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Need Urgent Help, Upcoming Drug Test


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Drinking massive amounts of liquid before the test is another bad idea - labs easily detect dilute urine and reject the sample. Best case is you have to retest (sometimes under closer observation).

Plus their is such a thing as Water intoxification aka Water Poisoning that can be potentially fatal. So if a shitload of water flooded thru your system can kill you imagine what a similar amount of say cranberry juice might do to you.


Water intoxication, also known as water poisoning, is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside of safe limits (e.g., hyponatremia) by overhydration, i.e., over-consumption of water.


And the fat cells that are broken down release the THC metabolites that were contained in them into the bloodstream, where they're then removed by the body and show up in the urine... so, bad idea.
Besides, would you want to/be able to 'fast for days' (how many days, by the way?). It sounds good until you actually try it.

People shouldn't really pass on things that 'sound good' but that they haven't tried and have no idea if it works or not. Someone's potential career is riding on this...

Drinking massive amounts of liquid before the test is another bad idea - labs easily detect dilute urine and reject the sample. Best case is you have to retest (sometimes under closer observation).

Yeah but when most of the metabolites are released into the blood stream the body is constantly being flushed with water and the levels are much lower because there isn't anymore to be released in the blood stream. It said like 48 hours was alright but the more the better. I really don't think its a bad idea but everyone has their opinion on things. I haven't tried it because if I do get a drug test I wouldn't be warned about it but it would be the FIRST thing I try if I knew I had a upcoming test.


Get some clean piss. Smuggle it into the testing facility taped under your armpit in a flat bottle (like a hip flask). Use a pocket handwarmer on top of it to make sure it stays warm (available at sporting good and camping stores). Use a stick on thermometer to verify the temperature of the bottle is 98 degrees.

If you can't find a source of clean urine use dog urine. Or you can by clean urine off the 'net.

There are flush products that work well but I prefer smuggling in clean urine.
What has always worked for me is to have a friend piss in a clean condom, tie it up and safety pin it to the elastic of your under ware. tuck it between your legs while you wait for the test to keep it warm. Use the safety pin to pop a hole and voila! You just passed a piss test.

edit: use only male pee for males and female pee for females...


Active member
Forgot all about this thread......

I am sure I posted the product she used in this thread. IT WORKED!!! She didn't end up getting that job, but she did pass the drug test with flying colors. Thanks for everybody's input, my wife and I will continue to use this dried urine for any upcoming drug tests, and we highly recommend it to anybody.


Game Bred
passed monthly probation tests for 3 years with nothing more than water...
the flood method works!


I was in the army for 8 1/2 years and passed every test. Most government tests are done the cheap way, so if you drink a bunch of water, as much as you can possibly drink for 2-3 hours before the test you will pass, once you pee a few times. if it is clear it is clean, since the body bloats and bypasses everything straight to the bladder. You cannot do this when looking for a job, since they check it for specific gravity. so once you are pissing clear, about 45 min to an hour before you test you want to stop drinking water, and take a bunch of vitamins, (like 3 daily multivitamins all crushed up) drink some gatorade, and a little creatine does not hurt. Make sure you pee once more before you go test. You should be pissing every 15 min by this point. works every time, and the worst thing that can happen is it will come back as a diluted sample (which happens all of the time). I was a UPL in the army, the guy who administers the drug tests, haha. I went to pee test school and everything.

I realize she already took it, but i thought i would put this up for others' benefit.



oh and this method us very uncomfortable, but you dont need to worry about getting caught smuggling pee in, or keeping it warm, etc.

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