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Need help helping my people.


Hello America. Long story short, my contry is considering making medicinal cannabis legal. It will take years before the law passes, but when it does, the goverment needs a professional suplyer of medical marihuana. And I intend that suplyer to be me:)
Now I know there is a lot to learn about growing professionally, so my question is; can any of you guys help me??
I want to come to a farm to learn and to help. Ive been saving up, so money is no issue, and ill pay for everything myself (i dont want to get paid, i just want knowledge)
And I dont want to set up shop in America, so I wont be competition, I wont steal any buisness of yours.
All I want is the knowledge of running a professional grow, so I can help sic people in my contry.
Can anybody please help me??

Btw about me: Im a 34 yo male from denmark. I have been growing for 20+ years now, but only on a small scale and only for myself, since its illigal here in Denmark. So Im not new to growing, just new to growing professionally.