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Need advice, medical I think.


This probably isn't the right place for this, this section or this forum in general, but short of going to a medical forum I don't have many options.

My eyes always feel heavy, like I'm beginning to feel tired.
I can't function in things I know I used to be able to do well.
Like sports for instance I can't throw a football in a spiral anymore, I can't kick a ball correctly, like I can kick the ball but I don't hit it dead center or where I aim. I haven't played darts recently but I believe I wouldn't be able to hit anywhere near where I'm aiming.
Playing online first person shooters, I can't aim right, it feels like I don't have complete control of my arm and hand anymore. Like it's lazy or something. This isn't the case with throwing a ball though, I have control I just can't figure out how to throw it the right way.
This has been happening for about 4-6 months, since I've stopped smoking cannabis regularly, I can't help but think it's related to that.
The last few days I have a pain in behind my forehead, It's like a stabbing headache.

Recently I have been sleeping from either 10-midnight to 8-9 am, I don't wake up during the night.

It's starting to worry me.


I have been depressed a lot lately, which is related to stopping smoking regularly, since weed help lift my mood a lot. I seem to be reverting back into what my mentality used to be before I started smoking.
Which was depressed, angry and miserable.

I've noticed it will go away if my mood gets lightened, but it only last for as long as whatever lifted my mood lasts, once it's over the depressed, angry shit comes back a little stronger then before.


Sorry to hear that Tripp. I am no doctor but sounds like depression caused symptoms. Depression can and does usually cause phisical symptoms to go along with the mental side. I could go into great detail but suffice to say, I personally know this is true. So get to a doctor and have him give you some happy pills. My advice is use them temporarily only. While you work on whats depressing you. Hopefully you are strong enough of a person to take control of the situation and change what is wrong. The other thing is, maybe its something else in addition to depression, hope not, but again the doc will check you out.. good luck my friend.


Why do you think they call it dope?Hell I would start smoking again if that happened to me.It wont help with true clinical depression though for that you need help and other medication


Original Editor of ICMagazine
High Tripp35, have you tried eating cannabis?

It makes the 'high' last longer, and you can control it easier by eating a bit here and there to keep the cannabis levels up in your system.

Try it, it works!

But if still depressed, you should see a medical expert, perhaps a holistic health care provider who won't just push more pills on you. Cannabis does work for depression, but dosage and levels are important aspects to consider.

If you want more info please ask! You can always PM me or leave a visitor message.

Best wishes,
You should read up on ayahuasca. It's really beneficial for depression. Seriously, there have been studies conducted by the Brazillian and other governments that show that Ayahuasca is effective at causing an increase in endogenous seratonin receptors, something that SSRIs attempt to accomplish and fail at...

I've used it several times to get myself out of a funk, it feels like it resets your body and mind, you wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and cleansed, it's beautiful.


There is a world of difference between clinical depression and a "funk" and if you awaken the next morning feeling normal,you werent depressed to start with.I had to deal with 48 weeks of interferon therapy for Hep C so I know what depression feels like,and its not the blues at all.I smoked a ton of erb but it wasnt until my sixth month that I "gave in" and started taking zoloft.After a couple weeks boy did I feel like a real dummy lol,what a difference it made.My doctor told me to get on it from the beginning but I was a hardhead.Then there was the instance of getting shocked once to many times on the job lol,my brain basically was shorted or something,pretty scary and somewhat funny.I kept forgetting shit and repeating shit.I'd pour a second cup of coffee before I touched the first.I'd put on a second pair of underwear man I'm not kidding.my brain was fucked.Again anti depressents rescued my ass.I dont have anything bad to say about them,when you need them you need them

3rd base

^^^ What sparkjumper said... happy pills aren't always the answer, but if you need them, you need them... hopefully it's just temporary...

It sounds like a thorough check-up is in order, to be safe...


For some reason I've noticed a real negative attitude when it comes to anti-depressents on these MJ forums.I think its the "MJ can cure all" syndrome lol.The problem is unfortunately it just doesn't


Active member
what happens when you dont take the happy pills though. im sure they would help but i do not want to become addicted to those things. a 40 oz of mickeys and a blunt of kush is all i need to feel better usually, that and some call of duty haha.


