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Need an RO system


I need to get an RO system and I need one pretty damn quickly. i'm only gonna use like 50 gallons per grow but i'll also be using it as drinking water. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks

go on ebay and search for Merlin

Its about 400 thats with shipping, its the cheapest one around that i find the hydro stores will sell it for like 550. Its the same make and model this thing produce 30 gph! thats 750 gpd. I have one and i love it, im glad i got this instead of those 200gpd. Even tho i was dissapointed because i had to find out that it waste 3gal of water for 1gal product(RO water) i am still happy because you will need one that produce alot for hydro aplication.


damn dude. i checked it out and that thing is pretty awesome except for the fact that it is a little more than i had planned on spending. i was thinking of something in the 200 range
you can spend 200, but that price will give you those of like 300 gpd stuff. Trust me even tho this thing only produce 30gph which is very slow not even close to how your facet runs I just can't imaginng how a slower one runs i'd be waiting all day! And you know for your babies, when you need water, you need water or else your baby suffers.

But you say you only need 50 gal per grow so thats alot less then what i use. I see RO systems at lowes for drinking also that hook up to your facet. BTW when these things are running your entire house water pressure will be low so take that into consideration also, that means if you need 100 gal that will take you 1 day to produce and that means 1 whole day of low water pressure throughout the house.
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i bought one on ebay a while ago for about $120 including shipping does 90 gallons a day. I never hooked it up as it was wildly inadeqate for my needs. Gotta love those late night stoned purchases...


fuck. so much goddamn money!!! and with a system like the one hofmann is showing, about how many gallons of good water would you get before you need to replace the filters?


50 gallons per GROW.. he doesnt need a damn $400 merlin. any ro will do for you i sudest a 90gpd unit, this is all the unit you will ever need. i dont undertand how people cansay thats not enuff. you just need a storage tank(trashcan) to hold the clean water before use. it would take me around 12 hrs to fill a 40 gallon trash can. if you use more than 40 gallons in 12 hours then mabey you will need a bigger unit. even when filling rezes,i thik this should be enuff for anyone but the huge greenhouse type grower.

you get what you pay for with these units. i got 1 off ebay& it looked like someone put it together in thier garage(prob did). i got a new unit that was 2x as expensive from the hydrostore. definitley wort it cause its orfessionally put together w/ no leaks.
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Active member
I bought an RO off ebay a few years ago, got it for about 70 bucks. Still works like a charm all you have to do is replace the filters every once and a while just like any RO system. Helped my grows out big time although every once and a while a strain will lack MG and Calcium because the RO takes it out. Either you can add some tap water into the mix or you can get calmag solution.


i have that actually and it worked with the starter filter but when i put in the replacement filter that is supposed to last 3 times longer but didnt filter the water like the starter filter. I'm gonna get a new one tomorrow and see what happens.


salgjkhaf said:

so would something like this take my 600 ppm tap water down to something more manageable? like at least 50-100 ppm?


With your water at 600 ppm any small RO unit is going to clog up pretty quickly making these cheap purchases add up down the road. If your water is hard the RO wont last long at all. A water softner would be needed to break down cal/mag and iron etc.

RO's last a long time when they mainly are filtering the sodium from a softener.

If you water has a lot of sediment then a ro's pre filters clog up fast. My garden pro last less than 3 weeks without pre filters ahead of the units source.


What is in your water? Get it tested before you spend anything on a system.

The worst thing that happens to people is they blindly go out a buy the minimal they can get away with just to find out it is useless because it clogs up in no time flat.

You want test results before you waste even minimal money.

Why spend $100 on a system to find out you need to install other equipment and go with a different model all together?


GE Merlin just zeroed my water out to nothing. . .EC reading 0.1 and PPM 00000. HA! pH is around 4.8, that will need some correcting. . . Took it down from around 0.15 EC, 120 PPM and 5.7 pH. It's always nice to have a blank canvas to work with.

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