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Need Info Regarding Certain Cancers, Experiences, and caretakers please respond


Bong Smoking News Hound
I have a really good friend who is a female. She is a cancer survivor from Cervical Cancer. In order to insure it would not come back they had remove everything.....

Well i guess a few years later, her doctor called her and told her she has breast cancer.

Im really worried about her, She does not smoke Marijuana or utilize cannabis in any sense or fashion. She is a Moderate Drinker/Smoker.

I am gonna google this stuff. but i need advice on how to help her through this. For moral support and if there is anything i can do to ease this. She just found out yesterday so i dont know details of how much cancer etc... But her grandmother died of the same type of cancer.. cervical. And she looks just like her grandmother... genetics..

First time ive ever seen her cry, she holds it in so strong. It took me prying it out of her mouth that she had this.

Any advice, Experiences, from cancer patients, and caregivers alike. ANy family or friends who have experienced it.

She cant smoke marijuana due to prob. We live in a medical state...

Thanks so much, and keep her in your prayers and thoughts.



Well I think what you are doing is enough moral support, sounds like you are doing what needs to be done. Being there for a good friend during rough times. I don't think there is anything you can do to ease her pain for now other than being a listening ear for her. My best wishes to her and I wish her luck in the new year. She sounds like a strong woman, I hope she pulls through.
"She cant smoke marijuana due to prob. We live in a medical state..."
^^^ She can't smoke due to personal choice? What's due to prob? Problem? You guys live in a medical state so MMJ sounds like it could help her with the chemo etc. Anyways my best wishes to your friend bro.


SCF ..

Breast cancer was the first cancer discovered to respond to marijuana.

No two ways about it. marijuana fights cancer.
Cannabis Teas and baked goods are helping considerably with the nausea associated with my 'friend' in a similar situation. She was just seen reading this Health Encyclopedia Kaiser Permanente link to breast cancer nausea, some might find interesting reading.cancer: home treatment for nausea and vomiting (you may have to type "cancer" in the search this site tab)

and then she had another interesting site on screen BREASTCANCER.ORG

Although it is still questionable whether cannabis is the magic bullet, strong medicinal therapies is what my 'friend' is continuing, as well as speaking with the surgeons next week. It appears to be a radical. We should ALL send positive vibes in the direction of these afflicted patients.....


Bong Smoking News Hound
CaliCoast said:
Well I think what you are doing is enough moral support, sounds like you are doing what needs to be done. Being there for a good friend during rough times. I don't think there is anything you can do to ease her pain for now other than being a listening ear for her. My best wishes to her and I wish her luck in the new year. She sounds like a strong woman, I hope she pulls through.
"She cant smoke marijuana due to prob. We live in a medical state..."
^^^ She can't smoke due to personal choice? What's due to prob? Problem? You guys live in a medical state so MMJ sounds like it could help her with the chemo etc. Anyways my best wishes to your friend bro.

Thanks mate. Due to yes personal choice and Probation. She says she freaks out when she smokes weed but i know i can find a good strain for her if need be. But i just have to convince myself 100 percent that it can really help. And not damage her anymore. I dont want to feel responsible for her deteriorating at any rate. All i can do is cure her with laughter :D

peanutbutter said:
SCF ..

Breast cancer was the first cancer discovered to respond to marijuana.

No two ways about it. marijuana fights cancer.

You got any links to that study? Id love to show it to her so i can convince her and get her medical Thanks bro

COmidnightrider said:
Cannabis Teas and baked goods are helping considerably with the nausea associated with my 'friend' in a similar situation. She was just seen reading this Health Encyclopedia Kaiser Permanente link to breast cancer nausea, some might find interesting reading.cancer: home treatment for nausea and vomiting (you may have to type "cancer" in the search this site tab)

and then she had another interesting site on screen BREASTCANCER.ORG

Although it is still questionable whether cannabis is the magic bullet, strong medicinal therapies is what my 'friend' is continuing, as well as speaking with the surgeons next week. It appears to be a radical. We should ALL send positive vibes in the direction of these afflicted patients.....

Thanks for the links. And yes we should. Because when people pass these laws for medical marijuana they have in mind AIDS AND CANCER. Terminal illnesses. Let alone when its someone who you know, and love, it hurts the most. I can't imagine life without this person. But i must suck up my sad feelings because that's selfish. Instead I'm happy to just be with them here and now and enjoying the good times. Because she aint going no where!

Thanks Dude your a great help on these forums.
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Not familiar with the emerging body of research touting cannabis' ability to stave the spread of certain types of cancers? You're not alone.

For over 30 years, US politicians and bureaucrats have systematically turned a blind eye to scientific research indicating that marijuana may play a role in cancer prevention -- a finding that was first documented in 1974. That year, a research team at the Medical College of Virginia (acting at the behest of the federal government) discovered that cannabis inhibited malignant tumor cell growth in culture and in mice. According to the study's results, reported nationally in an Aug. 18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, administration of marijuana's primary cannabinoid THC, "slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent."


That should be a good start.


Please note that most research has been devoted to how cancers respond to THC.

Other chemicals that are present in marijuana might even show more promise than THC. Such as CBD.

Many of the other canabinoids that have medical benefit doen't even get you high.


Okay, prob=probation. Again, my thoughts towards your friend and I hope she finds relief in MMJ when she is ready. Until then, laughter is truly the best medicine :D.


Ive been a caregiver for several cancer patients. Most prefer to not spend their time stoned but still obviously prefer to be as pain free as possible. A strain with a 10% or less THC level does seem to be preferred.

Ive seen chemo patients go from hiding out for 5 or 6 days after treatment to only being 'off line' for a day.... all due to MJ.

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