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Nettle Tea

it's nettle season people! Nettles are a neat plant and I saw one pheno in a cultivated city lot that is nearly flush purple. Been meaning to dig a piece of root there. I saw a picture somewhere- maybe here- of nettle grown as a companion to cannabis. It could be good


Active member
or is there a way to get nettle and comfrey extract? so i dont have to grow it..

Probably not but as canna woop has said it`s nettle season , if you know of any growing wild grab some gloves & get some . It`s very easy dried if you spread it out on a garage floor or whatever then use the dried material as you need it . Dried it`s also good as top dressing or soil mix .
Most nettle tea mixes tell you to pick only the tips or leaves but I have found early on in growth when the plants are between 6-12ins high & very soft you can use some of the stalk as well , I have an area here that I cut down with shears as it`s hell of a lot quicker to fill a butt up & use all the material then wait until it grows & cut some more adding to the nettle tea barrel over the course of a summer .

Nettle leaf & tips


The good stuff , this is what it looks like when it`s ready & yes it really stinks .



"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Went nettle picking last weekend, we got about three shopping bags full of tips, we blanched them, and froze bags for later, it's a great substitute for spinach, especially in cannelloni and tortellini. The blanching water I let cool and gave it to my potted plants outside, they didn't seem to mind at all.

Horsetail also grows like mad where I pick nettles, just need to convince the gf to help pick stuff that isn't for eating :)

gully laganj

New member
some Organic growers I know keep a stinging nettle plant (or plants) growing in beer pong cups in their grow rooms, occasionally rub bing the nettle plant leaves up and down against their crop. They say it stimulates the plants natural defense mechanisms, making it better able to defend against disease, pest and negative environmental conditions.


Juicing nettles...

Juicing nettles...

Hey there, like the tread but have one question? Have any one in here tried to juice the nettles instead of brewing them? I have a slow juicer and in my opinion, With out knowing or anything, would be that the juicing would give you the best of the nettles, nothing being broken down or diluted... What do you guys think?


Active member
Gully. I can't speak on that. I do know that you don't want them getting foot in a no till pot though.

I had some pop up in two 25 gals. I found out by sticking my hand into them. I kept cutting them back but it just made it worse.

It is old wisdom to keep a stinging nettle next to a aloe plant and sting yourself everyday.

Seedling- sounds like you might want to take it easy on it and still dilute to a light tea. Might bring something else to the table.


Alchemical Botanist
Hey there, like the tread but have one question? Have any one in here tried to juice the nettles instead of brewing them? I have a slow juicer and in my opinion, With out knowing or anything, would be that the juicing would give you the best of the nettles, nothing being broken down or diluted... What do you guys think?

If you are juicing fresh nettles, then start off with a small amount diluted at first. I haven't done that, but i have a sneaking suspicion it will form a intense juice.

Nettles are great for top dressing. Don't have to do anything at all besides let them dry somewhere and apply every once in a while as needed.


I put about a cup of dried nettles into a 2.75-gallon bucket of water (Brita-filtered + 1/8 tsp of ascorbic acid powder to neutralize any remaining chloramines).

The nettles sat for three days in the bucket, with only a few stirs. Then I strained.

It smells like citrus, esp. grapefruit. Should that tell me it's gone bad (needed more stirring or less time)? Or gone good? Or ...?

I'd like to use it for foliar spray and soil drench.


if it smells like fish
ec readings aint accurate for organix.....yeehaw..nettle tea is indeed good stuff...dandelions make good tea too....
I put about a cup of dried nettles into a 2.75-gallon bucket of water (Brita-filtered + 1/8 tsp of ascorbic acid powder to neutralize any remaining chloramines).

The nettles sat for three days in the bucket, with only a few stirs. Then I strained.

It smells like citrus, esp. grapefruit. Should that tell me it's gone bad (needed more stirring or less time)? Or gone good? Or ...?

I'd like to use it for foliar spray and soil drench.

I haven't read the whole thread, sorry.

Depends if you want to use a real tea, like herbs with hot water, strain and let cool down.
For this it sounds pretty good!
Fresh nettle tea smells refreshing.
Are there small bubbles or foam forming already?

Or if you want to use it as liquid manure you should let it go longer. I am not sure you can use this as foliar, but i think so if diluted properly. It is probably discussed in the threat.


Thanks, ST & PF. It went three days, no heat. Just a few stirs. It smells a little funky, but I've def it in 50/50 dilution with filtered water, and the plants seem even a little perky.


Active member

Nettles often play host to large colonies of black spider-mites!!!!

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I know it's an old post, and perhaps someone pointed it out before me (still going through this thread), but I just had to point out that those are not spider mites. The web is made by caterpillars, and the black dots are caterpillar poop! It looks as though the caterpillars themselves have already gone off elsewhere to pupate.


I can get a lot of fully grown nettles. Are these as nutritious as the young ones I hear people recommending in this great old tread?



2 Qs about non aerated plant tea i was wondering about
1)how long does plant tea last, if the water smells and is coloured does it still contains "nutrients" or should i remake it/add to it regularly. if your not adding new material does it loose the nutrient bang after the first few takes.
2) just found a few bottles of horstail tea, year old, hasnt broken down, still smells terrible, usable?

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