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Need some thoughts on shipping method.


New member
My friend will be shipping from one country in Europe to another country in Europe. The plan is to take the bud and place it in a vac bag with oxy absorbers, then stick the bag in a vice to super compress it and vac seal it whilst still being in the vice. Afterwards stick that bag in a myar bag with another oxy absorber and vac seal it. We are sending UPS overnight and have a friendly person in UPS on our end.

Any holes in this method or anything else that might be an improvement?

Any advice or insight from experienced people would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advace!:tiphat:


Active member
wear gloves.. and rinse bags before placing into the second and third bags.. try to reduce teh amount of residue getting on the outside of packages.. you should.. do the first bagging.. and compressing.. then clean your equipment vice and shit.. and do the second and third bags.. just so your not getting anything onto the outside of the package causing a dog to smell that shit.. also. find out if UPS is xraying packages.. or not.. using a dog or not.. and if you got a friendly UPS person. id ask him to find out more info.. toss him some bud when this goes down .


Active member
My friend will be shipping from one country in Europe to another country in Europe.

More details, but remember that smells emulate and permulate thru plastics so easily too,
pack the last of it seconds before posting
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Well-known member
triple vacuum pack, changing surgical gloves between each step, then melt paraffin wax into a plastic container. lay the package on the still molten wax & pour the rest of the wax over it. snap the lid on & vacuum seal it again. hope for the best, as usual...:biggrin:


Well-known member
Done the wax before....always wondered what it would look like under x-ray..

you would have to use lead foil to stop x-rays. that in itself would set off all manner of bells, whistles and alarms. if one were shipping hashish, you could mold it into a recognizable shape so that it would look like something else. or ship hash oil in a maple syrup jug...the usps has been known to "accidentally" cut open packages that aroused their suspicion so they could squeeze air out of in hopes of the dog alerting on it...assholes.


Well-known member
Check out cloneshipper website. They are a little too fussy for me. They are waterproof and have a little LED light in them. Whatever you do make it waterproof and smell proof. When you ship the package, put it in another box so it doesn't look weedlike.


Active member
Beware anyone trying to give a definitive answer on the "safe" ways to ship cuts or product. Everybody wants to be the man with the inside info, it would be prudent to remember that there are an awful lot of exaggerations and outright lies posted on this forum day in and day out. It's a crapshoot to begin with and there is no 100% secure way to ship contraband as regulations and internal policies at private shipping companies change constantly. This in conjunction with shady employees who will straight up snatch the product (been there) and "accidents" where suspicious packages are "mistakenly" cut open, only to reveal contraband, there's really not any good news to be found here. I know the money is tempting and I understand wanting to help folks out as well, but remember what you're putting at risk. It is not a question of if you will be caught, it is a question of when -- and at that point it's a federal charge. Please be careful.

Also, a visible public message board that is nominally secured at best is probably not the proper forum for this kind of discussion and I doubt the administrators are going to sign off on it.

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