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need help germing seeds from the 70s


New member
Old seeds lose most of the moisture in their shells after a couple years and remain in a fairly brittle state if not taken care of and stored correctly.

The best way to germ old seeds is to dunk the seeds into a cup or bottle of some filtered water and let them absorb all the moisture that it was lacking. Then, once they start floating to the top, then put them in a moist paper towel in a cool dark place.


Active member
chillout Dave, as you stated a pressure cooker can be used as an autoclave.... don't blame others because you are too lazy to search out info on the internet. Anyone with broadband, 30 seconds, and an IQ over 100 can easily find pre-made Maurashige and Skoog Media, powdered or pre-prepped and poured into Petri dishes or glassware.... if you only have dial-up at home get in a car and head to an internet cafe.

If it's too difficult for you, you are either lazy or aren't trying, and you have no plans to put the info to use regardless.... so what are you complaining about?


i never asked you to explain your instructions. you forget you are way ahead of us . your the teacher we are students. and most people dont have access to such stuff as easilly as you.i never said i couldnt find the ingredients. have a nice day


a pressure cooker, some agar, and even a ghetto cardboard glovebox is going to be <$120.

If i had some rare, notoriously hard to germ seeds, youd bet your ass id do 2-3 hours of research on teh interweb to give me my best chance. Chimera pretty much did it all. All thats left is to figure out how to put it all together.

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