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need some ideas....



ok my mother/clone chamber is 28"H x 23"D x 49"W currently lit by pair of full spectrum flouros...

I havent figured out how im gonna keep my mothers in this new setup, as far as medium, irrigation, etc...

my flower chamber is hydro (e & f), I want to go hydro in the mother(more than likely bonsai) chamber...

I just transplanted 15 seedlings that were in 1.5" rw cubes, into 4" cubes.

there is definetely a height disadvantage, im thinking having remote resevoir, as the height limit, keeps me from having a tray/table on top of a resevoir, unless someone has some ideas on that one... (mother chamber is directly above flowering chamber) well hell heres a pic...


note: the hood is air cooled, there is also ducting from it into the "ignore" area, more fans, etc.. this pic was created in the design phase quite a while back, some things were changed once it went into constructon phase ;P.

Im thinking maybe a resevoir in the "utility"(ignore) chamber, and running drip on rockwool for the mothers...

I built a "cheapie aero-cloner" so I will just be rooting and going straight to flower (sog, perp harvest style), no issue with the clones.

Heh I think I might be onto something with the "remote resevoir", Id like to hear others opinions/suggestions as well.

I guess a question I have with the remote resevoir is would pumping water up 4-5 feet be extra work on the pump? ( I have a "Pro Pump 150 G.P.H." on the way)

I also realize my 23" depth limits the "tables/trays" I can use... but its what I have to work with...

So any comments/suggestions from you wonderful folks that make this community what it is?

Thanks in advance
IC Rocks!!!


full time daddy
Im thinking maybe a resevoir in the "utility"(ignore) chamber, and running drip on rockwool for the mothers...

i do see a prob with water over the ballast??????

how many mothers do you have?? keeping each ones need's might go into play if you have multi-strain's?

heres mine...........3 mothers and as many clones as i need...

you can make this with 2 gallon buck's as well but highth would be a prob for you with this system.........but just thought id show yeah


I can change the location of the ballast if need be (say above the resevoir).

Im shooting for 3 mothers for now (got 5 ww, 5 gypsys divine medley, and 5 b52 going now, for mother selection, shooting for one of each(prayin for a c99 f2 from the medley:)))

but now that I see these dwc buckets...

the "shelf" the mother/clone chamber resides on, extends to the left(there is a wall seperating from utility chamber), I could very easily fit a bucket outside the mother/clone room(as a remote resevoir/controller) on the same shelf... hmmm definetely some food for thought....

Thanks 00420, at least I have another direction to pursue now, dont know why I hadnt thought of this, heh well I prolly had, but just needed someone else to mention it for it to sink in;P


full time daddy
one more my brother..

one more my brother..

im in the work of this but i thought i might tell yeah any way...

if you have 2 or 3 mother's

and happen to be sumwhat of the same (plant) as far as nute's go you could put all 3 mothers in one bucket....

like me i have 4 kinds in one bucket...aqll 4 have about the same nute need's.

p.s. this is my first time doing mom's so im learning to...


thanks again for the input 00420

what plans u use for your dwc's? the ones available at OG in the "hydroponic systems construction" section?

if not, could u let me know any others you are aware of, thanks again... may be heading to Home HelpGrow here in a little bit...


full time daddy


i made this from part's from the hydrostore
- the 5 gal's homer's from homedpot.........

it'sa water farm kit from g/h...all you need is a 7/8 drill bit and an air pump,hydroton/perlite..........also the 12"inch net cup..

is really eazy to build if you get a 60per min air pump it will do 2 bucket's.....

i was all so thinkin about you size you have there you might want to do this in a rubbermad and not 5/2 gal's.....
and insted of the farm kit run a bubbler set up......you could get your 3 + a lot more mothers that way... and would save 8-10 inches......
(make it like you cloner just with 3" net cups) and add some nuts
would be the cheapest....

for the 2 gal your would have to make the water farm kit fit to size should not be hard........


hmm, another good idea... yeah I plan on keeping the moms small(and also having 5-6 in the future once I grow out a couple more of these strains I have), so a couple bubblers setup in rubbermaids would prolly fit the bill.... I do like the remote resevoir/controller and dwc buckets as well, hmmm decisions decisions decisions....

thanks again bro, you makin this alot easier than its been for me...


full time daddy
np anytime bro someday we will swap clone's yopu live to close not to :p
need anymore help all try ...

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