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Need some help..

I agree with all their advice....5.3 to 6...let it swing and starting low with ppm then building upward to see the plant's actual needs!

C/m could be lacking showing it self with symptoms that look like nitrogen deficiency...I guess what I'm saying is if one thing doesn't work try another!

How long should one wait for results for me has been the real question after knowing there are so many solutions out there?!!!


Me too.

The big thing I don't like about Flora Nova is the shaking of the bottle.

I hate doing it with a passion. I feel that it wen't a 'long way' though. Lasted long.

Also the NPK ratio's on the bottle are a bit strange.

Overall I wouldn't recommend Flora Nova at all. When you are tired are stoned the last thing you want to do is shake a bottle like mad.

I would get that new low cost stuff from Advanced Nutrients.
man your not lying, its a overall good product but it would funk up my res's, i spent more time cleaning than my plants did growing lol. i saw the new AN (affordable) product on the shelf when i went to re up on nutes was very tempted to try it out.


Thanks everyone for your input, like I said earlier it's my first attempt at hydro and I'm still learning, I kind of expected to make a few newbie mistakes. (I've grown in soil successfully a couple times)
I already cut out the FloraMicro (dgtm I'm pretty sure that's the problem at this point, I was told by someone who was obviously unreliable that I should supplement with trace elements with FloraNova) Thanks a lot freezer for putting some time into my thread, definitely some good info.
good deal man, definitely let us know the progress of your ladies:)


Well I've been taking bits of everyone's advice in this thread (all good stuff) I cleaned all res, let it run with just ph'd water for a couple days then slowly raised the FloraNova and cut out the Micro. I'm still using SM90 at low dose. As well as monitoring water parameters more closely. Good news is I caught my veg girls in time and they're back to normal. I think the damage may be too severe to continue with the girls in flowering, although the problem seems to be corrected as new growth looks perfectly healthy.

I guess my last question is should I bother continuing flowering or just start over? The damage is pretty bad, I've lost about 50%+ of foliage, I'm over 3 weeks in, I lost 2 out of 4 girls and the 2 left are about 30 inches tall, 1/3 of the plants at the bottom is now bare. I'm conflicted, part of me wants to let them go for extraction but they're pretty poor looking and have been through a lot of stress. I'll get some pics when the lights come on. As always appreciate any input.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Something is better than nothing. Is there anything chomping at the bit to get into the flower area? If not, I'd let them keep going.


All that's happened is you have fallen victim to internet advice and burned your plants. This has happened to me countless, countless times.

Here's what I would personally recommend.

Do a resevoir change.
Put your PPM to 400.
Put your PH to 5.3-5.5 max.
Wait 2-3 weeks for recovery.
Change resevoir every week until the problem is fixed.

Follow the above advice and see what happens to your plants in a few weeks. I think you'll see a big change.

This is what I did and it worked. Cutting out micro nutes I shouldn't have been using also. Here's a couple pics for an update. Had to use my phone and the LED's make it hard to get a good pic. Old damage is still apparent but new growth is good. Lots of hairs now and leaves are looking frosty. Thanks again.


Active member
I'm surprised only the Sgt.Touched on the fact PPm's,ec or whatever are way to high.The lLED your using are not stong enough to be running a res that hot.This is why Lucas recomends 0 5 10 under cfl's.0-8-16 under HID.All strains are diffrent and take up nutes at diffrent rates and FB already went into detail How to read that .
As mentioned no need for the micro,and was posibly causing some type of lockout,Micros added first when using lucas or 3 part ,if not you can have probs .But is not used with the floranova line if you really want to use an additive i would recomend floricious +,and it never hurts to have some calmag around.ph has to swing 5.5 is way to low perfect for conditioning RW though i like a 5.5 -6.3 or so .My 2 cents


Thanks for the input. I did pick up some camg+ and use that lightly. And the LED setup I have seems decent, I got good yields with it in soil with more plants and more area covered.(I've actually only used LED indoor but have experience with outdoor) What do you mean by "not strong enough to run a hot res?"
Here's the top of an outdoor girl for viewing pleasure(same strain), thanks as always.


Active member
"Not stong enough" I mean in intensity of light out put
By to "hot of a res" meaning your e.c is to high

LED wont put out the intensity needed for plants to thrive in a res that hot . back of the nutes by 1/4- 1/3 + cal mag

When using 400-1000 hids the plants can handle a hotter res
Irun multiple 400's and very rarely hit a [email protected] of more than 1000 or so .
Your enviorment basically dictates what your plants are going to need ventilation as well as lights.

Sorry for the slang I picked it up here@ IC


aha it's cool I just wasn't sure what you meant by hot res, I guess I have some decision making to do soon. I'll see how this finishes, thanks again.


less is more in hydro, balancing a much less aggressive feeding regimen with simplicity wherever you can is a recipe for success.
Watch for your humidity as well as humidity can cause "the claw" just like to much nitrogen will....I think lots of folks over look humidity issues and try and fix the nutrient solution....granted in your case here you were most defiantly running to high an EC level IMHO...

Do you keep track of humidity and temps daily? A log of that data can be most helpful as well when trying to trouble shoot a problem or multiple problems....

Good luck! Looks like they are coming around now and looking much healthier......and just a FYI....never needed more than 800PPM's or EC 1.2 max even in peak flowering in DWC or RDWC....


Yea I track humidity/temp, both are fairly consistent, humidity is higher than I'd like, 65% now, low of 50 high of 70. Temp doesn't get too hot since I'm using all LED, right now it's at 17C and the highest I've seen it is 24C. Everything is going smoothly now, ppm in veg 600, flowering 900.

My biggest issue now is I'm not sure if the LED's can cut it and am thinking of switching to HPS. I LOVE how the LED's use way less energy and don't get very hot though. They did well with soil but I'm less than impressed with development in flowering this time around. But it is my first time flowering with hydro and they've been through a lot, so we'll see.

I'll update with some better pics when they start to fill out more and again after harvest.
Thanks again everyone, I've learned a lot in this thread and avoided a total crop failure. I LOVE YOU ICMAG.


Active member
less is more in hydro, balancing a much less aggressive feeding regimen with simplicity wherever you can is a recipe for success.

I disagree, when "dialed" in aggresive = :plant grow:

KISS =lucas

Not to be an ass but less aggresive feeding = less intensitvy of light ,I think i mentioned this.

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