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Need advice, neighbor is on the war path, may threaten to sue

Grass Lands

I have a big +wild dog , & I have run into similar situations .Dogs like that need 45 minutes of off leash exercise.Now I have to spend a small fortune driving my dog to a dog park every day.

Off leash is nice...but it doesn't have to be off leash, I used to walk my dogs every day for 1.5 hours, makes for a very relaxed dog and very enjoyable dog. Once relaxed the dog will give all his attention to you and will be more focused on training...not much walking these days though as my boys are getting a little up there in age and both are suffering from hip dysplasia.

Labs are one of the most energetic dogs there are and need a lot of exercise as pups or they will find something to do and mos the time its not good, well in the human world its not good, but in the dog world its FUCKING GREAT...hahahahaha, believe me I know what an energetic dog needs are...I have an English walker coonhound...one of the smartest dogs I've had the privilege to be around.

99% of dogs want to follow, however give them the opportunity and they will take the lead, its just nature of the dog.

there is a book on the market, quite old book called
"Mother Knows Best"
It is one of the best books on raising a pup...it will teach ya everything ya need to know.



in a hostile environment, a leash and containment can easily save a dog's life. poisonings happen... among other things.

be safe!


My lab pit is 3yrs old never used a leash once, has his nuts and has NO agression.
Can walk him down a city street or let him roar a couple acre property without fences. Hes always close.

Its all about training.

However I would be ready to smack this bitch down.
When Her dog ran over and attacked your dog on your property it was on.
I would have kicked it in the head then thrown it in my car.
Bitch wants to play around. Fuck it.

Some people are just crazy.


You NEED to take your dog to training classes. This is unfair for the dog or anyone who has to come into contact with your dog. Untrained dogs, especially females, and especially labs and retrievers, are kind of psychos, that have little control of their behavior and physical social interactions. I live in a flat, and my upstairs neighbor had two untrained pits (one of them a Choc. Lab/Pit, female) and they made just about every trip to the garbage can a shoving match. I should not have to kick the dog of someone else.

Don't discount your neighbor's assertions that she is injured, she would probably find it quite disingenuous if you seemed to be brushing this off, I'd be wholly concerned for her if I were you.
You had me until your bit about female dogs, and then I found myself wondering beyond that, so I will merely call horseshit. Sex, as in male vs female has little to do with whether or not a dog will be 'psycho' or not. Breed, size, training, and whether or not it's been DESEXED does.

While your neighbor is likely a bitch, she is right, you are in the wrong.

Get an invisible fence for your dog or leash it.

If the dog is crossing onto her property, it is threatening her. Doesn't matter how "puppyish" you think it is. Do what you have to to keep the dog on your property and problem solved.

I love dogs, and dogs love me. It pisses me off when people give dogs and dog owners a bad reputation by letting their obnoxious untrained dogs run loose. If the dog wants to run up and greet strangers, fine. However, if that dog does not immediately stop in its tracks and return to you when told, it was not properly trained, and you fucked up.
I absolutely agree with this, however, I feel it's important to go a step further -- get the dog spayed if she hasn't already been. I can assure you that the dog is still a puppy, but if she hasn't already begun training, you're doing EVERYONE a disservice.

A few of the rules for my large dog, an extremely good-natured, spayed female, include no teeth or feet on human flesh EVER, and that translates into NEVER jumping up onto a person, EVER. I can trust her around small children and old people. But there IS no leash that can hold her, and because of this I went for all off-leash training and a radio (shock) collar. I mean, you're worried about your neighbor's? One of ours tried to steal my dog! Caused a huge neighborfight.

I am curious about the level of functionality of your son. Assuming he has some interaction with the rest of the world, he could benefit from being involved in the dog's training.

Oh yeah, you need to train the dog to the radio collar or it may frighten her to the point of being afraid to move.


Active member
Cesar Knows...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well if she is in pain and she thinks anything is going to take her down this road again then she is probably just scared she is going to fall and no one is going to be there to help her. When ppl get old this is the shit they think because it's true.......but yeah she does sound like she is a bit of a bitch like most ppl they have hang ups. Maybe she is a drinker so offer her some wine of booze and say look can't we all just get along? I didn't know you were so mad about all this. I will try and keep our dog away from you if your scarded of him/her.Ppl that don't smoke usually get pissed at ppl that do don't ask me why it just seems to be the way it is. stay safe headband707


Neighbor sounds like a bitch and she may also possibly have some mental health issues it sounds like. If your dog really didn't knock her over, and she has not witnesses to say your dog knocked her over than I don't think she has much of a legal case, but IANAL.

That said, as the owner of a fairly well trained and well mannered weimaraner, who was told before getting her as a puppy that all I will end up with is a destructive monster I have this to say:

1) Take your dog to obedience classes NOW and get him/her trained. No matter where you are or what you are doing your dog should obey you when you tell him/her to stop, come, sit, etc. Your dog WANTS to behave and wants to be obedient, but if not shown how to do so will end up controlling you.

2) Find a place that offers doggy daycare classes and take the dog there once a month for the day. Its good for the dog as it better socializes them to other dogs and people.

3) If your living in an area with people close to you, especially if you don't have a fenced in yard, keep your dog on the leash (or build a fence).

Remember, theres more to owning a dog than feeding it them, taking them out to shit and throwing balls at them....You have anywhere from a 10-15 year commitment to provide for this animal. In many ways it is exactly like having a child, you need to teach them what is right, what is wrong and what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior.



These work awesome, I use it for 2 dogs and never have a problem so long as the batts are fresh.
I use EXACTLY this product for my own dog, for there is no fence, there is no leash that can keep this bitch contained! She can bite through any non-metal leash in less than two minutes, her jaws are like shears. She can push through, jump over or dig under any fence I am able to erect (concrete + concrete I *think* may hold her, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna agree to pouring concrete around our whole property, mostly cuz I can't afford it).

She requires the 'stubborn dog' level collar, but it works flawlessly and now she only needs to have it put on every month or two as a reminder to stay within certain boundaries.

I cannot recommend this particular product highly enough. It's the best electronic pet fence out there and because it's so easy to tailor the correction (it's a shock, plain and simple) to the animal in question, you need never worry that your pet is going to be harmed. You can also tailor the distance from the 'fence' that the animal will receive its first warnings with, anywhere from 1'-10', if I recollect correctly.

The animals do need to be trained to the fence, though.


Chat Mod
Get a few of the people on record to whom she has worked her pr campaign agianst you and if she does sue, counter for defamation for twice what she is asking in damages. If she did go throught the effort to get a ct scan she is looking for a payday. Take video of her afflicted health since the incident. And if her dog ever attacks your dog again, tell her how you are going to call animal control and have her dog put down as vicious, oh and also talk about a law suit. One thing about old people they are generally on fixed incomes and any threat at their financial security is as scary as a knock and talk for us.

just another point of view -fb