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Nevada County cites ‘threat' in medicinal pot shops


Active member
Yeah, I read that too. I just don't see how the sale of MJ (specifically dispensaries) is related to Coria.

The appeals court said it and thats all that matters. The cops let the courts sort thing out approach has backfired on them and they don't realize it yet. I can't wait until Davidovich or Lambert sue the fuck out of San Diego.

Blue Dot

What I'm saying is, Bill Horn and some other cites are using the justification to place a moratorium on dispensaries because they are basically a "public welfare offense" so how can I use the Urziceanu decision (interpretation) to force Bill Horn and those like him that dispensaries are indeed NOT a public welfare offense?

Seems like Urziceanu should hold some weight and once the cites are shown this then legally they couldn't place a moratorium on dispensaries on the basis that they are a "public welfare offense".


Just saw they are freaking out up there..

Around the wealthier areas is okay>?

We shall see.. The Answer is to legalize..

California Cannabis Initiative dot org friends! Tell two friends and get active.


Active member
Blue Dot the best way to go about it would be to have someone file an injunction against Sacramento first. Why Sacramento you ask? Simple because their moratorium is the easiest to prove is illegal. Secondly because if the superior court acts like asses the #rd district court of appeals is next in line. And they would be pissed to see lower courts ignoring them and their published decisions.

Then it would be easier for other to follow suit in other jurisdictions.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Penn Valley-area Supervisor Hank Weston said Sunday. “It's a quality of life issue. We need to ask ourselves, is it something that is needed in Nevada County?”
I'm compasionate for these people having thier quality of life threatened by ones such as I, the pain and chronic illness sufferers there must pose a great danger to the other people in the county...but if all they need to do is determine if "it is needed" then why not ask the patients who live there? LOL...DD


Active member
Penn Valley-area Supervisor Hank Weston said Sunday. “It's a quality of life issue. We need to ask ourselves, is it something that is needed in Nevada County?”
I'm compasionate for these people having thier quality of life threatened by ones such as I, the pain and chronic illness sufferers there must pose a great danger to the other people in the county...but if all they need to do is determine if "it is needed" then why not ask the patients who live there? LOL...DD

Or maybe they could check with the initiative that was passed by the PEOPLE of the State of California.

http://vote96.sos.ca.gov/BP/215text.htm said:
SECTION 1. Section 11362.5 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read:
11362.5. (a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996.
(b)(1) The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 are as follows:
(A) To ensure that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes where that medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person's health would benefit from the use of marijuana in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief.
(B) To ensure that patients and their primary caregivers who obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes upon the recommendation of a physician are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction.

happened yesterday. very unfortunate.


Medi-pot decision put off to 2010

After months of debate and deferrals, Nevada City Council members agreed to postpone any decision on opening pot shops in town for another year.

After debating the issue, the council voted 4-1 to extend the moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries until Aug. 11, 2010, allowing them more time to research the subject.

Only Councilwoman Barbara Coffman opposed the extension.

“We have so overdone this,” said Coffman, who was visibly upset with the council's direction.

Arguing too much regulation already has been written into the draft ordinance, Coffman said, “I'm not interested in anything beyond six months.”

Councilman Robert Bergman, who has spearheaded the council's research on the issue, boiled down the matter to whether a dispensary is a for-profit venture.

“We need to continue to explore a dispensary as proposed to its intent, facilitating medical needs for those who need it,” Bergman said.

This second extension, which is the limit allowed the council, comes on the heels of a 90-day moratorium that just ended.

Harry Bennett, a Nevada City resident and one of three people who has proposed opening a dispensary in town, came to the council with a petition of support.

Councilman David McKay was out of the area, but present for the vote by telephone.

Grass Valley and Nevada County have enacted similar moratoriums.

Hurst Ranch: Back to the drawing board

The council rejected developer Stan Hoer's proposal to annex 91 acres for his proposed Hurst Ranch housing project, with several council members advising him to “save his money.”

“I think we should just make a decision and tell the developer to wait,” said Councilwoman Sally Harris.

Members of the public and council members alike were not pleased with the increase in traffic the project's 75 households would create on Gracie Road, and said plans to use Silva Road as secondary access were not sufficiently defined.

People also questioned Hoer's proposal to connect residences to the city sewage system.

“The council doesn't want you to spend time and money when it's not a good plan right now,” Mayor Reinette Senum said. “The timing is not well.”

They asked Hoer to speak to neighboring property owners first and come back when he had refined his plan.

