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need advice.. my 7yr old


Is the THC in sativa or Indica form?

Zoey's first experience with high CBD was with a Sativa strain (Desert Frost) and she didn't take it well. She jumped at every little noise from a sound sleep. We had to stop that to get her back to sleeping almost full time. It was difficult watching her sleep so much (and pissing herself), but the important thing for us was to get her tolerant to mega doses of THC.

We started her off with one drop a day and pushed her hard to get her to the equivalent of 18 drops. Basically 3 drops every 4 hours. My wife didn't want to push her this hard, I wanted to push her harder. In the end, the balance between the two was perfect. The key thing in this whole thing is sleep. Your dog has to stay asleep for this thing to work. Every anecdote I've heard is all about sleep. Every time Zoey was conscious enough to eat and pee, we'd give her another dose to knock her out.

I was re-reading some of your old posts about burning off the THC. Try not to and see what happens.
Thanks, I've quit distiling.. She gets rso made from critical kush. I've found a Balance where she sleeps solid. A bit to much and she gets weird, but she hasn't peed since first couple times. When the tumour stopped growing she was sleeping a lot.. Also eatting very little... You guys should put Zoey on ketogenic diet... The short version.. Cancer needs carbs, grains and sugar to grow.. You should look at a coconut oil diet. Starve the cancer while medicine works. I think sleep does help too.. I have surveillance cameras in my home so I can watch my 3 dogs when I'm at work. They sleep all day... It's not what I expected... They just wait patiently on the couch for me to come home...
Update.. For anyone interested..
It has been about 8-10 days since I've made the changes I've mentioned August 14.
1 grain RSO in morn.. 2 grains in eve.. No capsules.. I use syringe to put it on her tongue
1 ml vit D morn and night
2 veg caps of medical mushrooms morn and night
30 ml coconut oil morn and night... With big syringe
No carbs, no sugars
2 pieces of chicken thighs or breast and 1 fillet of salmon 1x a day in the eve
3-4 days ago she wasn't looking good.. No energy, laboured breathing, no appetite.. She is very obedient.. When I'm stern with her... I had to order her to eat.. She kept trying to turn her head. Every day for last 3-4 days I've seen improvement in every aspect... Usually she doesn't even eat 1/2 her bowl with orders... Today, she was in the kitchen with the other dogs, waiting for supper! And she ate her whole bowl hungrily... She has not done this in 6 weeks. The tumour is size of grapefruit now... Which is shitty.. But mistakes were made and corrected.
I'm starting to think the coconut diet is the key.. I don't believe thc or cbd is very effective as a stand alone cure for bone cancer.. I'm starting to think you need to align the stars...


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
you should be mixing the cannabis oil and coco oil together cause the fats in the coco oil help the body absorb the cannabinoids.

also, RSO isn't the best for cancer, because it is activated the body and brain can only tolerate so much cannabinoids before you starting seeing disphoria, as where non heated oils and hashes can be eaten at 60-100x the dosage without any noticeable "high" so if the supply is there, your dog can get more cancer fighting cannabinoids in her with raw hash or non activated oil.
Thanks croptober, if it gives her quality of life, pain relief and buys me a few more months with her I would be very grateful.
Thank you to all for advice and support, I will keep updating.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
sorry if I am being redundant, I don't have to much time right now to carefully read through all the details of the story... but I do want to try and help with some information if possible

are giving her the RSO and the CBD oil separately?? if so that doesn't help as much.

CBD is a Cb1 antagonist... meaning it fits into the receptor but gets stuck so it doesn't activate it (it activates Cb2 and GPR55) but it blocks THC from activating it... the results of taking the CBD and RSO combined in one dose? you can take, or in this case administer, a higher does of THC with less "stoned" but longer lasting effects. high doses are the key, she may have negative behavioral side effects (peeing and pooping uncontrollably) at first but her tolerance will build. but again non psychoactive raw cannabinoids are probably the best bet.

look up GPR55 on google or yahoo... it is a third lesser known cannabinoid receptor specifically sensitive to raw carboxylic acidic cannabinoids even more specifically when activated by CBDa it is intricately involved in bone modeling and the destruction of unhealthy bone and the construction of strong healthy bone... there actually are many studies published on GPR55 and CBD and CBDa due to the fact that the US gov has a patent on synthetic CBD and has done all kinds of studies and know all about its anti tumor and various medicinal benefits.

did you ever get any CBD genetics? Chimera has a CBD variety (CBD lullaby or something like that) and I told you about that other canadian breeder, House of the Great Gardener, in your visitor section.

a butane extraction purged in a thin film over low heat is best (alcohol works in the same process just takes more time and or heat to purge) to preserve the most raw cannabinoids if not using bubble or dry sift (as that would be ideal) anyway i hope thing get better for your doggy!


Glad to see things improving with your dog. We're all doing this by trial and error but think of it as us also paving the way for the future of this model of cancer therapy.

