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NC man shot to death by deputies serving a warrent.

D Rock

Here is the Link: http://wral.com/news/local/story/2269876/

SUCH BULLSHIT!!!!!! A man lost his life for growing a plant. I also find it interesting how they say he was manufactoring marijuana! I wonder if they accidently shot one of there own men during the raid.

Raleigh — Authorities seized 43 marijuana plants, among other items, from the Raleigh house where a man was shot to death as Wake County deputies served a search warrant on him.

A deputy was also shot during the Jan. 4 incident but survived.

More than a dozen law enforcement officers were serving a search warrant at the Alpine Drive home as part of a two-month investigation by Wake County Alcoholic Beverage Control Board officers into an alleged indoor marijuana-growing operation, authorities said.

Stephen Scott Thornton, who authorities said was using the name Scott Monaco, was shot inside the home and died at WakeMed a few hours later.

Search warrants showed that authorities seized 45 items from the house, including multiple bags of “green vegetable material,” which is believed to be marijuana. Chemical lights and 43 marijuana plants were also taken.

ABC officers did surveillance on the house after getting a tip that marijuana was being manufactured and sold at the house, according to an affidavit.

On Jan. 3, authorities examined the trash and found marijuana stems and plant material thought to be marijuana. It tested positive, the affidavit said.

Thornton, 45, was wanted in Texas on drug and firearms charges, authorities said. The U.S. Marshal's Service had a full extradition order in place to return him to the Dallas area upon arrest.

Sgt. Ronnie Byrd, a member of the Wake County Sheriff's Office Special Response Team, was shot in the leg. Byrd, 37, has been with the Sheriff's Office since 1997.

"We did make a forced entry into the house. Shots were fired," Sheriff Donnie Harrison said.

Harrison declined to say how the shooting unfolded – who fired first and whether Thornton had been shot by a deputy. :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
Sounded like a crackpot anyways. Believe me if I were one of those officers and I went into the house knowing he was wanted for firearms violations elsewhere there's not a single doubt in my mind that I'd gun his ass down in an instant if he made the slightest move. Call me a pig sympathizer, I don't care, I have a relative who did three tours of duty overseas these past few years and the lesson you apparently learn is, shoot now, ask questions later. Hesitation can get you killed and while I disagree with the drug war overall I understand the frustrations (and even fears) of law enforcement. I bet your ass would have pulled the trigger too; why try to make a hero out of the guy just because he grew weed? Would you give M.J. kudos to fucking toddlers if he were a toker and had a garden of herb at Neverland?

Besides, people need to stop getting so pissed off at law enforcement and more angry about the judicial and legislative systems in which the sensible citizenry has absolutely no say it seems.


Active member
i agree Connoisseur. although its sad that it involves cannabis, i have no sympathy for the guy. i dont blame the cops for going in strong if he is wanted on firearms charges. no sense in losing a cop over cannabis. plus, they caught him by simply goin through his trash. spells out dumbass to me.


Resident pissy old man
A big part of the problem is that the cops love to play Lone Ranger. If you had 10 cops dressed in black with masks over their face and they broke down your front door and were shouting and screaming and shooting at you, you might be tempted to shoot back. The 40,000 "forced entries" each year provide far too many deaths of innocent civilians each year,especially when they come from bad intel or bad tips from snitches wanting to get off from their own crimes. Most reasonable people respond pretty well to a knock on the door and the sight of overwhelming force.

My son-in-law is an ex-SWAT team cop doing his 2nd tour in Iraq. There is a big difference between a cop in the U.S. and a soldier in a foreign country during a time of armed conflict. Unfortunately, those differences are getting slimmer and slimmer. We are now like a country under martial law by our own government.


Active member
gotta agree with you too Pops. hard to say how i would react to forced entry if i had a firearm in the house. but if something like that happens, you can usually bet it is the cops so i would be immediately on the ground. of course i wouldn't be growing and selling so carelessly either.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
i think it might be him...
here i copied and pasted the artice so nobody has to dick around with that link... only thing is that this dude is ALIVE

Stephen Scott Thornton
My name is Stephen Scott Thornton. I am 42 years old and am a MPS/chronic pain patient (Myofacial Pain Syndrome) and a thyroid cancer survivor. I have a M.S. in organic chemistry from Georgia Tech and have grown marijuana hydroponically for about ten years. My surgery to remove my thyroid gland was exactly ten years ago. I have smoked and grown marijuana since then and it helped me go from a 145-pound weakling to a 180-pound healthy man. I also lifted weights and used anabolic steroids including testosterone by prescription. I recently got busted by the feds and am getting ready to start a prison sentence for an unknown length of time. Most of my property was seized, two automobiles, 5 guitars, recording equipment and to add insult to injury, one of the police stole my dress pants (8 pair). It took me about 8 years to truly achieve a state of health and I am afraid I will lose it in prison since I won t be able to eat 4000 plus calories a day and weight train. I will do the best I can.

