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Active member
Spurr you have issues. This thread is now a spurr thread .

Okay, thanks for letting me know. Sorry that it bothers you that I go over a thread and respond to posts in said thread. Within this thread there was posted misinformation (not on purpose), so I am trying to help clear things up.

I can see you're not offering any help at this point. Done with ya', have a nice day! :)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Just do a flush and use PH water at 6.5. Post some more pics after a week. If you would like any 1 on 1 help you can pm me. The correct PH should be 6.5 for soil and 5.8 for hydro/coco. I could post pics but theres just to many. If you want to check I have a few thousand pics of various strains all grown in Soil/soilless medium. I use to mix my own soil I can no longer do that as my Disability prevents me from lifting those bags. Good luck I hope tis helps you

J Budman

Guys the problem is definitely not over watering. That's one thing I am 100% sure of. It's definitely nute burn. I never thought it was a PH problem. Even now that I'm flushing I'm still not over watering. Thanks for your help though. Now that I've flushed once with PH'ed 6.5 water I can already see the major difference. I'll take some pictures now and post in a few on how well she has already bounced back. I figure one more flush as suggested here and then on to 1/2,water,3/4,water,full strength. That seems to be the best bet. She's definitely showing improvement. All new growth is a beautiful healthy green. Thanks guys so much for all the help. I'll post some pics today of what they look like now. I trimmed off a lot of the dead tips on the leaves to prevent disease etc. I left some for another day so as to not stress her too much while in flower.

J Budman

Spurr is your opinion based on the fact that I'm using soilless media? I'm not. I'm in soil. FFOF to be exact. Does that change things? Not to be rude in any way, but it seems like the vast majority of experienced growers on here have said pretty much the same thing. Flush with 6.5 at least twice, then 1/2 nutes etc. (no need to be redundant). Now that I've already begun what hammerhead and the others have suggested it seems to e responding quite well. Please let me know if your opinion was based on soilless media or not.

J Budman


Active member
Spurr is your opinion based on the fact that I'm using soilless media? I'm not. I'm in soil. FFOF to be exact.

No, my suggestions (facts) are based upon any media, or no media. FWIW, you are using soilless as FFOF, because FFOF isn't soil.

Does that change things?

Nope, you're using soilless. And if you were using soil it still wouldn't change things, albeit the issue of soil saturation is more of a concern (re lower air porosity and total porosity of soil vs soilless media).

Not to be rude in any way, but it seems like the vast majority of experienced growers on here have said pretty much the same thing. Flush with 6.5 at least twice, then 1/2 nutes etc. (no need to be redundant).

Your not being rude, not at all. However, those people are wrong. There are very many myths and even more misunderstandings in the cannabis world, thanks to much hearsay (ex., Hammerhead) and anecdotal evidence and conjecture; a lack of soound science. Ex., what Hammerhead wrote and the chart he posted is wrong and fully un-referenced; I could elaborate if you wish; ex., P is far more soluble (plant available) at lower pH (of soilless solution or hydro-rez) than above pH 6.5. In fact, P is akin to micro's wherein its solubility is reduced as pH increases above ~6.5-7; ideal pH is ~5.8-6.2 (outside range is ~5.5-6.5) for soilless solution and soil solution.

Hammerhead is using many logical fallacies in his arguments, thus his stance is as flawed as his claims ...

What I wrote is correct: pH of water (before watering media) isn't a big deal in terms of media pH, but it is a big deal in terms of ion solubility in water before water is applied to media. Water alkalinity is a much bigger concern during flushing than is water pH.

Now that I've already begun what hammerhead and the others have suggested it seems to e responding quite well. Please let me know if your opinion was based on soilless media or not.

Hammerhead and I, as well as others, do not disagree that you should flush. What we disagree on is issues such as pH, foliar spray with water after flushing (it's important to do so), etc.

You should consider using 4-6 ml/gal FloraNova Bloom after watering with plain water, after flushing. Then on the next fertigation switch to 8ml/gal FloraNova Bloom when you start back at full strength ferts; you don't need FlroaNova Grow at all.