Lots of great information here.
My dog isn't doing well, tumour has grown, she has lost more weight. She's only on the high protein diet now, I tried the 4 grams of unheated keif per day, with cbd and 2 grains of RSO per day and the tumour has still gotten bigger... As well, a co worker of mine that has taken RSO for lung cancer has recently found the cancer has spread and opted for chemo and radiation.. He still "feels" it's working even though the cancer has spread to his spine... I guess you read enough of these "stories" and desperate people will try desperate things.. I feel it did no harm... Except the fact that my dog has been drugged for the last 2 months and that is time I didn't get to spend with her. I urge anyone that is considering using pot to combat cancer. ONLY use with other treatment... I opted to treat my dogs bone cancer with pot because of all the stories out there... It didn't work for bone cancer, I have my doubts that it's very effective... The protein diet is the only thong seemed to have effect, it didn't stop the tumour growth, but it is keeping her energy and appetitive positive... When she eats dog food or carbs/sugars I can see her appetite and energy disappear... So it has benefits, but doesn't stop the cancer. To all of you dealing with cancer and looking for answers, I know this isn't what many want to hear, I didn't either, but it's the truth. Don't make the same mistake I did, Please don't put all your eggs in this basket, explore surgery, diet, chemo and radiation.
Good Luck, and may god bless us with a cure for this one day soon!
October 15.. Pain from bone cancer has steadily increased so I've been giving her 1 grain sized dose 3 times a day for pain, it was time to end the pain. Although 2 previous vets had talked me out of amputation... I decided to talk to a 3rd... A plan was formulated to give complete X-rays, if tumours were found else where it was time to euthanize, if none found he would go ahead with amputation, to my surprise non were found anywhere else, the cancer in her leg started in her "knee" and went down into her foot, but he could not rule out micro metastasis in lungs... So he would not give any guarantees, 3rd vet still recommended the big sleep, even after we made the big plan... My family decided to continue with the amputation and the vet agreed to do the surgery, reluctantly... He warned about long term survival was probly zero and that with blood loss in this surgery she might not even make it off the table... Well... She was coming into this with zero chance and it's only money. Lol :)
She survived the surgery, they said it went well but they though it's better if she didn't move much and stay in vet over night to rest. I decided not to see her the first night after surgery, so she would stay calm and rest. I was at the vet the next morn to see her before work, She was happy to see me but in rough shape though, he had her taped up to control swelling and she was still not hungry, she had lost sooo much weight the last month, she was a skeleton but she was thirsty and drank 2 bowls of water that morn. The vet cut the compression bandage off and I helped her outside to pee, to my surprise and the staff... She hopped out on 3 legs, a little wobbly though, took a pee, then tried to hop down the ally towards home, lol she returned, reluctantly when I called her, the vet was going to watch her the rest of the day, but she refused to get in the kennel, so I called in sick and took her home. I took her in end of day to recheck and couple needles.. All was fine. That was Monday, I took rest of week off work to watch her, which was a good idea... You do not want them licking or chewing stitches.. And she can still do it with a cone on!!! So if you ever go through this... You need a sitter 24/7 for 10-14 days... It's been 10 days now, I've wrapped her leg with horse wrap, and went to work today... All went well she didn't bother with her leg at all... Also, my deck to the back yard is about 6' off the ground, so I built a 16' low step/ramp for her before surgery... She doesn't even use it anymore... Runs up the other steps with the other dogs, appetite is back, every day she is getting stronger and re gaining energy.. I will see vet in 4 days for stiches and monitor weight from then... But she is doing 1000% better. I wish I had done this day one as soon as I had found out it was cancer!! It is such a hard decision to make but It is the right one to make! It is less painful day one than cancer and she would of had better chance of it not spreading. If I could do it over again, I would have it cut off... Immediately.
He did give metacam for the pain, if you know what this is... You will understand why I decided not to use it, it is terrible for liver and kidneys, it really should just be an end of life pain killer... I decided just to give her a few drops of oil for pain... But not too much. I didnt want her falling over hurting her stump or loosing appetite.
On other note... The vet and I were very surprised that it had not spread from head toe by now, I was 100% sure when I took her in for X-rays they were going to find cancer every where...I needed to do the X-rays for me... So I could remove all doubt about my decision to put her to sleep. I know it would have ate at me for years... And now I am very glad I did... I don't know how much time I bought her at this point or give 2 shits about the money I've spent... It's about being able to live with myself... Bad decisions, based on stupidity, money or time will eat at my soul. I can sleep at night and I'm sooo grateful for the extra time I get to spend with her... Thank you all for your help and advice, not how I would ever have figured this would turn out... But I'm very happy with my new 3 legged friend and I will keep her on a low dose of keif before bed for the foreseeable future, I will check back time to time and make updates. :) best wishes to all!
unfortunately the cancer had already spread before i finally did the amputation, there were also some complications with the surgery... make sure you always choose a surgeon/vet that is highly recommended with decades of exp. but there was a tumor in her abdomen and she was starting to loose fuction in her last rear leg, i believe there was infection/cancer in her spine, but the vet i was dealing with was an idiot and the issues were piling up.. so i had the vet put her down beginning of dec/ 2014.

I want to say to anyone that is considering thc/cbd for the "cure" ... IT IS NOT!!! do not believe these stupid fucking pot heads...
Chemotherapy/radiation/diet/surgery/amputation... these are the current treatments for cancer. barbaric?? yup. but that is it. this aint fucking star trek folks... this is real life. Cancer is pure evil and the current therapies to fight it are almost as bad.. but that is your best chance and the faster you move the better the chances are.. so dont delay.

If your reading this... your probly dealing with cancer yourself and looking for answers as i did, and heard these fantastic stories as i did... well if there is any truth to them.. i would say the odds are so slim its a waste of time and money... because this cost 5-7000 for all the stuff i got.. and it wasnt 2nd rate or made from trim.. it was 1st rate stuff, organically grown from people i know... not to mention the fact that you will be fucking baked the whole time your dieing, maybe not so bad if youre in a lot of pain... but if your not in pain.. do you really want to spend your last functioning days fucked out of your mind??
Its a shitty deal no matter how you slice it.. good luck to thosed dealing with it.. i hope you find better answers than i did.