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Nevada Highway Patrol Uses Drug Machine to Test Suspected Users


i lived in vegas for almost 6 years, they are more soft on mj laws than they were in the early 90's, (i know from exp.) but i would think its a little soon to assume these tests are in any way accurate, if they worked that good i would think probation and parole dpts. would be going nutz for them, but if its true, and they work like they should, it might be a step in the right direction as far as getting mj to be legalized, i know that was one of the problems law enforcement were facing, was that a person could be driving under the influence and not have smoked since yesterday, or 30 days ago, interesting story, thanks bicyclebenny:)


I would imagine from a lawyers stand point that this is good for the defendant. Where these machines tested, calibrated, or even approved by any one? What standards where applied to these test and as kyndone said how do they tell when the person smoked? Just seem like a lot of if involved in these machines.


Active member
It will be just like Breathalyzers when you get to court.
A good private attorney will argue about the validity of the test, and you will walk on the charge.


Long haired country boy
nanogram= billionth of a gram..The cut off level for cannabinoids in most court systems is 50 nanograms per ml, and usually about 250 nanogarms per ml, because the accuracy of the tests goes down considerably at those levels.. This test some how tests for cannabiniods in the body at 5 nanograms per ml...As a regular everday smoker , there is absolutely no way in hell, you could pass those tests.. It took me 4 months of not smoking at all to get below the cut off point of 50 nanograms per ml.. I guess watch out if you live in lake tahoe, no gamblin in stateline unless you haven't puffed for 3-4 months, or you have a driver cart you around...

America Fuck Yeah!



Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Well I would suspect they will do like in Europe, meaning the test is to check if you're positive, but it cannot be use as a proof as it is not very reliable.

But then when you get caught, they just send you to the closest hospital for a pee/blood test, and you're screwed.

In France, objective is 100,000 salivas tests in 2011.
False positive are rare, but false negative are not common either, even if you smoked 24hours before driving.




Nevada is so broke they are grasping at any straws they can get hold of. Tahoe is great, just stay on the Cali., side. I avoid crossing the Nevada state line as much as I can.
Im not a fan of these things unless they can somehow tell if you have smoked in the past couple hours. otherwise i cant imagine how these things could hold up in court. I think it would be safe to say that ruffly 80% or more of people driving, break the law daily... weather its speeding, or not signaling, or comming to a complete stop (including and especially the police officers) weather these people knowingly, or unknowingly break the law is irevelant. If they can tell me i was breakin the law because I got high 3 days ago, and was driving today, thats just not right.
Well I would suspect they will do like in Europe, meaning the test is to check if you're positive, but it cannot be use as a proof as it is not very reliable.

But then when you get caught, they just send you to the closest hospital for a pee/blood test, and you're screwed.

In France, objective is 100,000 salivas tests in 2011.
False positive are rare, but false negative are not common either, even if you smoked 24hours before driving.


It doesn't sound like that, from the little I've read. I hope the news doesn't fully report it, as I feel blood testing should be required.


It will be just like Breathalyzers when you get to court.
A good private attorney will argue about the validity of the test, and you will walk on the charge.

Yes, but at what cost? Some attorneys charge thousands of dollars for that kind of thing and not everyone has it. So plea bargain guilt until they work out the bugs?

I am sure this is a major step in legalization too. Once they can detect an impaired driver there will be less fear from the public on allowing this on the streets (legally) and you can use that to win the argument for legalization.


Active member
The med states are leading the way to use this ridiculous 5 nanogram number. I'm sure most of the folks who made comments at the AzDHS website to set Az's to 5 like Co don't even know what it means. But they know that it's low enough to have us all dragged off to jail. And if we get to smoke mj legally these megahaters want another way to lock us up and cause our lives to be fucked up.
All cops will have them within weeks.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Posted: 11:20 am PST December 14, 2010
Updated: 4:53 pm PST December 14, 2010

Just released, The Nevada Highway Patrol currently has ten Dräger 5000 Drug Test machines in service throughout the Northern Command region.

Hummm looks to me tis been in use for few months now above copied from the foxreno site

funky fingers i disagree last drug test i took back in late 99 cut off limit at APL labs here in vegas {cut off 25ng bench test } anything below this number you wouldnt here from the lab anything above and the sample gose to another test. i quite for whole month in jan 2000, and i still tested 150 ng positive for MJ i failed 5 tests before i talked to a lab tech about my level lmao. wonder what it was a month before i stoped, heck i would blow the meter off the scale now :)

this shit isnt good because if NHP gets ahold of the NV MMJ patient list they could have a FN field day. thats ifn they dont allready have it


Guaranteed that the Feds are behind this 5 ng level.

Guaranteed that the Feds are behind this 5 ng level.

The med states are leading the way to use this ridiculous 5 nanogram number. I'm sure most of the folks who made comments at the AzDHS website to set Az's to 5 like Co don't even know what it means. But they know that it's low enough to have us all dragged off to jail. And if we get to smoke mj legally these megahaters want another way to lock us up and cause our lives to be fucked up.
All cops will have them within weeks.

Thanks, President BH Obama. You promised "change & hope". Your AG promised "State MMJ laws, not Fed". Your Drug Czar promised "no war on people". This isn't "liars' poker" -- this is supposed to be a constitutional republic. Looks like over-utilization of asset forfeiture laws, feeding the crony corporate special interests, and further justification for the tyranny of a police state. Fascism rears it's ugly head in America.

This country doesn't need an Egyptian-style rebellion -- there's already 800,000+ people per year arrested for "illicit contact" with cannabis. This country needs a new French Revolution ...


Not just "don't bring weed to Reno",

Not just "don't bring weed to Reno",

yeah dont bring weed to reno, bad idea.

Not just "don't bring weed to Reno", don't go to Reno if you have smoked weed in the past 3 - 4 months. If you are a regular smoker, it could take that long ... 5 nanograms isn't much at all.

In fact, f**k Reno -- let's all just boycott these MFers. There are other, better ways to spend your money than supporting fascists.


Cannabis 101
Fuck man if they start doing this all over Im out of this place! this isn't a free Country! wtf the biggest lies are in front of everyone.


Long haired country boy
Posted: 11:20 am PST December 14, 2010
Updated: 4:53 pm PST December 14, 2010

funky fingers i disagree last drug test i took back in late 99 cut off limit at APL labs here in vegas {cut off 25ng bench test } anything below this number you wouldnt here from the lab anything above and the sample gose to another test. i quite for whole month in jan 2000, and i still tested 150 ng positive for MJ i failed 5 tests before i talked to a lab tech about my level lmao. wonder what it was a month before i stoped, heck i would blow the meter off the scale now :)

I'm sure this # varies state to state, this was just in my experience.. I actually tested off the charts for 2 months while not smoking, then proceeded to watch my level fluctuate on the regular without smoking ( it actually took me 4 months to test clean without smoking at all)... This is just what I was told via the lab as I almost landed myself in a lil troub over my thc levels..and I was explained that the GC GS tests accuracy suffers below .50 nanograms per ml and above 250 nanaograms per ml.. All Kind of a moot point.

Even the GCGS tests have a margin of error, and I don't see this test being any different unless it is testing for thc that was smoked within the last 8 hrs..In which case fucked anyway..:)

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