the LED. So for a 1.2x1.2m area that equals 680W which is around 560W/sq|m. Sounds like enough but what do you folks think. Actually the W/sq|m will be a little less as the LED will be set to bloom/red mode which eats around 140W. I figure with all the blue I'll be getting out of the Horti's I need not bother have the LED on full spectrum. Any thoughts people??? come on, don't be shy...

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