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NepJam x 303

Gert Lush

Active member
Hi to all, especially the RUST crew! :wink:
Also a big high to this experiment's pollen fairy, where the hell have you got to, buddy?

This is a project I've been meaning to do for a while, I was going to start in spring, but curiosity got the better of me, so this is a preview.

Basically, this is a work in progress, the goal is to create some real "genius" weed, with very high levels of clarity and inspiration, a gateway to that ever-gushing fountain of ideas and creativity. Hazes have their place and all, but for me disorienting weed is good for a laugh once in a while, or for a serious mashing session, but not a tool in the sense I envisage the product of this experiment. Besides I've already got some good hazes...

The foundations of this experiment will be two strains:
Mum: A very Nepali-leaning NepJam F2 (originally from ACE) which has a wonderful creative, meditative high, and which leaves you unbelievably clear-headed, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next day, regardless of how heavy the preceding sesh.
Dad: A 303 from SpiceBros. I haven't grown this one out, just used the pollen, but I have been very pleased with other experiences I've had with 303 in general. Basically the idea of the 303 is to give it some extra sativa zing, the Nepali isn't exactly sleepy, but I think it would be enhanced by the all out HAPPINESS and the get-up-and-go of those tropical genetics.
I've reported my 303xC99 cross in RUST, and I also have a keeper (NL5xHaze)x303 from the same dad, which is some of the strongest weed I've ever come across, a true one-hitter, but it does mess with space and time, let me tell you :D :D :D

Anyway, so I popped 2 seeds in, just for experimental purposes. I haven't even planned how I'll grow them yet. If they're fems, I'll probably clone and flower them very young just to get some taster weed. If they're males I'll BX to my 303 mum.
One of each would be nice, in which case some incest is not out of the question.

A couple of pics of them so far, below. One thing I did notice, much to my surprise, is that this particular 303 dad, instead of causing his offspring to stretch (as you'd expect) seems to make them even more compact. It did it to the NL5XHaze and it certainly seems to have done it here, too. Weird.
It WAS 303, pollen fairy, wasn't it? :pointlaug

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hey gert :wave: good to see you bros, i'm really looking forward to this thread. after our previous discussions re nepali weed I can only imagine putting 303 with her is going to make a hyb with one hell of a high!

on a slightly off topic note, nl x haze is one of my favourite old school flavours with a lovely up and enthusiastic but slightly disorientating high. how did the 303 affect the progeny? from your description it seems to add power and depth but not clarity, would this be a fair description?

take care man, keep us updated.

Gert Lush

Active member
Hiya A.N. buddy. Good to see you, too!

A.N.Other said:
how did the 303 affect the progeny? from your description it seems to add power and depth but not clarity, would this be a fair description?
Yes, that's pretty fair. I'd also say it added a bit of happiness. It also "amplified" the disorientation...
Of course, that's off this 'unknown' 303 dad's pollen. The 303 mum which I keep is not disorienting. P'haps 303x(NJx303) will be our approximate destination...
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Gert Lush

Active member
A.N.Other said:
on a slightly off topic note, nl x haze is one of my favourite old school flavours with a lovely up and enthusiastic but slightly disorientating high.
May I commend sir on his excellent taste? LOL
Actually mate, my current staple is a 3-way mix of skuff from 303 (one day I'll manage to grow bud, too! :badday: ), NepJam, and NL5xHaze (orig sensi, not crossed). It comes pretty close to 100%. Well for me, anyway. Wish it was available off a single plant... but maybe there's a future for blending, like with whiskey - though I'm a single malt man myself.
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Throbbing Member
Gert Lush said:
Basically, this is a work in progress, the goal is to create some real "genius" weed, with very high levels of clarity and inspiration, a gateway to that ever-gushing fountain of ideas and creativity. ....

Sounds like you have a great game plan. I hope you reach your goal :rasta:

I have just started growing some of the Nepal and from your description it sounds like just my type of weed.


Active member
gert lush, nice to see you working on some crosses with the 303 !!!! cant wait to see them grown out !!! how does 303 cross??? does it blend well ??? keep us posted !!! monkey5


Active member
ICMag Donor
Looks like a very interesting and juicy cross.
Gotta tag on for this one.
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Gert Lush

Active member
Thanks for the kind words everybody, yeah, I love you too! :D :D :D

Obviously updates will be slow at this stage (vegging) although I can say that the hybrid vigour is very impressive. I'll be posting again around the time I decide to get clones off these two.

In the meantime - OK it's a bit :off2: but hey, it's my thread* - here's two pics of my current NL5xHaze x 303 tip, at three weeks and 5 weeks(today). Nice bit of gain for 17 days. Lights been reduced to 10/14 in the last week so it shouldn't take too long to finish.

