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Need advice for a LED closet~


New member
Hey guys!:wave: I have a 3x3x8 closet. I'm thinking about getting a 205w or 345w HGL for the closet. Whats a good setup with my space? Should I divide the room into two part: a Mom + clones space and a flowering space? If so, how high should i make the rooms? 5ft, good for flowering ? how far do these led penetrate? thanks guys~



Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
I would say that 4-5ft of height would be sufficient for a flowering chamber and u can use the top section to house your mom/cuts. Not exactly sure about the depth of penetration but Ledgirl or someone will be able to asnwer that for u. Good vibez


Active member
Our LED's will penetrate up to 3' tall plants very similar to how a HPS would, but I wouldn't recommend growing plants over 3' tall. If you want the best setup for your space, I would do something similar to what Irie suggested: put a shelf or divider so that you have an upper and lower section. Use the upper section for veglings and mother plants, and the bottom for your bloom chamber. If you're growing in soil, 4' should be sufficient for your vertical space assuming you'll grow 2-2.5' tall plants. If it were me personally, I'd do the 345W light with a screen setup for your tent.