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need to harvest early


New member
Is there any way to hurry maturity on budding plants..... Due to some bad sircumstance I have to harvest about 2 weeks ealier than planned. Is there anything I can do to get the tricomes to amber sooner? Can I switch my lights from 12/12 to 14/10 or 16/8 to hurry them up?

The plants are mango and usually take sixty until the trics are amber. It has been 36 days and I have to pull them on the 21st of this month.

Any help would be appreciated


i think you cant do anything to speed the process up. Lust leave light on 12/12 and if its a big hurry harvest it sooner...no other idea comes to my mind.


You can go 10/14 if its just a week or two and it will ripen a tad bit quicker ... i do it with sativas sometimes....


You can go 10/14 if its just a week or two and it will ripen a tad bit quicker ... i do it with sativas sometimes....

Spot on mate

Ive done this loads of times, sometimes from week 4. it can shave a week of your finishing times, but you loose a little in yield. on a ususal 3oz plant, i get about 2.2 - 2.5. i.e about 20% if i do this so its not worth it unless its absolutely neccesary


New member
Ok, just so that I am straight, that's 10 on 14 off....? If I start this now things should be ready by the 21st?
ya 11 on 13 off man. ive done it before and it speeds it up at the cost of yield. you almost have to do it with some sativas otherwise they would never finish.


If you have access to it I would pick up some Gravity, it should add some bulk to your nugs while also shortening your finish time a bit. I don't know much about alternate light cycles but I would imagine you'd be increasing your chances of getting hermies by straying from 12/12. I've heard of people going 11/13 on sativa's but 10/14 is a new one to me, but like I said, my knowledge on the subject is a bit limited.
As far as the Co2 thing you can only be so aggressive before you impact your plants in a negative way and I wouldn't recommend too great an increase in your room as it's probably not going to speed things up.

Good luck, I hope I was of help.


If you have access to it I would pick up some Gravity, it should add some bulk to your nugs while also shortening your finish time a bit. I don't know much about alternate light cycles but I would imagine you'd be increasing your chances of getting hermies by straying from 12/12. I've heard of people going 11/13 on sativa's but 10/14 is a new one to me, but like I said, my knowledge on the subject is a bit limited.
As far as the Co2 thing you can only be so aggressive before you impact your plants in a negative way and I wouldn't recommend too great an increase in your room as it's probably not going to speed things up.

Good luck, I hope I was of help.

This wouldnt cause hermis at all, outdoor plants have different amounts of light every single day, and usually end up gettin cut when daylight is down to 9 or 10 hrs depending on where you are in the world.

Id do a week of 13hrs dark/11hrs light and see how it goes, then if you need to, go to 14hrs dark till they are done.



put em in the dark a week before harvest and leave em but dont let em die. then harvest as usual. had to do this myself and it helped mature things a bit, but affected yield too.