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NepJam x 303


charlie garcia

Looking good new Malanas GL.

My experience is very little on them but I worked a few Malana as commented before in other thread. Also have worked with Colombia/Manali but not the Manali alone. Wish I had fine more seeds of this line but I couldnt find any similar line for a decade either. This Manali had such strong aroma to orange or pachuli.

Remember Mriko telling he was told only anciente ppl there could select nowdays best plants used for the best hashes as it seems there is a large variability nowdays. I am sure Mriko or some friends who travelled there would have better accurate info about possible scenario.

Malana I worked didnt look like others Malanas I saw being grown. So.. wont generalize much about them either. This one was creamy, lots of resins, grew like sativa.. strange flavours changing to melon or coffe depending on flowering timeTook 12-13 weeks to finish.

Hope you can get much more info about them which can be useful for your purposes.

In the picture an old Manali :)


Gert Lush

Active member
Here is the Pheno Formerly Known As "Short" (now #2), at 23 days since flipping, next to #1 at the same stage, for comparison. #1 on the left #2 on the right.

Fact is, it is a bit shorter and less aggressive in production. Had a "nicer" smell in veg though, more refined, less rough. I am under the impression (perhaps mistaken :smile:) that this can sometimes be a good indicator for the smoke, too.

Gert Lush

Active member
One banana, two banana, three banana, four

five banana, six banana, seven banana, more!

The buds on pheno #2. Erm, I don't think I can convince myself that these are interesting, "mutant" structures any more... Ho hum, I'll finish it in the porch, light's about right for that.


The good thing is that pheno #1 has shown no such problems, in fact I just spotted one tiny little late nana (now, at 56 days) which I am guarding and hope to use to BX to the 303.

Gert Lush

Active member
Highlighter said:
Hoping #1 nanner is viable and the #2's not so.
Best wishes, HL
That's a nice wish Highlighter, cheers :smile:

No worries though, phenos #3, #4 and #5 are getting ready as we speak...
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Active member
Gert Lush said:
Three Malana landrace seedlings at about the fourth node.

Can't say much about them at the moment, except that they seem to be a lighter green colour than what I expected (given they're directly under a blue CFL). Got three more too, which are busy outgrowing some minor mutations/problems. Hoping for that nice, bubbly, champagne-giddy cerebral high of the Malana.

I have been advised by two independent sources who visited the area that they do stretch, so I will top them for flowering. If anyone has any experience of landrace Malana/Manali/Parvati/Kullu [especially indoors, of course] I will be very glad to hear from them!

hey - great to see Gert...

quite wide leaves compared to what I was expecting

btw a Swiss guy I met in Pakistan who has been visiting the subcontinent for a few decades told me that a couple of years back the people in Malana got so lazy with the cash they were making that they didn't even bother collecting their own seeds... he claimed that they ended up getting seed from another growing village, sorry I can't remember the name

if there is any substance to his claim, as there is such a lot of diversity even from village to village not to mention valley to valley I am guessing these could turn up something pretty different from say accessions a few years before would have done

Gert Lush

Active member
ngakpa said:
the people in Malana got so lazy with the cash they were making that they didn't even bother collecting their own seeds... he claimed that they ended up getting seed from another growing village, sorry I can't remember the name
:bashhead: (Since there's no bash-head-against-wall emoticon)
Well, allowing for travellers' tall tales and all, that's not really what one wants to hear, is it? Now, where's the "sigh of despair" smiley?

Maybe that's why the Jamblu Devata got pissed off...

By the way, I've topped a couple of the Malanas, starting to get them ready for flipping, but they have been slow to respond (with new shoots). That's the first time I've ever seen that in a cannabis plant, in 3 yrs and 30-odd strains I've grown out. They're not sick or anything, just seem a bit stalled.
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Gert Lush

Active member
Well, the #1 NepJamx303 pheno is almost ready. One thing I like is that the smell has got a bit fruitier towards the end, a bit away from its dank, bland NepJam mum. There's no amber yet, though a fair amount of milky. Two weeks more, I reckon, which would make it 75-odd days since flipping. Perfect.


The hermie #2 mum has beem isolated in the porch. Not sure whether I'll grow it out, light's not too good either, I suppose I want to check if it is truly hermie, or perhaps the stamens are duds? But I may also just kill it, I don't have the resources to faff around / make accurate scientific observations, and the Luther Burbank edict of "Keep only the best and chuck the rest" seems very appealing.


Finally, here are NepJam x 303 phenos #3, #4 and #5 getting ready... these will probably go in along with the Malanas mentioned above.

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Active member
Gert Lush said:
:bashhead: (Since there's no bash-head-against-wall emoticon)
Well, allowing for travellers' tall tales and all, that's not really what one wants to hear, is it? Now, where's the "sigh of despair" smiley?

Maybe that's why the Jamblu Devata got pissed off...