Active member
Go to the fucking hospital and get checked out immediately. Make sure you tell them you want a cranial MRI. Most probably nothing but you never know.

Loss of coordination in conjunction with a headache in the place you are describing could be bad things going on…..too much to explain right away.


I’m not joking!
Also try L-Tryptophan (amino acid). Its a chemical naturally found in many foods like egg whites, turkey, and chicken. It helps the body to create serotonin which will help your mood and sleep cycle. You can find it in most drug stores with the other supplements.


Go to the fucking hospital and get checked out immediately. Make sure you tell them you want a cranial MRI. Most probably nothing but you never know.

Loss of coordination in conjunction with a headache in the place you are describing could be bad things going on…..too much to explain right away.


I’m not joking!

You got the 2.5 million its going to take to get one?
Not sure if thats the actual price but I wouldn't be surprised, greedy worthless *trails off into mumbles*...


Ol ladys uncle had VERY similar symptoms...lack of co-ordination, sleep habit changes,
mood swings, loss of eye-hand control, muscle dysfunctionality. He was diagnosed
at first with depression, later with clinical depression...UNTIL he had a cranial
scan and it showed a whole different story up there.
Seems he had a brain tumor. Unfortunately for him, it was un-operable.
However, in most cases, it is operable.
Good Luck


Active member
Sorcival is correct! Loss of coordination is NOT stress related and the fact it has been slowly happening over six months confirms it. The location of the pain is another huge red flag!

I have seen this many times in the hospital. It's probably nothing and could even be a sinus infection but the lenght of the symptoms is bothersome!

GO to the hospital!!!


Active member
For some reason I've noticed a real negative attitude when it comes to anti-depressents on these MJ forums.I think its the "MJ can cure all" syndrome lol.The problem is unfortunately it just doesn't
Ok, ok... mj is not a miracle cure for everything, but if you check out Storm Crow's growing list you can sure see how it's getting closer...

Sorry, I couldn't help myself...


Active member
i dont think your cannabis use is at blame here and self medication is not the answer. you should visit your doc and explain as much as you can. i was diagnosed with depression years ago and no (ssri) antidepressant drugs helped me in anyway they just made me worse. i still smoke mj but thats not the root of my problem (quite sure) depression hits 1 in 4 people at one stage of their lives and drugs are not to blame. what is to blame is why you started taking them and thats where you need to start looking.
(good luck).
if you have any questions i can help on that side of things.



Go to the fucking hospital and get checked out immediately. Make sure you tell them you want a cranial MRI. Most probably nothing but you never know.

Loss of coordination in conjunction with a headache in the place you are describing could be bad things going on…..too much to explain right away.


I’m not joking!

Believe it or not I have a medical background. It sounds like its mostly depression which is manifesting itself in physical symptoms... BUT the headaches, loss of coordination, etc. are also signs of increased intercranial pressure, which could be signs of any number of things going on inside the dome.....

SO, I would say definitely have it checked out. I'm guessing its mostly because of the depression, but its better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with the central nervous system.

Also, ssri's DO suck. I was on Lexapro for about 4 months for anxiety. I decided to quit because it didn't help and it made me gain about 40 pounds, I slowly weaned myself off like you're supposed to..... but the last 2 weeks I was weaning and off was the WORST 2 weeks of my life. Couldn't move, felt like I was a walking zombie, irritable, angry, tired......... waste of 2 weeks of my life.

SO, see a doctor and name your symptoms, get your dome scanned, and like someone said...... try a holistic approach to the depression if possible.


Playing online first person shooters, I can't aim right, it feels like I don't have complete control of my arm and hand anymore. Like it's lazy or something.

It's starting to worry me.

Yea........ I just re-read and noticed this line. DEFINTELY get that checked out. Cranial MRI's aren't cheap, but they're not TOO bad, even if you don't have insurance, should be sub-$700. It'll be the best money you've ever spent if it saves you life.
If you also have anxiety it can make you feel somewhat dizzy, and uncoordinated.

Any nausea, vomiting, etc?
Do both your hands feel equally uncoordinated or is it on just one side of your body? For example, if its just your right arm and right leg, or your left arm and your left leg, and not the other side.........I'd have someone drive you to the hospital ASAP.