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Need a little guidance please

Mojave Dave

Howdy all!

It's been a little while since I was last here, but I wanted to ask this quastion of some of you older growers that might have some advice for me. No slight to our younger brother ns sisters, It's just that I'M an old dude and I...aI have just recieved, last Sunday, a group of four clones. They are three AK-47's and one Biddy Erly.we hell, let me just ask the damned question.

I Have already explained what's going on with my tent and my new grow box, but here's my current dilemma. The clones roots are juuust starting to show through the bottm of the Rockwool cubes. These are the three inch ones.

Anyway, they are sitting in an open propagator box. The top won't fit, of course, and I didn't know if they should have the top on or not anyway. So off it is. The AK-47's are all about 8 to 10 inches high, while the Biddy Early clone is only about 5 or 6 inches high. I think it's short due to its genetics, though, as I believe these are all about the same age.

At any rate, now that all four of the plants have roots peeking through the bottom of the Rockwool, should they immediately go into the NFT tanks inside the tent under the 600 watt HPS lamp, or should I leave them to veg like they are under the 400 watt light in the grow box and just keep soaking the cubes in weak nutrient solution every couple of days until they are bigger?

I'd really like to get them into their tanks as soon as possible to avoid stressing them later on, but I'll do whatever you fellows (and ladies!) think I should.

Thanks folks, and I'll look forward to your advice!

Mojave Dave


Rubbing my glands together
If you want to grow single colas, go ahead and through them in your system and induce blooming.I start them on a weak veg. formula for the first week under 12/12, stronger the second week then switch to bloom formula for the rest of bloom cycle. If you want bushes grow them longer in veg.


resident slackass
:wave: hi mojave dave
if your tent is empty at the moment you could just go ahead and put them in there so they can get acclimated and if you feel that they need to fill in some more before flowering just keep them vegging in there for about a week or until you're satisfied that they will make the most of the flowering space available to them.
it really depends on the area you're planning to flower in and if you want to maximize your yield relative to the space available.
say for example your tent is 3' x 3', you probably want to let em get bigger
not knowing the size of the space you have available i can only guess as to what it is you're going for. i read your other thread but didnt see anything mentioned about the dimensions.
personally, i would at least let the biddy early get a little bigger, but thats me
everyone has thier own way of doing things. i tend to grow bushes as opposed to single cola plants myself
it's all about finding out what works best for your given setup
post the dimensions of your tent and you should be able to get some more accurate responses suited to your particular situation



depends on the strain as to how you treat her from clone to flower, and how you plan to grow them, you're using areo so are you going to try and SOG them then? single colas ?

if so , I would flower under 10 inches to avoid side branching and extreme stretch. If you plan on growing bushes, veg them up 12 inches or so to promote more side branching early into flower ..... really it's not about when the roots are ready, it's when the plant is ready to be grown how you want it to be grown.

i have a few fully budding trainwrecks that are only like 5 or 6 inches tall now, and done stretching... because i flowered them too early, at like 3 or 4 inches tall.... but the roots were ready! see what i'm sayin?

tho that could be wrong with your AK.... If I were you , I'd maybe find someone who's grown out the AK a few times .... i THINK Grower in Shorts, or OKIE_Grown have both done a lot of AK47, maybe try and drag them over here to answer your question?

dunno anyone who's done biddy early before tho :(



Mojave Dave

Hi all,

MYBEANS} The tent is 4 feet square by 7 feet tall and holds two NFT tanks. Each NFT tank is nearly four feet long by 2 feet wide, and can comfortaby accomodate two plants, although I had six (three each) in this last grow. That was a bit crowded though.

THCEASAR} Yeah, I think I'm gonna put them in the NFT tanks tomorrow. That seems to be the general consensus of the people who have replied from a couple of forums I posted this to. I do wish the Biddy Early could have been a bit bigger, but she'll have to go in with the other girls as I have no where alse to let her grow a bit more first.

Thanks guys. I really appreciate your answers!

Mojave Dave