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Need some help..

Hey everyone! First off this is my first post on here and want to say im excited to have found this site! I decided i want to start growing indoors in my attic, its a pretty decent size and i saw a few videos about splitting a room in half so that i can have plants in vegetation as well as budding so i can have constant harvests. Heres a few things i want to note....

I have grown outdoors before but never inside.
I have always used clones never seeds.
I have a starting cost amount of 400 dollars.
I want to grow some really good strains but not sure where to get seeds or what types are the best
I was thinking about growing 10 plants
I have no idea what i need to get started

Any help would be great :)
Anybody Kind enough to help a newb out? I was told t5s are good to use..also will 400 be enough for all my equipment to grow 10?


400 watt?

There's quite a few things you need to figure out.

How much will it cost you to build up your grow room?

Gonna go hydro or soil?

If you live in a mmj state, you can get clones at a dispensary.

Yes, a 400 is 400w. That would probably be a good start for you.

There are lots of costs associated with growing......nutes, hydro setup, soil, pots, fans, filters, etc etc. Figure out exactly what you'd like to do first.
I was looking around at eithor hydro and soil and i think i want to try hydro...i want to be able to grow 10 plants. I have access to clones jack herer mostly but want variety and was thinking about going the seed route and get some heady strains so any info on best place to buy and cheapest would be cool also good strains. This is all very new to me so i almost dont know what i want besides like i said to be able to have 10 going at a time. Also i want to have the attic split into two rooms by tarp or whatever so i can have one half vegetative and the other flowering at the same time. Im also wondering what an estimate price would be to cover everything i need from the hyro system to the seeds....


First of all, a tarp isn't going to be light tight. Have you even considered what type of hydro you want to do?

Clone the jacks.
MacD i appreciate all the info thus far but i dont know what types of hydro there are i guess i would have to say i would like to be able to purchase everything i need for 400 is this possible?
imo id get some 2" pvc and a ton of connectors and a nice roll of some black and white poly and some tarp zippers make your own little grow tents.....2 of them will probly cost about 100$ max to be built (one for veg one for flower) use a 400w hps in a 3x3 space for flowering and for veg just use a good bit of cfls......theres great deals to be had online insidesun has magnetic ballast 400w'ers for 100$....i would read the diy link o rama and find out something you want to do and stick to it....imo do soil first as indoors is a whole different ballgame and hydro is easier to screw up for a beginner indoor grower...as far as seeds go use seedboutique.com or seedbay.com and dont use greenhouse seeds they just suck and germination ratios suck and strains are not what they say they are......female seeds has some very good seeds with very slim chances of hermies,dutchgrown is another good breeder,BOG is another, but of course DG and BOG are a bit pricey if you end up screwing up......but just browse the bay or the boutique and just find some strains do some searching here on icmag and see if its what you want in a strain! thats what i did...


MacD i appreciate all the info thus far but i dont know what types of hydro there are i guess i would have to say i would like to be able to purchase everything i need for 400 is this possible?

It is possible, but I suggest you use the search function and learn as much as you can before diving in to anything.

You have a lot to learn and figure out.

Right now I'd suggest you put your 10 clones in soil, and get a 600w light. Water them by hand, and read as much on this forum as you can in the meantime.


I'd say keep it simple. $400 isn't a lot but if you are handy with diy projects that'll save you some.

The most bang for your buck will be had by going big on the lighting. I'd say get a cheap 1000W magnetic ballast and a cheap HPS bulb. bghydro has a 1000W hps ballast for $129 and a 1000W bulb for $36. You can go lower like 400W or 600W but going with lower wattage won't save you that much money on equipment. It will reduce your electricity bill though.

Save money, skip the reflector, go bare bulb. Or get the el cheapo batwing reflector.

I would say FFOF soil/perlite/dolomite in nursery pots. No pumps, no reservoir, no ph testing, no ppm testing. Supplement with some maxibloom, half teaspoon per gallon every other watering maybe. Use RO water from a vending machine if your tap water is hard. You can look up your local municipality's water quality report online if you don't know whether your tap water is good enough.

Get a couple shop lights with 6100K bulbs for vegging. Two shoplights and four 48 inch bulbs can be had for about $50. Once you grow out your seeds and cull the males, cut a bunch of clones before you flower. Grow out the clones for 8 weeks while you flower your seed starts. By the time you harvest your seed starts, your clones will be fairly large and ready to flip. Cut more clones before you flip...repeat.

Carbon air scrubbing is expensive so I'd recommend you check out the diy carbon air scrubbers on here and make one yourself with some ebay carbon.

A lot of people recommend Nirvana seeds for good value.

You can pump out a pound of weed every two months with a setup like this.

Post up some pics when you get going. I love doing things on the cheap.


seeker of greater knowledge
lighting- get a 100w cfl for veg . that should be enough to get your plants big enough to flower......and a 400w hps for flowering.....im sure if you check online you'll be able to find some great deals on lights..or just go to a local hydro shop and see if they have any used ballasts around that still work(second hand is always cheaper) the lights shoulden't be that expensive......to seperate the room into 2 rooms you most likely will have to bus some 2 sided poly (plastic)

go with a soil grow its more forgiving than hydro farming.....
there's plenty of soil to choose from but i suggest FFOF (fox farm ocean forest) it already has nutrients inside all you have to do is add some additives....

your gonna need fans and a carbon filter to get rid of the smell.....

to be honest there's too much shit to write down your gonna have to discover things the old fashioned way through trial and error....

but some help along the way is always good..

oh btw for seeds check out seedboutique.com and check out nirvana seeds...they have great prices for their seeds and its great to learn:artist:
Vince do you think 100 w cfl will be enough to provide for 8-10 clones? As far as the FFOF soil what other additives should be added n at what times? Also any recommendations on a cheap reliable carbon filter to get the job done? Smell is definately something that has to be nonexistant of course. Also ive notice temperature is a big issue surround the plants and am a little worried as its in an attic and although heat does rise it is fairly chilly up there this time of year and wondering what past growers with this problem have used to solve it ie small portable heaters etc....I have decided that im going to grow the herer clones as well as pick up some sour diesel seeds for variety... Suggestions on the best place to purchase the best quality sour d seeds at would be awesome as well...im going to keep reading around on here but still getting use to using the platform on the sight and having some trouble finding posts relating to some of my questions....Thanks again for all the help and info so far!