To contact Staff Writer and Online Community Manager Zuri Berry, e-mail [email protected] or call (530) 477-4244.
update on this situation..


Nevada City Council Votes to Draft an Ordinance to Ban Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

NEVADA CITY Calif. September 9, 2009 - The Nevada City city council just passed a motion to direct staff to draft a motion to ban medical marijuana dispensaries withing city limits.

The motion by Councilman David McKay, seconded by Councilwoman Sally Harris, pas by a 3-2 vote. Mayor Reinette Senum and Councilwoman Coffman voted No.

The vote came after almost two hours of debate and testimonies from the public. Staff now will have to craft an ordinance that withstands legal scrutiny and get at least three votes.


It is too bad they voted as such:mad:......these foothill areas up here in Nevada & Yuba counties really could use some good outlets for patients.I honestly hate driving down into Sac. to get anything(I do though, & go to Colfax as well), and I know there has to be others who could & will benefit from such businesses up here.
I had considered running a delivery service,with actual patient services such as p/up & drop off service, appointment setting, grocery shopping, & general help, along with affordable low cost meds for low-income,vets,terminally ill, & homebound patients. But as is life and my pipe dreams are still dreams...I still need to alot more funding for legal counsel, insurance(s),marketing,etc......so I guess it will be a little longer!!!I will go broke trying...wait I am broke, shit!!!

JTG - KVMR - ROOOOOOCKS!!!! I can listen to most anything and groove with it, and they sure can mix it up daily!!!
And my plants sure seem to enjoy the varying tunes as well!!!!


If I had to say it's a coordinated effort since there are about a dozen doing so in a short space and now San Diego.

The war makes money for LEO so they want the funds!

Legalize.. Please volunteer for californiacannabisinitiative.org


Nevada City is a great community, a real live-and-let-live place in a beautiful setting. A great mix of artists, ag, wineries, retired, gays, and blue collar.

However, regardless of the local political and social realities, if the Sheriff and DA are against dispensaries you would have to think long and hard about going up against that. There are many examples of how that usually turns out, none of them good.

Thankfully the citizens decide who occupies those offices.


Eugene Oregon
Here is a little update...

"Council bans medi-pot shops in 3-2 vote"

Vice Mayor Robert Bergman was always going to be the one to decide it.

After setting himself apart early on as neither for nor against a medical marijuana dispensary in Nevada City, Bergman for three months held a firm poker face.

On Wednesday night, after urging the Nevada City Council to continue to study the possible affects of a medical marijuana dispensary within the Gold Rush town, Bergman aligned with councilmembers David McKay and Sally Harris in a 3-2 vote banning dispensaries.

“If it's the will of the council not to go forward, then I think it's a cowardly act,” said Councilwoman Barbara Coffman before the vote.

Coffman and Mayor Reinette Senum stood their ground, supporting the medical need for a dispensary while arguing against concerns of the town's size and the possible affect on students and the city's image.

“We can walk away today and ban dispensaries and pat ourselves on the back, and all we've done is put a Band-Aid on a hemorrhage,” said Senum, referring to what she has called a lack of awareness of medical marijuana and drug addiction.

But McKay moved to ban dispensaries, and city Parks and Recreation Manager Dawn Zydonis, filling in for the city clerk, called out the names for the vote, beginning with Coffman, then Harris and McKay.

Bergman's “yes” vote to ban came quickly, startling council members and the crowd. Senum took a second before responding with her “no” vote.

For Harris, the issue wasn't about medical need.

“This is about whether this fits in this community,” Harris said. “It's not that I'm against people using it for medical purposes, but I don't think we're big enough to have it.”

She suggested those in need go to dispensaries in Colfax or Sacramento.

Council members acknowledged their vote does not stop people from growing, nor does it stop students from getting drugs.

“It's very sad because, with my friend with cancer, there's no time for her to wait for a plant to grow,” said Ryan Landers, senior advisor for the Compassionate Coalition. “Using this message of trying to prevent kids from getting drugs is just saying we want to lie to you kids so bad, we want to make these things sound terrible, and that we're willing to hurt our community.”

Chief Crazy Horse gets concessions
With Nevada City Chamber of Commerce Board President Duane Strawser going to bat for the Chief Crazy Horse Grill and Saloon, the California Alcohol Beverage and Control agreed to concessions relieving the bar of restrictions on food sales, limits on hours of operations and age restrictions.

Dianna Hill, owner of the Chief Crazy Horse, thanked Strawser for his support.

“What I really wanted was someone to advocate on our behalf,” Hill said.

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