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Netflix instant recs... what are you watching?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
They've got a vid called "COSM" about artist Alex Grey's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors which has interviews with him and his wife and lots of awesome shots of his work.

If you like Alex Grey, check it out.

If you like Tool (and you might if you dig alex grey) you can watch "Blood into Wine" which is a documentary about Maynard Keenen (singer of Tool, A Perfect Circle, Puscifer) and his adventures in Arizona's wine country.

"Transcendent Man" is a documentary about Ray Kurzweil, the guy who invented the Kurzweil synthesizers and about a million other things. Very smart, very rich, very eccentric. He's a total devote of the "singularity" idea and takes 120 supplements a day so that he can try to live until it happens.

(Singularity = you get downloaded into a computer and live "virtually" forever inside the machine.)

Several cool documentaries on Pink Floyd, Frank Zappa and Led Zeppelin are available right now for streaming....

"Atheism Tapes" is awesome if you like listening to really smart people discuss religion and philosophy. "The God Who Wasn't There" is pretty compelling, but gets a little nutty at the end when the film maker goes to confront his grade-school principal.

"Ip Man" and "Ip Man 2" are cool semi-fictionalized accounts of the life of Bruce Lee's martial arts teacher and have lots of cool well-choreographed martial arts fight scenes.

Recently they got several Bill Hicks and a Lenny Bruce stand-up routines.

They had the whole "Cosmos" series up for a while but they took it down July 1st. Bastards!

(Karl Sagan *HAD* to be a 'head.)

"Delicatessen" is a charming/funny/quirky/weird french film about a near future world where the butcher/landlord warns people not to leave their apartments at night and then cooks those who do.
(Also good is "City of Lost Children" by same director, but I haven't seen it on Netflix, I own the DVD of that one. You get to watch Ron Perlman speak french!)

"Arrested Development" was a great and under-rated series that you can watch in entirety with great characters and funny antics. (Watch 2 or 3 shows before you judge it and tell me you aren't hooked.)

"Elfin Lied" is cool if you like so-ridiculously-violent-that-its-funny anime featuring hot naked chicks and horrible engrish overdubbing.

The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnasus" is a Terry Gilliam flick that's pretty great, with lots of trippy visuals.

I better stop. I've got 160+ films in my instant queue, so this could go all night. :)

h^2 O

Farscape. Jim Henson Co. did that btw.

edit: i didn;t watch it when it came out but i remember the eerie theme music from when i would have the tv on going to bed back in the day


King of Kong. The epic story of the guys who duke it out over the high score in the arcade classic donkey kong.

master shake

Active member
Seen some good ones but there is a lot of trash!

They have the original Drunken Master 1978, if you haven't seen this and like Kung Fu flicks, this is a must...one of my favs

They Live

See no evil hear no evil

Ip Man movies

Legend of the fist Chen Zen

The Man from Nowhere

The Good, the bad, the weird


Lonesome Dove TV Mini-Series: I recommend saving it for a day you've got trimmin to do...

Dogfights looks decent... I've only watched the first episode but I'm sorta into this kinda shit.. they use 3d animation to recount epic jet fights and even have some old pilots/crew members/historians provided to boot.... sure some of it has got to be inaccurate, but entertaining nonetheless.

Kimjongilia - Another doc about N. Korea, but what goes on over there never ceases to amaze me.

Anderson Platoon - I'd compare this to a vietnam version of RESTREPO. Check it out!

damn, I've found so many good ones but I either can't remember or they've been taken down... shame!

h^2 O

what the hell did i watch last night....hold on let me login to netflx plus i'll get my instant queue .......
Apollo 13
The Stand: The Plague
Hitchhiker's Guide / Galaxy: Episode 1
Farscape: Ssn 1: Back to the Future
The Great Inca Rebellion
Scary Movie 2
Stargate SG-1: Ssn 4: Watergate
Auschwitz: Ep. 3: Factories of Death
Predator 2
Star Trek
Carlito's Way
Red Dragon
The Thing
The Evil Dead
WWII in HD: Bloody Resolve
The Dark Crystal
The Return of the Living Dead
Iron Man 2
Wall Street
Reservoir Dogs
Memoirs of a Secret Empire: Episode 2
Aliens: Collector's Edition
Parks and Recreation: Ssn 2: Pawnee Zoo
The Universe: Ssn 4: Space Wars
Lockdown: Ssn 1: Inmate U

netflix is fkn awesome


Thanks for the recommendations.

It's annoying when you search for a movie on netflix and it says 'Not available to watch instantly" Only on dvd.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Thanks for the recommendations.

It's annoying when you search for a movie on netflix and it says 'Not available to watch instantly" Only on dvd.

Give it a couple more years. Digital distribution is ultimately where everything is heading.
If they dont have It now they may have it later movies pop up and go away all the time
I'm going to watch paid in full good dark street movie .