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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
lil update

had to cut 2 of my 2x4 tables top lips entirely off so they would fit into my frame. worked out. about an 2-3 inches more shallow now. less rigid too, but the walls support it so no worries.

got the other tables up on their stands and sloped and ready for plumbing.

pondliner table is workin out. big girls are recovering from that lack of food and light. I nearly lost em fellas but they hung in there.



ive been feeding them like I should be for about 3 days now. already an improvement in health and color. by the 1st they will be ready. drippers very very soon.

all the other plants are in one gals and going on the tables tomorrow. then nets then plumbing.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
here is the damage I was dealing with everywhere. it was worse in most cases but total discoloration and deformity. necrosis and wilting away



The Dude
Whaaaaaassssss happppppaaaannneeeeeeng. Things are tough all over Sir.

Came in to see DD's an got a toothless strawberry instead. What went south?


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me

don't hate on strawberry. she can suck a mean lollipop

what went south was during my build and tear down I moved my lovely looking booming plants from Jamming T5 light right on top of them(ready to flip) and booming babies in solo cups straight to my dark garage with 2 insufficient cfls very far away. to compound the problem I wasn't feeding them at all. I only phed half the time and I let them get totally dry once n that's a no no when they are always wet. all that over about ten days-2weeks I forgot by now.
the ones that were ready to flip, all the lowers died real fast they weren't happy in the t5s anymore at that point. by day 3 the tips were yellowing up real bad, and a week they were starting to die off slowly. I had a delay w/ the build. I moved some cfls closer to help but was mostly to late.
construction/cleaning finished. I chopped em up down low and dunked the entire plants tops in eagle20 and sprayed the branches and containers and put em under hps except the raz went to the t5 I had set up. raz bounced back wonderfully, growth wise but I was barely feeding everything to ease them back to life. everything got a transplant a few days ago and got moved to the table. that's when I started to feed them with all the ingredients in low levels.
today they got a full strength meal for the first time. and the co2 has been on for 2 full days. the tops and nodes are booming. the old fan leaves.... fuck em. lol they got me through the long haul.
the construction went 10 days longer than scheduled waiting on the ac guy or sold out supplies to arrive.

the lil guys are going on the tables tonight. I still have to reclean the glass and shit like that looks streaky and build my nets.

ill show the booming tops. they are growing so fast they are all droopy looking co2 growth, missed it.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me


twice as tall as id planned but will make it through

the lil ones doing the same thing. boomin. food and co2!!!!

they get 6 more days to straighten out completely and I can take cuts.
wish me luck


The Dude
I would kill the co2, its not gonna help unless they are firing on all cylinders imho. It can make a recovery tougher an longer. To each his own though, just a suggestion.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Looks like it's helping tbh

Also u realize the room is sealed and plants need co2. There is no air exchange takin place

silver hawaiian

Active member

Lovin' the room! Super jealous over here. :)

I went through a similar (though smaller scale) thing a few months back with the plant-shuffling-lousy-light-lousy-attention thing. It's a real setback - but glad to see things are on the mend for you. :D

For the CO2, are you running tanks or a burner?

I'm always lurkin' - really really diggin' it.


The Dude
Jup, gotta have some if ya sealed. What ppm are ya at?

I used to get the droopy look when my regulator would go bad an dump a tank when it got stuck. They need o2 as much as co2 an an imbalance will suffocate them like im seeing. Just sayin from my own experience.

Plants do opposite at night an if there isnt sufficient o2 then they droop from Co2 overkill in sealed.
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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
to high
13-1500 ppm but I only have it on from when I go to bed to when I wake up. when I flip it will be on all the time

well the downfall of all this explosive growth has been they are hungry. I woke up today to calcium spotting on many of the leaves in the room. I have just givin them their first real dose of Ca in a very long time yesterday. I knew it was time but damn lol spots over night.

well good thing im feeding them now and no matter how they look on the first they are getting flipped.
haha they will straighten themselves out by flip time or by 1st week anyway! Like the new setup . cant wait for delish cheesesteak haha peace


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
It's all straightening out
All new leaf growth and branching is perfect health. Anything that was alive during abuse is dieting off leaf by leaf. 1 busy night of defoliation n I'm good. Most of the ugly stuf from that pic is gone.
Few more days til I take cuts n flip. Looking like right on schedule. Shame to lose the leaves but thankful they were there to take the abuse and keep the ladies goin til new growth. The new stuff is just blowing up. Very happy compared to last week


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Jup, gotta have some if ya sealed. What ppm are ya at?

I used to get the droopy look when my regulator would go bad an dump a tank when it got stuck. They need o2 as much as co2 an an imbalance will suffocate them like im seeing. Just sayin from my own experience.

Plants do opposite at night an if there isnt sufficient o2 then they droop from Co2 overkill in sealed.

that's not what was happening. they were just put into a hyper drive from near death light wise. after the shock was done they started to blow out branches from nodes n all the leaves had the drropy look for 2 days then went away. seen it several times not using co2

here they are today only 2-3 days after the last droopy leaf pics.
notice the branching on the profile shot with my hand at the bottom. all of that didn't exist last week. was just lil nubs of nodes starting. pushing them out at a rapid pace droops the leaves. why. not sure but it happens.

recap. few days ago




the damaged fans with new branching pushing up to the top. all the spotted shit will get removed by the end of week 1 then nets.

all the stems are now soft again. they were stiff lil F ers for a week or so but the new pots letting em stretch their legs and soften up.

they are as of today getting the week 1 schedule to get them fed/primed for their transition. any remaining deficiencies will clear up and be a thing of the past very soon.
now to just pluck pluck pluck and get those damn nets up. was supposed to be done already but then overnight spots appeared and I figured its a hell of a lot easier to pluck leaves without a net.

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