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Need an inexpensive alternative to cannas rhizotonic


Microbrewed fertilizer has a product called root brew which is very similar to rhizo but only 14 a quart. Their frosty mug is rumored to be reversed engineered canna boost at 50. Ive been running the frosty mug for over a year with great results.


Active member
:tiphat: Howdy all! The products mentioned are good and cost $$$$$$

Maxicrop liquid seaweed is for making Roots and also setup the Immune system of the plant from the beginning....try it:dance013::wave:

I second Maxicrop, they have some super products, just to damm difficult to get hands on in my woods


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Willow Water, that is inexpensive and works....

Boil a pot of water, turn off the heat, add finger thick, 1 inch long willow stems, allow to cool, strain, use...

Willow has a very high concentration of rooting hormones and also an Asprin like compound...

This is a pretty good article on it http://deepgreenpermaculture.com/diy-instructions/home-made-plant-rooting-hormone-willow-water/

Keep the mix in the fridge, as you should with any Rooting Hormones AFAIK.. Experiment with different strengths and see if you can beat Rhizotonic's effects.


3 words ............regen a root (under £19 a ltr and u only use 1ml per ltr.


Use for correcting poor root growth & preventing root disease

These two plants were grown with a nutrient solution infested with Pythium and Phytophthora root diseases. The plant on the left was treated with Regen-A-Root and the plant on the right received no treatment.

Do you know how many diseases are waiting to attack the roots of your hydroponic crop? The effect of root disease can be mild through to devastating. Most growers have had the experience of thinking that their crop is going to be great only to find that, within the space of a few days, the crop’s condition has degenerated markedly. For example, the leaves start to change color and it begins to wilt. Almost without exception, your crop has been attacked by one of the myriad root diseases that lurk in the nooks and crannies of most hydro systems waiting for an opportunity to start feasting on your plant’s roots. What are these diseases? There is Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Phytophthora which are the most common. In addition, there are several others which are less common but nevertheless very dangerous if they infect your crop. Among these are Thielaviopsis, Fusarium, Sclerotinia and Cylindrocladium.

Pythium is the most commonly found root disease in both hydroponic systems and in the soil. The symptoms are quite specific. If the plant’s roots go brown and smelly and the plants wilt when the lights are on, then you are probably dealing with Pythium. Before blaming a disease, however, check that the nutrient aeration is ok. Lack of oxygen in the system can cause similar symptoms.

When plants are growing strongly, they can usually fight off the effects of the disease. They are able to produce chemicals which attack the disease organisms. When the plants are under stress, however, they produce much less of these chemicals and the disease organism can take hold.

Stress situations can occur at any time but flowering is always a stressful situation and is the time that disease is the most likely to get the upper hand. This occurs also because the plant’s energies are going into flowering and root growth tends to be limited to replacement of dead roots only.

At Canadian Xpress, our scientists have isolated the battery of chemicals that the plant manufactures to defend itself. We have encapsulated these chemicals in a liquid formulation and when this is used in your nutrient solution they have the same effect as the plant’s own defenses and the result is healthy plants. This approach is known as Induced Resistance.


after telling some friends on ic mag they have now swapped from canna riz and useing regen a root and said they will never go back .

heres some 2 week old root porn 10cm pots of coco clones were potted 2 weeks before .




Ohh love a good bit of root porn cheesey [rubs knees :D lol]

I used that CE stuff a while back, didn't know what to make of it at the time, must give it another shot after seeing your pic.
"Huma-Kelp is is a combination of Humic Acid and fresh Kelpack concentrate." "Kelpak, derived from the seaweed species Ecklonia Maxima (Kelp), is a natural and unique source of Auxins and Cytokinins, a group of plant growth bioregulators that have been proven to have a number of beneficial physiological effects on plants including greatly increased root growth.

You can get it for $14 a quart and you use 1-2ml per gallon. It also has 14 amino acids, plant growth hormones, and Trace elements and vitamins.


Active member
I second Maxicrop, they have some super products, just to damm difficult to get hands on in my woods

Yep, I go with Maxicrop seaweed extract too, and im lucky its reasonably easy to get in the UK, Id love to see a side by side with Rhizo though.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
please elaborate !

Aloe has SA in it, Here's a coot quote re: aloe " Aloe Vera: contains Salicylic acid is a plant compound which has been used as a rooting agent for over 120 years in the nursery industry. This is the compound that's found in Willow trees which you might have run across in posts on rooting a cutting.This plant material is also very high in Saponins (30,000 ppm) and this adds another level of benefits.
Black label has a fire cloning solution. check out the link and look for "massive roots! root boost winner test" and u can see what alot of people are swearing by https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=root enhance cannabis


Active member
ICMag Donor
Aloe has SA in it, Here's a coot quote re: aloe " Aloe Vera: contains Salicylic acid is a plant compound which has been used as a rooting agent for over 120 years in the nursery industry. This is the compound that's found in Willow trees which you might have run across in posts on rooting a cutting.This plant material is also very high in Saponins (30,000 ppm) and this adds another level of benefits.
Black label has a fire cloning solution. check out the link and look for "massive roots! root boost winner test" and u can see what alot of people are swearing by https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=root enhance cannabis

yeah id have to refresh my memory but i think you will find
IBA in willow water, as well as Salicylic acid, but IBA is the rooting hormone and Salicylic acid is to activate plant defences and fight off infection, problem is IBA is very badly water soluble, so minimum amounts would leach out into a willow water brew id presume,
but maybe its enough...
thats how i root anyway chlorine & willow water.. cheap and works
Yeah and you find Salicylic acid in Aloe Vera too like
CheifnBud2 mentioned... but no rooting hormone.. but other beenies
so best would be to dip in aloe vera and water with willow water


+1 Aloe vera is also a good carb!
Nothing beats the rhizo ive seen tho.
I always use it as a foilar the day before takin clones. Mamma perks right up for her hair cut...lol


aka "Doc"
I too am in the Rhizo foliar spray camp.
I found 10ml/gal rate to be about right and spray the cuttings daily...or so. For an extra punch, I add 0.25 grams of Urea, adding Urea to foliar sprays has shown to stimulate absorption of other nutrients by increasing the permeability of leaf tissue. Imagine that.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Man , you guys dug this one up from the archives !!! :biggrin:

lots of good info in here though for new canna nute users . :tiphat:


You guys elaborated much more than I could have. Thanks.

Although I have seen clone tips pushed directly into an piece of aloe. Successful clones came from this and well hydrated rockwool or a ezcloner type deal.


Man , you guys dug this one up from the archives !!! :biggrin:

lots of good info in here though for new canna nute users . :tiphat:

Canna Rhizo is extremely Alkaline!!

Here's the thing; 1ml into 1L of water increased my water PH from 7.2 up to 9.8!!

Are people adjusting their PH back down after adding Rhizo and if so what are they using to do so?? Canna Terra Vega seems the obvious choice as it's very acidic, or would it be better to use something like citric acid to keep the EC low for seedlings?

Or are people using the Rhizo on its own without adjusting PH, both for foliar and for soaking jiffy peat pellets?

I really need some solid input on how to use this properly as ive just bought the Canna line and have never used it before. I want to use the Rhizo to help cuttings and seeds develop roots faster..

thanks in advance
darth :tiphat:
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