The last two pics are bud closeups from the "test-grow" I did previously (same cut). The bud is a lot more crystally than its NL5Haze mum and also smells & tastes a bit sweeter/fruitier. OTOH it is also not quite as fluffy as the NL5Haze, quite denser in fact.
BTW, I have named this cut "The Dispensation" in an attempt to get it to appeal to more Fundamentalists! LOL You know how Walters said that mj strain names are now so much more dangerous than they were in the 60s...
We need to get away from this "AK47" type commie nonsense, and use more Christian names! If this NJx303 experiment works out, I'm going to christen it "The Rapture"... Hallelujah!

* I'm only posting this coz it's the same dad as this NepJamx303 cross, obviously.
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jejehe! the rapture!

the nlh x 303 certainly looks promising and whets the appetite for more results of that 303 stud sowing his oats.

interesting that the 303 dad amplifies the disorientation of the nlh. maybe the 'amplifying' effect is a general effect on the high rather than the added disorientation meaning the dad itself has elements of a disorientating high. perhaps he is adding to the strength of the high itself rather than adding to the individual traits of the high and in the nepjam perhaps he will amplify the clarity?

nj x (nj x 303) sounds like a good initially place to be heading, looking forward to seeing just the first x!

Gert Lush said:
Actually mate, my current staple is a 3-way mix of skuff from 303 (one day I'll manage to grow bud, too! ), NepJam, and NL5xHaze (orig sensi, not crossed). It comes pretty close to 100%. Well for me, anyway. Wish it was available off a single plant... but maybe there's a future for blending, like with whiskey - though I'm a single malt man myself.

i'm a big fan of what is known around here (and in a few other places from reading around on the canna-boards!) as a salad. it's nice to be able to tailor high and flavours, we do it everyday with food (if not with what we drink as i too will take a single malt over a blended) so why not what we smoke!

take care gert. :wave:
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Gert Lush

Active member
Hah, I thought I'd take advantage of this period that photo uploading isn't working, since... I haven't really got any photos to upload ! :D

The two seedlings did fine, and looked pretty similar/regular, though one was definitely taller/stretchier. The look is very Nep-dom at the moment, can't see anything of the 303 as yet. Seems like the thin leaf etc. is pretty much on the recessive side of things.

I took clones from both and kept the seedlings as bonsai mums for future reference - had a a bit of a hitch there, hence the absence of reports, but I think I've got a good clone of each one now, see how it goes...

Should have some pics by the time the gallery system is up again...

Gert Lush

Active member
The Mum

The Mum

Some pics of the Nep-leaning NepJam I used for this cross. They are about two weeks apart each, from budding to 8 weeks (harvest).

This particular pheno does not have the heavenly aromas of the Nepali, but that super-creative high, oh my... Perhaps in the future I'll manage to find one that has both the high and the aroma. For now, the high takes precedence, obviously.

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Gert Lush

Active member
Here's an oldish pic of the two seedlings, before I topped them for clones.
Growth habit difference is quite clear. I know they look a bit "off", unfortunately had to keep them in, erm.... suboptimal conditions for a while, nothing that can't be fixed though, happily.

I'll put up some pics of the clones too, when they've recovered a bit, at the moment they're a little manky (but alive :canabis: ) and should be just dandy very soon.
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Gert Lush

Active member
Oh, and while I'm making all these irrelevant posts, trying to disguise the delay with the clones :tongue: here's a pic of my current 303 mum, the one I plan to BX to if there's any males.
The first pic is what it looked like in September (bottom plant), when I was LSTing it, the next pic is now, about 2.5 weeks in flower and finally a detail of a bud/branch.

Yeah, I wish those clones would get a move on, too.
Bloody shock stasis... :wink:
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Active member
nice GL
i love the 303 you have. so sativa.
the breeding for a certain kind of high, now that's creative and a worthy venture.

can't wait to see how things go.

Gert Lush

Active member
Thanks Hazy,

Looks like some Nep-dom pollen might be materialising soon, too, so as well as NJx303, there'll be some 303xNJ.

Can't wait. I suspect they'll be a bit different, but who knows.

The 303 mini-mama again...
It's glistening coz it's just had its SBPI spray. No mites this time, thank Kilibob (= Papuan God) but you can never be too safe. :wink:

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Gert Lush

Active member
Well, another good pollen fairy left some Nep-dom saffron on my doorstep, so one of the fem 303 colas was lightly dusted tonight. So (Shiva willing) we'll have some 303xNJ seeds to play with soon as well. I haven't forgotten all the good peeps that expressed interest, all will be notified soon as there's something to talk about!

(The clones are still in stasis, I'm afraid, I think I might flower the from-seed plants I was keeping back instead :badday: )




Gonna tag along for this one, 303 is somthing id love to get growin...:lurk:

Good luck finding what you want wiht ths cross!!:D:yes:

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