I have provided marijuana for other cancer patients over the years and have literally saved the lives of many people. My patients have had lung cancer, breast cancer and other conditions such as chronic pain. All of them have reported being helped tremendously by my very high quality medicine. I certainly was. The marijuana helped eliminate nausea and allowed me to gain weight, plus it helped with chronic pain. I also take Oxycodone by Rx and see a pain specialist in Dallas, Texas. One pain specialist kicked me out of his office after he found out I used marijuana so I have been reluctant to share this info with others. I use less Oxycodone when using marijuana and the two work well together, although one must use care when operating automobiles or loud guitars!

The details of my arrest and subsequent treatment are a horror story; I was first arrested by Collin county police and then re-arrested by the ATF/US Marshals/FBI. My state bond was set at $20,000 and I got out of jail after paying $2,000. Five weeks later the feds showed up at my door and arrested me again on the same charges, but with no bond. I spent two weeks in Grayson county jail and was let out on a PR bond by the federal magistrate who was a thyroid cancer survivor himself. I froze while in jail; they keep the temperature at 71 degrees, much too cold for a thyroid patient. I did get thyroid hormones while in jail, but no testosterone. The testosterone is very important since it prevents osteoporosis/bone loss. Amazingly, they allowed me to have access to my Oxycodone-this is not normally done. Most jails do not allow narcotics inside, Collin County did not but Grayson County did. I was happy to get out on house arrest on the PR bond, but because I was arrested by the feds while on bond the bail bondsman on the state charges dropped my bond. So I was arrested again, a third time, by Collin county sheriff’s officers. Then I had to post another $1,400 to get out on a new bond.

The bond money is not refunded and ultimately the state charges were dropped and the state let the feds take over. If I do not plead guilty I could easily get ten years or more prison sentence since I also owned a 9-mm pistol. By pleading guilty I expect a 2-3 year federal sentence. The feds wanted me to narc on the cancer patients I provide with marijuana but I would only narc on myself. I may get my autos back and am still waiting on that to happen. I had to horse trade to get my property back, let them keep $7,100 in cash seized from my house and then they said they would give me my property back. I also had to hire two attorneys, one for state charges and one for federal charges, totaling $40,000. I borrowed more than $50,000 and will have to sell my cars and house to pay the money back. Now I am pre-paring myself mentally and financially to do about 2-3 years in federal prison.
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New member
wow what a tragic death if that is indeed him. i don't know how many stephen scott thorntons got arrested in texas for growing mmj, but i don't see how that couldn't be him. Very sad that the gov't just has no remorse for peoples situations. it sounds like he was just a very handicapped person and did whatever was necessary to help himself and others out.

"Manufactured marijuana"...unbelieveable. RIP Mr. Thornton.

D Rock

Connoisseur said:
I bet your ass would have pulled the trigger too; why try to make a hero out of the guy just because he grew weed? Would you give M.J. kudos to fucking toddlers if he were a toker and had a garden of herb at Neverland?

Besides, people need to stop getting so pissed off at law enforcement and more angry about the judicial and legislative systems in which the sensible citizenry has absolutely no say it seems.

I was a police officer for three years, and cant tell you how many times i would have been justified to pull the trigger and take another persons life. Too many times police officers are way to pumped up going into serve search warrents like a raging steriod user, believe me I know. I was merly making a point of how a man lost his life to this pathetic war on drugs. Law enforcement often goes for the easy kill and they spend hundreds of hours and tax payers dollars hunting a caged animal if you will. Why dont they spend the time and effort to track serial killers or people wanted for serious crimes not someone who was growing pot. Law enforcement has gotten away with way to much for way to long.

