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Need some help....I'm Hydrodude who is a complete soil super n00b!!


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
2 gallon is fine. Get a 3 gallon if possible so you won't have to water as much.
BurnOne said:
2 gallon is fine. Get a 3 gallon if possible so you won't have to water as much.

Sweet, I'm gonna go with the 2 gallons pot and see what happens when they finish.

When can I start feedin them some nutes????

Peace and Love
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New member
hey burn1. got a quick question for you

okay, i use lc's #1 (thanks to you i might add), and i use DNF nutes for now, however i wanna go organic. i have bone meal, blood meal, and liquid kelp extract, now i cant find dried kelp meal anywhere and jersey greensand is impossible to get up here in canada.

now how can i make a premixed organic soil, im not into making teas, if i were going to do that i would just as well go with my nutes. what would a winning recipe be?