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need help with ph please


Hello Guys im realy snookerd on this one ,it has never happend before to me. Im growing in 10lt pots 70/30 coco perlite , im going off the feeding program canna says on there site and have done with good results. but this time the ph is in some pots as low as 5.0 and im 3 weeks into flower, ive tryed flushing it wont move. the stems are not red but they are barky. does anyone know what usually courses this.
thanks arny


some people will tell you to compensate by adjusting the ph a little higher than you normally would put in

some people will tell you to disregard the runoff and just worry about what youre putting in.

being rude wont get you much help man.....

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Is this run to waste. recirculating, or what?

As always pics help if you want an answer


Flushing isn't supposed to move the pH, but it may lower the concentration of whatever's in the pot that's causing it. Then if you'll follow that with some feeds with an elevated pH - in the 6.3 range - and do at least 2 a day feeds to a significant runoff, you should be able to pull it back in range. I'm wondering what caused it in the first place and I suspect it was the amount of ferts Canna says to dump on your plants. I haven't seen their guide lately but it used to be like 2 times what it actually takes to kill a plant, lol... combine high ec with inadequate waterings and you've got a pretty good chance of at least burning its nose hairs...

I've had more success at pulling the pH back into range when I've fed them at a lower ec and pH'ed the feeds to 6.3 - If you do this, I'd go for about a 300% return a couple of times a day for a few days at least - If they turn around for you at that, I'd keep pH'ing no lower than 6.2 for the remainder of the time the plant's in that coco. All this assumes your pots drain well and your coir isn't packed too tightly... just my .02...

but yeah, triple b is right - I know it gets shittier by the hour when your grow's croakin, but just bumping the thread with a 'hey fuckers, I really need help' woulda been a better choice of words - if I were the kind that got my tender feelers hurt, and I'm not, lolol...




thanks guys its very much appreciated, sorry for sounding like a p***k. ill try hey fuckers next time lol


slowand easy that was an apoligy to the guys that gave me some good advise that i am very greatfull for.


mojo thanks for the advise mate, could you tell me the ec levels you would advise me to use. canna goes up to 1.6 in flower that is on the p.k week then it goes down but 1.6 is the highest.

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