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Need a bit of advice



I started doing a pc grow 2 weeks ago. I had 2 pcs (17"Hx15"Dx26"W). My temps were high and I wanted to grow bigger plants so I found a old wardrobe (42"H x 17"D x 21W). I love the new size. However I need to locate much quieter fans, I have 4 PC fans they are much louder then before, any recommendations? Also I'm using 5 CFLs (6500k 26w) as they were perfect for the PCs but now with the plants in the wardrobe I'm worried there is not enough light. Should I move to a HPS setup? If so what size HPS would be best for my setup?
Once I get the new fans in I will take some pics
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I agree with Reel, a 150w hps would be perfect for that size grow.

My old remote ballasted 150w was over a similar area, ran it with two large containers set up as self contained beds which fitted wall to wall - 8 inches broken polystyrene for drainage in the bottom of each tub and good soil mix. Had as much as 5oz out of that cab in a good run. But mainly between 3 and 4oz a run.

150s dont put out much heat, make very little noise, are easy to cool and can grow some really nice plants, only downside is that they need a relay inorder to work with a timer due to inductive load, not a problem if you are around alot and can manually switch (this becomes a hassle).

Alternatively 5 x 42w CFLs would also give you plenty of light and provide in the region of 3oz a go. CFLs will work with a timer without a relay, are easier to replace, less dodgy to procure and potentially the safer option.

I'm running my fans with nokia chargers - the voltage must be quite low, you can barely hear them, with different power supplies they can get quite loud. Ideally you want a power supply where you can vary the voltage to quiten them/speed them up at will.

Good luck with the new cab, sounds like you've got a promising setup. Let us know what you decide to do.


Thanks for the quick response, I'm room 12V fans @ 12Vs, I will try running them at a lower voltage. I will have to search for some 42W lights, I only found 26W, so I added another 26W for the time being
If you've already got 6 x 26watters then definately easiest to just add another couple when you can.

8 x 26w = 208watts which is plenty for the space and will perform about the same as 5 x 42w.

Make sure you post some pics of your progress!!

Happy Growing


Active member
Thanks for the quick response, I'm room 12V fans @ 12Vs, I will try running them at a lower voltage. I will have to search for some 42W lights, I only found 26W, so I added another 26W for the time being

Frankly, the 23's and 26's are a better value and easier to find, the 42's run about $10.00 per bulb and the 23's and 26's can usualy be found in 4 packs for under $10.00 so you get twice the wattage for the same money.

btw, I ran two 150's in a cooltube and hooked up to a timer without any kind of relay for almost 2 years without trouble.

Peace, and stay safe, SOG


Active member
Heres a picture of the 2x 150's mounted in my DIY cooltube.

and a shot of the ballasts mounted in the path of the exhaust.

and here is another option, a newer, more efficient type of CFL, one which is also remote ballasted so much of the heat is moved outside the cab.

and here is a shot of them mounted in my clone cab.

for details on how to wire them up and where to source them check my 'cloning factory' thread linked in my sig.

Peace, SOG
In that case i feel like a complete fool.It must of been my timer. I was manually switching that cab on and off for what...almost 5 years. Ridiculous.

I also had to switch it off when i went away to visit friends as couldnt turn it on and off. I just assumed that as I'd always used relays with the timers on 600s and 400s and also had a timer fail on a 70w hps along long long time ago that all HPS needed a relay. Clearly this is not the case, thanks sgt and someotherguy.

That 4 channel controller is the dogs bollocks, great tip Sgt. I need one of those in my server case.. added to shopping list!!!


Here are some pics of the 6 plants. So this morning I noticed two of them had pretty yellow leaves, it is the flat leaves. I'm 98% sure I was over watering them (every 2 days). So bought some flowering pots that were bigger with drainage and add more dirt. I'm still having problems keeping my temps down (82 Degrees). I'm going to add another fan to move air around, instead of just having the intake and exhaust fans. Right now the lights are on 24 hours, I'm thinking about doing 16 hour lights to help keep the temps down. I have done a lot of reading today but any suggestions are welcome.

