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Nettle Tea


Active member
Hey how are you? yes they do still sell nettels but i think mostly older people use it and know about it.
But all the old gardener know about the nettle brews.
personally i dont know any nettle brew i just use nettle pellets.
Always just make as much as i need and the rest i throw out since i live in an appartment.
the nettle pellets iam able to order online, ebay got it as well.

I am super good, the season is over and i am just chilling the hole winter waiting fore spring to come, maby i go travel with the familie to france or spain idk yet.

Thanks fore asking, what about u

So do u just add the pellets to your soil mix and at what ratio.

I newer saw Nettel pellets in some off the feed stores, but thanks fore the heads up on that 1.

Bom shiva


Active member
you guys are lucky, it's hard to find the mearl on this side of the pond
quick lime is also good for capturing the aromas

Maby we got it on the shore lines but as most organic ammendments u really need to be lucky if some 1 sells it most off the time u need to pick it yourself

Have a nice Day C-ray


Active member
The smell goes away in only hours after using it on plant dirt. The limestone does not go away so fast and will affect the soil's PH. Powdered limestone is lime. Not something i will be doing anytime soon.

You also have to take in consideration the
PH of a finished fermented nettles tea. Adding lime willl change that. If smell is a problem use dried ntetles in a quick tea bubbled a day or three. No smell at all.......scrappy

Good points Scrappy, i am gonna try it out and see how the smell differ and what pH it will end at.

Good day to u :tiphat:


sorry guys, i wouldnt touch that crap with a ten foot pole no matter how good it is. btw pee was the only thing that took away the sting, much like a jellyfish. who the hell needs to mess with this crap. too many other things that DONT make you itch like crazy. and i did read the first three pages of how wonderful this shit is. NOT A FAN

This is a great thread, and deserves to be taken up again.

I took a quote 'cos it is nice proof, how we deal with nature's gifts in different parts of the world...
In my country, we go to sauna, everyone knows what that is...
Before we go, we take nice bush of nettles, about 40 cm long.
And we put the "bush" on hot water, let soak 5 min and we go to steamroom.Throw water on hot stones and beat ourselves with nettles ;)
Stings yes, but it goes away, and you have improwed your bloodcirculation 50 %.
Feels goo, afterwards.

But yes, nettle is a udeful weed, and should be used in compost and teas.I do too.


Active member
stinging nettle stings are about as bad as getting bitten by a gold fish.... sooooo much pain.................


do a search for nettles on youtube and you will find all sorts of videos of kids removing shirts and jumping into nettle patches.. there's also some videos on the proper technique for eating nettles raw


Active member
They say you should keep a nettle next you a aloe in your home aloe for obvious reasons and the nettles you should sting yourself everyday.

The toxin that makes you itch is loaded with good chemicals to fight off alztimers and arthritis.

I kinda like a couple of stings it feels good, I have been told that when harvesting be rough with it you will get stung less. It really seams to get you when you just brush against it.



Active member
couldnt understand the first bit of your post but I defo agree wit the last bit...


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
nettles sting

yeah i didnt worry too much about a little sting here and there w/ nettle but last year i wild harvested some which packed a pretty good whallop ~like it was still kinda annoying the next day {and got pretty 'sting'-ey the 1st day too ~lol}


urtica urens, an annual nettle is supposed to be more potent on the sting. they're not as common as the common stinging nettle but can be found here and there. look pretty much alike to me, expect urens is smaller.


Where I live in the Midwest we have 2 species one which is more potent than the other.

Urtica dioica L. subsp. gracilis (Aiton ) and Urtica urens. grows here.


We have both here as well - I've heard the term 'dwarf nettle' to describe this one. It's not uncommon to find both species along rivers and streams.

The permaculture groups in Oregon are big on planting & harvesting nettle plants.


It's not uncommon to find both species along rivers and streams

I have one indoors in a 5gal bucket, no drainage, the more I overwater it the more that thing grows! It has three tops now, about every month i let it grow to two feet, chop it down and mulch a no till with it.


silver hawaiian

Active member
Wowsers. Who knew?! We've got a puppy with horrible skin issues, and the holistic/naturopath dog lady gave us some uritca urens extract to give the puppy (orally) every couple weeks. And it works wonders!

Can't wait to plant some nettle outside this year, for general purpose use..

:thank you:



I grew some year before last with seeds from Horizon Herbs and it was the 'regular' stinging nettle. The root system really breaks up compacted soils - very efficient.

You can process the roots separately from the biomass for its pesticide and fungicide compounds. You can grate it like you would with ginger and the finer the better. At this point you can dry it or freeze it until you are ready to make a tea.

Add 1 tablespoon of frozen or 1.5 teaspoons of dried to 1 gallon of water and let it sit for a couple of hours or even a day. Apply full-strength.

Personally I would rather have the roots than the leaves since I'm overloaded on comfrey leaves. No sting with comfrey and you get 10x the amount of biomass vs. stinging nettles - win-win



Nettle tea- good for the prostate.
I got some seeds off amazon for a few cents, from a company called Hinterland. I also ordered some ghost peppers, and they included several free hot peppers that all grew out to look mostly as described, and pretty uniform for the most part.


I used the nettle to break up some really tough soil that had nothing growing for years, now I have an established perennial bed that extends out from under my fence as a dog and child deterrent, and provides me with a source of food, medicine, and plant fertilizer, all for about a buck.


We've always called it "7 minute itch" in my neck of the woods. Invasive as hell. Not sure what type we have, I'll have a look when it starts growing again. Gets damn tall too. Always been a good green in the compost piles.

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