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Need advice. Chronic pain/depression/sleeping time.


Active member
Hello Icmag community, i need your help. Im planning to get out of alkohol addicted mother, who swears that i will end my life in prison, being thief or junkie, because i smoke pot. Im moving to another country with belief, that i can start normal life without my family. So, my problem is, that I just like to smoke pot. Its not like some teens do it for fun to be cool or smth, i just using it for recreational purposes to get deeper into myself and understand, that i want from the life and also be calm and under control. But problem is with my chronic pain (spine rupture, i dammaged it seriously). My work will be based on strength and also 8hours on legs is real competition for spine...

Another problem is deppresion, because of friends, witch i wont see for years... i will be feeling alone and need some mood correction, that makes just smile :]... And last problem: i dropped out smoking cigarettes and it makes me crazy sometimes, i cant sleep well, im very nervous, cant concentrate...

I will be doing in coco/hydro. I can choose 2 strains and 2auto strains(for breeding project outdoors in this country)...

So, in other words:

  • I need indica, VERY HARD INDICA with high ceillings fast flowering and medical value for fighting with my spine and sleep (and appetite, because I will return to gym after month then i move and will start work)
  • I need sativa, fast flowering for mood correction and daytime smoke. Flowering time is very serious problem, because plants will grow in 1 tent (4 strain, including auto's)
:] Feminised edition would be great.

I looked around little bit and give examples, maybe they are quite good for my "pack of problems"
Auto: white russian auto, super critical auto
Indica: NL/Black widow/ ???
Sativa: Casey Jones / C99

Help to free my mind ;] :tiphat:
wish i had the magic answer for you brother.
i don't know about auto flowers, but your other picks seem on the ball.
give it a go. :ying:


I would stay away from auto flowers i just feel that you will be disappointed...as far as a indica maybe try sensi star and sativa anything with c99 it makes for a fast flowering plant


Active member
Hmmm autoflowers is just for breeding and growing in bad conditions;]... 53 north lattitude.. Semi auto's cant finish in time (about 50% of them get moulded)... Crop must be taken at the end of August or you will get pounds of moulded stuff(of course depends on weather, but 2 summers showed, that best thing is just to make feminised autoflower, make supersoil mix and go to work)... Thats all I want from autoflowers.

Hmmm, my opinion changed rapidly...
Now candidates for DWC 400w will be:
LSD (barneys farm, quite nice reviews)
Bluebbery (i really want to see purple buds, smell yummy berry taste and feel some quite unique euforic high :p)

Problem is: I have 2.5months for harvesting plants, so I'll cut down veg time to 1week :)... Thats why im looking for fast flowering sativa highs... :)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
We have a Chronic pain social group here I just noticed you dont have 50 posts yet. can not invite ya until then.

Any of the heavy indicas will works
CBG Peyote Purple
DGS Princess13 (Hybid)
Sensi Star
Black Domina
Deep Chunck
Sour Bubble


mate, give that moving to another country a bit of a deep think. cos it seems to me that our earliest learning (the learning we do in our birth family) sticks with us for life! if you move you will just take it with you.

I agree tho that you need to change yr home environment or move away from family. (they were the curse of MY life but I still went back 3000 miles to care for my dying Mum.)

because alcohol is involved the issues you will have are called "co-dependency' issues. the support group 'al-anon' has lots of info on how to deal with co-dependency.

what is required is that you learn strategies for breaking free of yr family past.

I believe the whole purpose of life is to INDIVIDUATE ... to become yourself. I reckon I 'm almost there, but it's taken years!

anyway, good luck with your journey thru life!


Active member
thanks bro :) Im just trying to see how people live in west europe and earn some money, also get very useful practical experience with growing medical sensimillia. If it will be medical, high - pleasant and enjoyfull maybe my mum will start smoking... ? Because my biggest faults was to give 0.5g stony indica for first time (threw bong + 1 cigarette) mum toke 3 fat bong rips(because 1cigarette+0.5g were put into bowl) and after 5minutes she just fell into bed... It was worst nightmare for her... Halliucinations, deep thinking (you know for the first time, how scary is it;])... But then Im smoking, if she sitting near, she always thinks (i see in eyes) maybe try once more?? But past epic experiences forces her stay away from real medicine ... So i will prove my words, i will drop tabbaco (alkohol is dropped out 2years ago)...

Hammerhead - thanks for support. :) Im new her, i know that... I dont want to spam to earn posts... Grow diary will give me that 50 posts ;].. Very yummy looking strains :), but I will use only feminised seeds (so i found lsd fem, cheese fem, but not from list that you gave).

headband 707

Plant whisperer
You know if there is one thing I have learned in all the time I have smoked bud is that what one man loves another man/woman says WTF lol so.. Although I myself am not a fan of auto I know many that are for various reasons.. My reasons for not liking it is the weakness it brings to the table and the instablity you reintriduce back into the strain for what might or might not happen lol peace out headband707

Oh I seen some stuff yesterday on the server fund from Subrob and Greyskull both have some very nice sounding shit. One is" Blue Crack" and anything from Greyskull has to be sweeet.. lol Headband707
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Active member
So, my problem is, that I just like to smoke pot. Its not like some teens do it for fun to be cool or smth, i just using it for recreational purposes to get deeper into myself and understand, that i want from the life and also be calm and under control.
For nearly 2 decades I was aware that life, for me, was better with pot than without... didn't know exactly why.

Today I know I'm autistic and understand how the cannabinoids help my memory, focus, motivation and mood control... among other things. Serious medicine for me. Was a time I was 'almost' convinced I was just addicted to pot. What a bunch of crap... I'm addicted to the lack of anxiety it brings, the stability it brings to my mood control and a bunch of other things... not cannabis. :D

GF-Z said:
But problem is with my chronic pain (spine rupture, i dammaged it seriously). My work will be based on strength and also 8hours on legs is real competition for spine...

CBD is your friend. Turn that pain into numbness. When you're testing strains from seed... make sure you test for back-pain, separately from any 'high' or 'stone' it may have. Pay attention to how it affects just your pain. Making edibles from that plant and its clones will allow you 4-8hrs of pain relief at a time. :)

Keep at it... you'll succeed in time. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

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