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Man those pics came out small. FYI this is bag seed that I'm practicing with.


Crotchety Cabaholic
It's hard to tell with the small pics, but they don't look good.
The yellowing could be from overwatering, inhibiting the uptake of N.
Tell us about your soil mix. Are there ferts in it?
82F isn't that bad.
Did you say you have an intake fan? If so, you could probably go passive on the intake and focus on a better exhaust fan. Intake on the bottom and exhaust on top.

A seedling in that size of containers prolly won't have to be watered but at the most every three days. Just feel the soil under the surface. Let the soil dry out a bit makes the plant spread it roots out to look for water.

I use 2 120mm fans for exhuast purposes. I bought a ac to dc converter from the local super center for $8 it is for all types of electronics, has a bunch of differnt tips to adapt to differnt items. On the converter itself there is a voltage selection button. I can run these two fan off of it and any voltage from 1.5v to 12vdc. Just a cheaper route that works for me.

Good luck


Active member
I'd actually suggest that those pots are way too big for those seedlings and may exacerbate your problems, i've lost seedlings and even clones by up-potting too soon, with that much media and nearly no rootmass what you get is an over-watered little seedling.

Personally, I pop my beans in 9oz solo cups and i've kept them in those cups for 3 or 4 weeks and more before up-potting.

Anyway, you might consider re-potting them into smaller pots that will dry out a little and stimulate root growth.

Good luck, SOG
I had a similar problem with my Durban Poison seedling, looks like overwatering as you and others have stated (assumming no ferts have been added or are in the soil).

I raised my Durban closer to the lights to help dry the soild then simply left her without watering for almost 2 weeks (in 1ltr of medium) and she's really greening up now (it was bright yellow like yours), it still needs about another week without water until it is ready for its next watering - at which point it will be given a small amount, not drowned again.

So best advice is to leave it on 24/7 and do nothing - which is sometimes the hardest thing to do. In about 7-14 days it will start to snap out of it depending on how overwaterd she was.

Going forwards you would really benefit from 1/4 - 1/3 perlite in your mix, this will help you to avoid drowning roots - grab some before you repot next.

Good luck with your grow.
I've found that standardising the amount you water to pot size also helps avoid overwatering - shoot for around 1/5th of the pot volume in water next time.

I usually find or cut down a container to hold the amount of liquid needed so I cannot go over the prescribed amount and waterlog the medium. For example my pots are 1litre each, I water with a party cup that is 180ml, almost 1/5th. This means they are not getting drowned but still have a bit of runoff.

PS Dont forget to add perlite when you repot ;)

Hope that helps.


I can putting back into a smaller container, I just put them in those containers to get better drainage. Below is a link to what I'm using as soil. I have been watering with distilled water or tab water that has sat for 2 days. I'm going to lowes/homedepot today so I can get any new soil if needed or put them in the smaller cups as well. I have a feeling I need to go back to the drawing board with my soil, though I'm a little nervous about messing with the root system


Here is a better pic of the leaves. It is a bit yellower in person

I havent used that brand of soil but it maybe a little hot for your seedlings.

Better to start them in straight compost w/perlite, then put them into that mix when they have a few nodes and a good root system.

Good luck, keep us posted


Crotchety Cabaholic
I'm not a big fan of MG soil. That mix is pre-ferted, which can be too hot for seedlings. You can keep it and use it later for transplants, once the plant has established itself (maybe 2-4 weeks from now).
Most people use a non-ferted peat mix to start seedlings (Promix, Sunshine #4, etc.) There enough nutes in the seed casing to keep it going for a week.
Overwatering (loving the thing to death) is the number one killer of seeds by new growers.
I usually start in 12-16 oz beer cups with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage.