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Nettle soil


New member
Hello! :)

My spot has like a jungle of nettles , which means that soild in my spot is good for cannabis as well.. So my concern would be, should i grow my plants in nettle soil or i should replace it with my soil mix?


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
I think he means that his native soil is good for growing nettles since there is a patch of them.

I think it could work without adding other soil but you should add some amendments if you can. You could also chop some nettles and add them as a top dressing/ mulch


New member
Yourcorpse, you are right. I my spot has like a patch of nettles. I heard somethere that if nettles grows it means that marijuana can grow there as well. So I was wondering should I mulch existing ground or I should replace it with my pre-made soil mix


if it smells like fish
most soil benefits from the addition of ammendments...yeehaw...I used to look for berry bushes when I was back east...blackberry was my fav...the thorns were a bonus...

heady blunts

prescription blunts
if it's an established patch that has been doin its thing for several seasons it should be pretty sweet.

i've noticed in patches like that the soil is amazingly friable and you can put your hand down like 12" with little resistance.

would make a good experiment imo. post up your experiences if you put a plant in!

here's a little reading material you may find interesting:

weeds, guardians of the soil


heady blunts

prescription blunts
stinging nettle is one of the best dynamic accumulators. full of macro and micro nutrients plus trace minerals, it's a valuable green manure.

dr duke: urtica dioica

if this patch has been growing, maturing, dying back, and decomposing for several years in one spot, unmolested, the nettle may have remediated whatever soil deficiency gave it the advantage to populate that area in the first place.

also several years of the plants decomposing leaves a lot of decomposed organic material, ie humus, which will improve the texture of compacted heavy soils.

if he's lucky, the OP has found a patch of rich, well draining soil that holds moisture and needs no amending.

throw the right plant in there and it might be happy with almost no attention!


New member
I will have a quite big grow this summer, so will do the test as you say pal. SOme plants will have orginal soil and others will grow in my soil mix. As I have already promised in previous post - this year I will write a grow journal , so stay tuned hehe.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
very cool, please do keep us informed throughout the season.

I bet the soil is great to grow in as in. also it should be high N, if you have any sensitive varieties.


New member
Roger that ! I am living in a quite temperate climate , so this year I will grow:

Dinafem : Amnesia XXL Auto, White Widow XXL Auto , Moby Dick Auto, Moby dick fem( a big girl )
Dutch passion : Blueberry Auto
Sweet Seeds: Cream Caramel Auto
Unknown breeder : Early Soul and Auto Dwarf


Alchemical Botanist
I have found that stinging nettle and most nettles in general tend to like soil that tends to be very moist. They grow well near water and in somewhat marsh like areas. If the area you are looking at is not too moist, then i would say plant away. :)
Stinging Nettles seem to condition the soil to have less pathogenic fungi. Another benefit.
Good luck


New member
Appreciate for all your kind information lads! 3rdeye, bingo! There is a small river/pond near by, but gladly soil overthere is not too moist. It is little bit moisty and soil is dark. My common sense just screams that this soil is full of good natural nutrients


New member
I have found that stinging nettle and most nettles in general tend to like soil that tends to be very moist. They grow well near water and in somewhat marsh like areas. If the area you are looking at is not too moist, then i would say plant away. :)
Stinging Nettles seem to condition the soil to have less pathogenic fungi. Another benefit.
Good luck

By the way, would you know any good article about nettle soi / nettles in general or by a chance an article about growing cannabis in nettle soil?
It may seem like nettles are a sign of rich moist soils but they can also grow well in many marginal conditions too. Ive seen nettles doing just fine on poor dry sandy areas. For the most part, nettles and blackberry bushes are a good soil sites.


Alchemical Botanist
Vagydarnuor From what you have described it sounds like a very good spot. :D Try it out. Things will probably go great.
Mr heechops Good addition. thanks for that. :)


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor

Call it "Stop dragging bales of peat moss into the woods, you meatheads"