By the way, I've topped a couple of the Malanas, starting to get them ready for flipping, but they have been slow to respond (with new shoots). That's the first time I've ever seen that in a cannabis plant, in 3 yrs and 30-odd strains I've grown out. They're not sick or anything, just seem a bit stalled.

hmm well I hope they bounce back - if I find a map of Himachal I might recognise the name of the village this guy told me when I see it, apologies for not remembering that to mention that earlier... on the plus side there are plenty of places nearby Malana with excellent strains

the plants I'm told are mostly grow along the ridges in Malana where they get drenched with sun - they get to 3 or 4m or so in height I'm told, absurdly resinous and vigorous in appearance... they're a farmhouse strain as opposed to a jungli... some people say that is why the high is not fierce like some of the glassier jungli resin... in my my limited experience Malana first rub is very maleable and sickly milky sweet smelling, with overipe fruit smells... the high was exactly like you said


God damn thiCK bro,like an afro!!

Fuzzy suckers with base ball buds......
Look unique,good job keep it up!!

charlie garcia

Hola GL, you know not worth to keep hermis unless you need some smoke and have a dif area to place them. Sometimes there're magnificent individuals which can get all: vigor, health and potency but also balls. A pity. Hope other ones stay firm for ur purposes.

Nice info Ngakpa, as said before wish there were more uniform seeds over there. At elast for my search about this old Manali line. The fact you mention that they dont crop own seeds in Malana now makes me feel not too optimistic. Anyhow Kully valley, parbati and close areas look like a cannabis paradise area from what you guys document. Hope malanas turn great. Line I worked here had such dreamy effect, bit energetic, fuzzy... resin amount extracted was very high and plants were so sticky and creamy.

best luck. Hope you are satisfized with NJ303 results
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Herbal relaxation...
Yeah, im with you Charlie that sometimes you can find truly magnificent invidituals with couple balls/bananas here & there! Btw, have you experienced that many times these really special plants with couple balls in late flower dont produce viable pollen, so it isnt such a shame after all...

Lovely work Gert :woohoo: I think you have found what you were after mon´!! It´s good that you spare some space from balcony etc.. to the one with balls! I think they are all worth smoking & trying + like Charlie & I stated ^before^ these plants with hermie properties can be very potent compared to their "normal" sisters :2cents:

I think I have suscribe this thread, so I dont loose it anymore :D

Gert Lush

Active member
Thanks guys, yeah, I wouldn't normally bother keeping the hermie - I am certainly not short of smoke! :smile:

However, the porch was available, so I thought "what the hell", since I'm exploring this cross I may as well see if there's anything to learn from this one. I still can't tell if the male flowers were viable or not; it's growing a lot slower in the lesser light conditions.

I'll keep it as long as it's no hassle, otherwise it's straight into the hash-bin! OTOH, I still have the from-cone #2 pheno in the drobe, I'll be curious to see if it does the same.

At the moment I am more interested to see how the next 3 will turn out, though!


Hi there Gert,NepJam x 303 eh? That'll never be as good As Arjans stuff(narf narf!)

Nice to see you mate,just jumped to the end of your diary,wanted to say hi.

Just got back from Spannabis in Barcelona but ACE werent represented unfortunately so didnt meet Dubi although he was there in person but could never track him down which was a real shame.

Real nice to see you doing your thang again. :rasta:

Gert Lush

Active member
NJx303 pheno#1 almost ready

NJx303 pheno#1 almost ready

65 days since flipping, now, plenty of cloudy though no amber yet.

Sativa foxtailing action now more apparent, near the end.


Gert Lush

Active member
Not too many late nanas, either, I must say!
I was hoping for a few MORE, so that I could BX to the 303, but I'm struggling to find them. Found one or two, but I'm noit sure yet whether the BX has taken or not...

Gert Lush

Active member
Well, #1 pheno of NJx303 is almost ready - at last - I plan to cut this w/e. I still can't see any amber, so I may wait a bit more, but it's pretty much 90% milky.
If the smoke is ANY good at all, this is a keeper, not only does it have this phenomenal yield, but it is also very happy in my rather dry and hot drobe conditions... plus it's very low odour - won't be any strain on the carbon filter.


Now for those interested in the "hermie" behaviour of #2 pheno, here is a pic:

Even though it looks full of males (never mind the ones I tweezered out) it doesn't seem to have set any seed, which makes me wonder if it's firing blanks. Oh, well, it's staying in the porch for as long as it's no hassle, see what more it can tell us.

Furthermore, the clone of #2 pheno is growing just fine in the drobe, I have seen absolutely no hermie activity as yet.

It is a rather low yielder (pathetic, compared to #1) but it has the best vegging-smell I have ever come across, all frankincense, myrrh, mastic and exotic Arabian gums on top of some fruitiness - it's even better smelling than my grapefruit/ginger NL5Haze "Dispensation" cut, so I'm going to keep it, see if it makes any difference to the smoke.