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Neutralizing pollen after pollination


Active member
I have pollinated a few clones and I want to ensure that that pollen stays on those females. Right now they are segregated with vegging plants, but they will be going back into a tent with other flowering strains that I do not want pollinated

So I'm wondering, can I keep these pollinated females segregated for a day or so, spray them with some water to neutralize any excess pollen and then put them back in the flower tent without risk?? I did this once before with some clones except I put them immediately back in the flower tent without spraying them. Needless to say I wound up with alot of seeds in plants that werent supposed to have any. I can only assume my fans blew some excess pollen around the tent. Im trying to avoid that.

If anyone has any tips or insights or wisdom on this I'd really appreciate it
Edited for spelling


Active member
Just spray them all over with large amount of water till they're dripping wet. It will do the trick. Water will ruin pollen


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah you don't need the pollen to remain active for more then a couple of days once it gets to the pistils so once you feel confident that the plants you want pollinated have been just spray them down with plain water, let them dry and then they should be safe to put back with the other girls.


Active member
Actually only few hours will do. .. i can’t say how fast pollen really works, never did a test, might only need few seconds or minutes but it works quite fast.

Many times when i pollinate only some of the plants in my tent, i keep the pollinated ones out of the tent about 3-4 hours and then spray them well. In few days most of the pistils have turned brown. Then i repeat the pollination in 5-7 days to get the pistils i missed the first time. But sometimes the second dusting isn’t even needed.
Very rarely i find any seeds in the other plants. and only few if any.

IF you’re going to put them back in with the others only few hours after dusting and spraying the plant dripping wet, make sure you don’t have any pollen on your hands, hair or clothing.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah it probably is more like a few hours then a few days but I wasn't entirely certain and figured a couple of days would be more then enough to insure that the pollen took.


Active member
Thanks to everyone who replied. So I left the 2 plants in question out overnight. I sprayed them with some tap water and put them back in the flower tent. I would like to think that between the 24 hour segregation and shower there should be no excess pollen floating around.

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