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Need 100% Mite Removal


New member
organicide will kill all bugs on contact good stuff used 3 times have not seen any bugs or mites good stuff.
I ordered some predatory mites and am waiting for them to arrive in the mail.....

I will try and update this thread with my results if I remember!

Has anyone tried Dont Bug Me made by Fox Farms? I saw some this weekend and will try it out if my predator mites dont do the trick.


Active member
Over here, in Europe, we have something quite efficient, i.e specific insecticide for spidermites sold in general purpose garden centers under various names (usually very imaginative, such as "spidermites"), containing the chemical dicofol.

You are supposed to be able to use it up to three weeks before harvest on fruit and vegetables, but there are no indications about smoking the stuff, of course. Ganja growers don't usually spray it in flowering, but it is highly efficient against spidermites (adults and eggs).

Now, a quick search on the internet gave me the following page, which is not exactly reassuring, but then everything in life is a matter of choice...


h :ying:


use azatrol.. 100% removal.. apply every 3-5 days. Can be used up to week 6-7
There's also a product available from O.S.H. . It's "Safer" Brand fruit and vegetable insecticide. Can be used through harvest.


Well-known member
i have found (your experience may differ) that all the chemicals we tried, predator mites, bombs,D.E., no pest strips/etc did not kill those little fuk'ers.

the 2 chemicals i heard that get em is avid, which some say is already getting a resistance, and floramite...

we went with floramite and it does the job.. fairly pricey , but i'll be able to hand the bottle down to m y children, and my children to their children... and so on down the line...


At this point in grow you should be using pesticides.. Either get predator mites or drop your room temps to slow down the reproduciton of mites... Go in and squish as many as you can ... You shouldnt be using pesticides...


New member
Avid or Floramite in Flower = CANCER!

Avid or Floramite in Flower = CANCER!

To all the guys advocating the use of Avid and Floramite in the flowering stage, you might want to think about what its like to have cancer before you ingest the buds grown after the use of such chems. These are strictly controlled non-food crop use only, and although most of us arent eating our plants, we are still ingesting them. These products are controlled for a reason!

If you want to stay reasonably 'organic' and not expose your lungs and your friends/customers lungs to toxic cancer causing chemicals, then dont use the 'one treatment kills all' poisons. Sure, they are easy fixes, usually one application will wipe out all spider mites and future mites for the next 3-6 weeks, but that ease of use comes at a cost, and you will ultimately pay it!

To control spider mites in flower, good practice is to pick off all leaves that have mites and/or eggs and get them the hell away from your garden. And then spray something safe for flowering plants. And get used to the idea that you will have to work on them a few times a week. Try spraying a neem oil, or neem concentrate such as Azamax. But you MUST use a wetting agent and you MUST spray the bottoms of the leaves until soaking. IT is pointless to spray the tops of the leaves. The mites and their eggs live on the underside of the leaves, so this is where you target them. Once in week 4 of flower, depending on your strain, you are pretty deep into it, and its a hard fight to get rid of these bugs. Preventative methods work best. Preventative spraying of neem oil is a safe (for you) way to keep them from gaining a foothold in your garden, but this means spraying weekly your whole garden, as well as visually inspecting your plants, every single one, and removing any leaves that have mites and/or eggs.

Just my two cents. Good Luck vs Mitey Mite


Tobacco tea and no pest strips has been 100% effective for me in the past.

But tobacco tea at this stage will contaminate your ladies.

I have heard that spraying ice water is effective, but I have no experience with this.

Good luck
Sounds like you might have a case of super mites. You keep trying to kill them with products, they don't die. They actually start to become immune to it, just like using too much antibacterial gel. I've been using Azatrol over the past years and it seems to work great. It doubles as a foliar spray.

If you running co2, I hear you can cover your plants with plastic bags or tarps. And then over fill the room with co2 and basically over oxygenate them to death!


I like neem oil myself...I plan on getting one of those old school perfume sprayers to apply it eventually...atomizing the spray should work better then a regular spraybottle.I noticed mites a few months ago...did a neem dunk (small plant) and haven't seen them since. Preventative measures work wonders...I spray the surface of my soil about once a week. Read what neem oil does to the reproductive system of mites..it's amazing.

I personally would never spray anything on a plant that's more then a week or 2 in flower though. At that point your best bet is light sulfur burns and predator mites. Also reducing temps as much as possible will slow down the mites reproduction, which imo is the key in trying to get rid of them.

Keep in mind that just because a spray is "food safe" doesn't mean that it's "smoke safe" ... no matter what anyone says. Do you really think that they run long term tests on the effects of smoking any of these "safe" sprays? Neem is supposedly safe and is used in food/produce alot, but after reading what it does to the reproductive systems of mites...I'd never want to smoke it..and I don't like to even get it on my hands when I spray. Just because something is "all natural" or "organic" doesn't mean it's safe for human consumption, there's plenty of "all natural/organic" plants that would kill you if you ate them.. :2cents:

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

CO2 Them. Release all your available CO2, by that I mean a whole canister. Shut the door or you'll suffocate and die, just like the mites. You'll do no harm to yer plants/flowers, infact they'll like it.

I also vacuum my plants and buds when it gets particularly bad, just use the tube on the vacuum cleaner.

But death by CO2 works the best, well for me anyway.

Good luck


Dude, like someone said it is a little too far along to be spraying pesticides ... Control is your only way now. Also mentioned a few times was the 'ONLY' answer (unless you like fight a war....) is Floramite . PERIOD. IMOP.


Dig up an old ass post eh?

Well, I have a hole new grow-operation going for the last 4 months and no MITES at all.

I started by applying azamax to my seedlings and clones when they were old enough.