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need some help!! pics..


i've been vegging for almost a month now and they look like they're not growing anymore. i'm doing dwc with 1k mh and using ro water. so i just started to use AN a&b with liquid karma and that's y my roots are brown. well the LK left all this gunk on my roots so i flushed it for a few days and they recovered a little bit. i thought i had a lil root rot so i got some hydrozyme and dutch master zone. well when i added that i got all that foam and my roots look like they're not getting any better or any new growth. wth am i doing wrong? my ph is stable at 5.8, co2 level is 1000ppm, nutes 600ppm. it's been almost a month now and it looks like it's not going anywhere. please help a brother out. thanks....




i would say its a pythium infection and the leaves are getting lighter due to a nitrogen def becouse of the infection i would treat with a fungiside asap