Hey, definatley invest in a good vent fan. Ventilation is important indoors. Check out the official diy link o rama, its a sticky in the growroom designs and equipment forum, tons of useful things you could make cheap like carbon filters.


$400 is not nearly enough money to do what you want to do.

To grow 10 plants you need a 1000w minimum, unless you're juts flowering 4" clones.

A decent 1000w light setup is $400 so there goes that.

I would keep learning and saving up more money so you can do things proper and avoid major problems.

Things you NEED to grow successfully indoors:

LIGHT PROOF GROW AREA... can't stress this enough.

Heat control

A plan

Your best bet is a grow tent. You can get a 6.5" x 6.5" x 6.5" tent for $150 shipped from ebay. They work, just don't be rough on the zipper.

Then you want a 6" Phresh carbon filter and a 6" vortex style fan with a fan controller. You will also want to get a digital thermostat with an outlet on it to plug the fan into. This exhaust fan will monitor your internal temps with the help of the controller thermostat. Also whenever it exhausts it will scrub the air of smells.

If you shop around you can get the tent, light, ventilation all for under a grand.


seeker of greater knowledge
Vince do you think 100 w cfl will be enough to provide for 8-10 clones? As far as the FFOF soil what other additives should be added n at what times? Also any recommendations on a cheap reliable carbon filter to get the job done? Smell is definately something that has to be nonexistant of course. Also ive notice temperature is a big issue surround the plants and am a little worried as its in an attic and although heat does rise it is fairly chilly up there this time of year and wondering what past growers with this problem have used to solve it ie small portable heaters etc....I have decided that im going to grow the herer clones as well as pick up some sour diesel seeds for variety... Suggestions on the best place to purchase the best quality sour d seeds at would be awesome as well...im going to keep reading around on here but still getting use to using the platform on the sight and having some trouble finding posts relating to some of my questions....Thanks again for all the help and info so far!

a 100 watt cfl would be more than enough to veg 8 clones properly....you need to do some searching on the internet to find one of those large bulbs....then you need a porclene socket for that bulb , which you can get at any hydro shop or home depot...
shoulden't be that expensive 5-15$

as per the FFOF there's already some nutrients in there but as per additives fish emlusion works great for added nitrogen as well as marine kelp , liquid karma , organic b vitimins...Etc theres lot of different opinions on whats the best additives when using FFOF given at 1/2 doses will help perk up your plants until their ready for flowering....

as per carbon filters ...how big is your room size? the size of the room usually dictates the size of the filter...but with carbon filters also comes vortex fans(which are pretty expensive for new growers,even for me at one point in tiime) find out your room size and let me know..

if it gets too cold then have a SMALL space heater on a timer with a ground(3 prong) set for a few hours when the lights turn off..that should take care of that problem..

in my honest opinion the best place to get the seeds you search for try http://www.seedbay.com/ they have the best variety of cannabis seeds from all over the world creat an account and get started:tiphat:

i know there's still some unanswered questions you might have so hit me up......but honestly 400$ is a VERY tight budget to get everything you need........

i suggest you stick with your clones for now because the diesel your looking for not currently in stock at SB and is also expensive for a first time ordering espcially when your on a tight budget......

hit me up if there's more Q's:thank you:
Okay, so im back anda little more prepared but still have a ton of questions... I recently visited a local growing shop to pick up most of my materials as of now i have picked up a 1000 watt hps setup with ballast a few bags of roots organics soil, 16 oz bottle of cornucopia plus advantage grow (premium fertilizer) with an analysis of 2-1-2 a quart of cornucopia plus Dr thomas' necessary plant energy premium tricarboxylic acids, also a 2 light fixtures that hold 2 t8s each the wattage on the t8 bulbs i have are 32 watt 6500 k i plan on using these for vegging and the 1000 watt for flowering. I also purchased a pocket sized ph meter (hanna instruments) and the primo family microprocessor conductivity & tds meters with automatic temperature compensation (which i dont really know how to use eithor of those to be honest) this also came with cleaning solution as well as buffer solution ph 7.01 and 1500 ppm tds solution. Any info on these would be very helpful on how to use and when. I had also set up a timer in my grow area and had a couple concerns about it it is in an attic and has a min temp of 55 degrees while humidity being at 45 and a high of 57 degrees while humidity pretty much stays the same. I am going to be getting my clones put up there hopefully by thursday some have rooted but still waiting on a few.. Is this temperature going to be too cold for my babys to grow adequately up there? maybe a heating pad would help? or possibly a space heater? The one other main concern i have is that its pretty dirty up there nothing really airborne that i can see but definately old timber dust insulation etc and im a little worried about that whether there will be mites or other living organisms that will affect my crop. I have spent about 700 dollars on all my equipment so far and want to make sure this is all worth the effort. One last thing i was also curious about is the type of yield i should expect off from 10 clones. As i said they will be veggin under 4 4ft t8 lights 32 watt each 6500 k and then budding under 1 1000 watt hps. Thanks for the help in advance! :)

btw ill post some pics up in the near future