You should consider using 8 ml/gal FNB every other watering, with plain water in between.

J Budman

No worries, glad to help :)

What size pots are you using? They look small (i.e., short), which is why I suggested your plants are over-watered, due to the look of the plants and apparent size of pots (in terms of height). This has to due with "perched water table" (PWT) of your media, ex., the shorter the pot the higher the PWT, and thus less air and more water is held by media. If you use short pots and water when the top of media feels dry you could be over-watering your media, even if you think you are not.

It's far better to use the tallest pots you can, than to use shorter pots. I won't grow in pots shorter than ~10", past seedling stage.



Active member
Hey floranova is a hydro fert and when in soil a general rule is to apply half off what normaly is listed untill mid flower i hit it with full dose.

J Budman

No, my suggestions (facts) are based upon any media, or no media. FWIW, you are using soilless as FFOF, because FFOF isn't soil.

Nope, you're using soilless. And if you were using soil it still wouldn't change things, albeit the issue of soil saturation is more of a concern (re lower air porosity and total porosity of soil vs soilless media).

Ocean Forest® Potting Soil
Good Things From the Earth and Sea
The ultimate potting soil—everything your plants need, in one bag. Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. Composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest® its light, aerated texture. Start with Ocean Forest® and watch your plants come alive!

Garden tip: Perfect for containers and ready to use right out of the bag. Ocean Forest® is pH adjusted at 6.3 to 6.8 to allow for optimum fertilizer uptake. There’s no need for nitrogen fertilizers at first; instead try an organic blend like FoxFarm Big Bloom™ Liquid Plant Food to encourage strong branching and a sturdy, healthy growth habit.

I'm pretty sure that means it is soil man.


Active member
Either way (soil vs soilless) it doesn't matter, because what I wrote would still be accurate if I was wrong about FFOF not being soil. That said, sphagnum peat moss is the base, making up > 50% of the media. For something to be "soil" it needs to fit a certain set of definitions, e.g., needing silt, loam and clay, etc.

FFOF is not true soil, it's soilless media with amendments, granted the sandy loam amendment is soil if it's true sandy loam. FFOF is great stuff, whether one calls it soilless or soil. The company, FF, should not have used the word soil IMO, but it's their prerogative.


Active member
omg help turns in to what, a fight over words and definitions, cmon growing ganja is not rocket science

Halek Bom Shiva

J Budman

No fighting man. I just wanna make sure the info I'm getting is based on the correct medium. I am only here to learn all I can. Not argue about semantics. It's just hard to know who's "right". It might not even be as simple as that. Different things might just work for different people. That's all. I just wanted o make sure my pal spurr knows that I'm in "mostly" soil. I'm gonna have my buddy dnotrem post some pics on where my ladies are at now later on today. I got some painting to do.(totally unrelated to growing)

Happy growing guys,
J Budman

J Budman

Now because of the FFOF argument this thread has been abandoned huh? Well I hope someone stumbles into it and finds some use from it.

Thanks so much guys,
I'll always check to see for additions to the thread,
J Budman


Active member
I don't think there was a "FFOF argument", not at all. Some people here are too touchy about disagreements (not yourself). You and I did not argue, we didn't even really disagree. It was more of a semantic issue between me and Fox Farm.

I'm not sure what you mean the thread being "abandoned". Are there unresolved issues and/or questions in this thread?

J Budman

I guess not really. She appears to be bouncing back. Way thinner than the others. I have a new problem with one of my clones now though that's in DWC. I need to have a friend post the pictures. His name is dnotrem, he's on here also. My Internet is down still. I'll post a link to the new thread as soon as it's up if you don't mind taking a look. Thanks spurr for lingering.

i would recommend getting a ppm meter/stick and you will always know what ur feeding you plants,i found that the direction on most nutrients seen to be alittle lower than where you want to be if you fallow what the direction say,you can get a cheap ppm stick on ebay for like $40 and its well worth having.....goodluck