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Need better numbers with Maxibloom, Help!


Just my opinion, but CJ I really thing you should look into dialing in your environment to get better numbers. According to what I gather from people doing extraordinary numbers, environment>nutes/additives. If your environment is not at optimal levels the benefits from anything you add is minimal to nonexistent. Nutes and additives though important is just a small part of the equation.

If you are dead set on running CO2, make sure your room is completely sealed, raise your temps to 80º-90º, no exhaust, AC, high humidity (look at the VPD chart posted by SC) and A LOT of air movement to prevent powdery mildew (contrary to what many ppl say...pw is more likely due to stagnant air rather than high humidity).

This is going to sound stupid, but bear with me for a second. Imagine yourself in 2 scenarios:

1-you are in the perfect environment, you are feeling great and a steak is presented to you.
2-you are not in the ideal environment and your mood is shitty and you are presented the same steak.

In the first scenario, though it is served plain, it the best steak you've ever tasted and you don't waste a second devouring every last bite.
However in the second scenario that same steak can come with all the condiments in the world and it will still taste bland to you and after several bites you can't bare to eat another.

In other words think of your environment/surrounding as your health and appetite. Without either one you won't eat as much. No matter how much bigger the piece of steak (more nutes) is given to you or what condiments are added (additives) it won't change your appetite.
Well just a little update. The girls are extremely happy. I have lowered the ec down to 1.4and I am adding all base and additives at 65% of the suggested rate. If my ec is still too high i just add 0 ppm water to the rez til it is lowered to where I want it. I have also started to make sure i am using 0 ppm water from my ac or water that has been bubbled for 24+ hours to kill the chlorine. In veg I am I am using the kelp and in flower kool bloom powder and then switching to kool bloom dry on top of my previously stated recipe.

The VPD has helped drastically and since bumping up the temps and humidity all of the girls have shown noticeable improvements. Especially the Death star she is looking so beautiful and throwing out tons of hairs non stop.

Also since putting all of the girls on the watering system their stems have become way more thick and healthy. It is easy to see they are more strong and carrying water and food through the veins with ease. All of the girls are lush and healthy and vigorous. Thank you all again for your insight and showing me its not as much the food as it is how happy the girls are while they are eating!!

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