Now that im on the other side of the fence I see why I was hated so much as a police officer. Most think they are holier-than-thou and that there shit doesnt stink. I hold a certain level of animosity toward police after seeing how true colored they really are. I was stabed in the back several times by fellow officers to make themselves look better(and they call it a brotherhood :jerkit:) And have seen with my own eyes officers and detectives planting evidence in a search warrent when they came up short and couldnt find what they were looking for. I would want to say something at times but have never been one to rat. To me thats the worst thing you can be.
I just get angry when I see stuff like this cause I know Alcohol Prohibition did'nt work and neither is Marijuana Prohibition. and people are losing there lives over this either in a jail cell or 6 ft under. :rant:
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D Rock

UnerSame said:
how can you be a cop and not be a rat? not possible
Was wondering how long it would take before someone said it.

You've got it all wrong buddy I was a PIG not a rat. :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

I can see how people would say that but I have never in my life sold anyone out, never. I never went out trying to stir up trouble maybe thats why I wasnt a GOOD cop. I just pretty much answered my calls and got wrote up alot. I was so happy the day I left the police dept. I went to my neighbors house who I knew grew but This guy was my friend so I was'nt going to RAT him out to make myself look good or possible get my name in the damn newspaper. So I go over there and smoke a joint for the first time in probably 5 years and ever since then I been burning it up and growing my own. I dont consider myself a rat I never have and never will.
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when you write someone a speeding ticket you're ratting them out to the courts. that's all the cops do


Resident pissy old man
UnerSame, give the guy a break! He got out didn't he? That has to say something for the guy. My son-in-law was a cop,too. SWAT team,even!


Active member
Connoisseur said:
Sounded like a crackpot anyways. Believe me if I were one of those officers and I went into the house knowing he was wanted for firearms violations elsewhere there's not a single doubt in my mind that I'd gun his ass down in an instant if he made the slightest move. Call me a pig sympathizer, I don't care, I have a relative who did three tours of duty overseas these past few years and the lesson you apparently learn is, shoot now, ask questions later. Hesitation can get you killed and while I disagree with the drug war overall I understand the frustrations (and even fears) of law enforcement. I bet your ass would have pulled the trigger too; why try to make a hero out of the guy just because he grew weed? Would you give M.J. kudos to fucking toddlers if he were a toker and had a garden of herb at Neverland?

Besides, people need to stop getting so pissed off at law enforcement and more angry about the judicial and legislative systems in which the sensible citizenry has absolutely no say it seems.

Are you serious? Of course the media is gonna try to play you out if you make the news on weed charges. This guy doesn't sound that crazy, just a med patient. Sounds like he ran, and they caught up to him, shot him apprently due to itchy fingers, and they played him out in the news as some crazy "drug manufacturer" with "chemical lights".
Read the posts on the forum that he wrote in 06, doesn't sound like a madman to me. The gun charge part is the bitch about it though, it was a legal gun and they just tied the two together due to the grow.

Anyway, I was looking to move to NC, but goddamn it makes you mash the breaks when you read some shit like this, haha. Sounds like he was already a target though
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D Rock

Ganico said:
Anyway, I was looking to move to NC, but goddamn it makes you mash the breaks when you read some shit like this, haha. Sounds like he was already a target though

Know what you mean, Im thinking of moving back to Florida I grew up there in Highschool.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Hey D Rock-

ex-popo aye? I tried looking into your posts to see if you ever mentioned it anywhere else about your career ( i know it is none of my business) and couldnt find much. I am quite interested in your story....

why were you a PIG....

D Rock

LiLWaynE said:
Hey D Rock-

ex-popo aye? I tried looking into your posts to see if you ever mentioned it anywhere else about your career ( i know it is none of my business) and couldnt find much. I am quite interested in your story....

why were you a PIG....

I had mentioned it once before I think. but wanted to keep it to myself for fear of everyone here hating me cause I was a ex- police officer. SO what I USE to Be one, not anymore. But now its like If you dont like me cause I use to be a cop then thats your problem not mine. I am a good person, love the herb and have a completly different perspective on life and my view points on things have drastically changed. I have been saved by the powers of the herb. (Overgrow the Government!!!) It has made me a better person thats for sure. I myself was much like Barry Cooper if you know who he is. He is the one who did the drug interdiction and now sells the never get busted DVD's. Anyway I was younger and didnt know any better to tell you the truth. I was brain washed into believing everything that was taught to me and not bright enough to research things on my own at the time. Now that I have seen all the corruption and wrong way of handling things I am wanting to speak out and tell the truth of how police really are, as if you guys didnt already know. Later its off to work, after I pull a couple hits off the trusty bong.

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