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Nature's Wonder Drug Curbed by Illuminati

It was a long time ago I accepted that reality is probably far stranger than any fiction. Now I wouldn't be surprised by much. I know people who have had encounters with reptilians or so they say. Can I take their word for it? Not really - they could be lying or deluded but I have to remain open to the possibility that it is true. It would answer how the elite can perpetrate such inhuman abuse on children.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
In all possibilities they could be some form of extra-terrestrial beings,
As MM said, how could any true human being, do the things they do to other human beings and put them in the situations that we have been in over the years,
No Human should act that way towards another-unless of course they are not human...

Or are mind controlled themselves by a higher authoritarian figure from the commander of the reptillians???? big question so few answers, but so interesting so say the least.

Peacce and Love all.

lost in a sea

i still think its a metaphor for their bloodlines,, because they purposely select away from empathy and have done for millenia,,

like the kings and queens and bankers,, they have no empathy gene,,

my hypothesis anyway,,

there are no aliens as we think of them,, but bacteria and viruses can very easily survive interplanetary journeys though (in ice on rocks) so some of them could be alien to this world,,


Well-known member
i still think its a metaphor for their bloodlines,, because they purposely select away from empathy and have done for millenia,,

like the kings and queens and bankers,, they have no empathy gene,,

my hypothesis anyway,,

there are no aliens as we think of them,, but bacteria and viruses can very easily survive interplanetary journeys though (in ice on rocks) so some of them could be alien to this world,,

Comes down to Adam & Eve...The serpent with Eve. Cain is the off spring of that encounter.


ICMag Donor
i still think its a metaphor for their bloodlines

Thats what i thought he meant , but he assured the audience that they were structurally alien inside.

I asked what colour there blood is , and should we stab politicians to find out , but he started waffling on about pyramids and most left before the end.

There was a dreadfull scifi series on telly called V around that time , flesh eating lizard aliens , not sure who copied who.


Active member
Saw a presentation by David around 1980 in a small midlands town , he was an excellent orator but a showman at heart , took others ideas and made a good pre internet living from it.
He is not talking in allegory , they are supposed to really be aliens in disguise.

He is not a mentalist , but a successful businessman pretending to be one , thankfully he has little to say on canna.

I agree and I don't begrudge him the living he makes much the same as a novelist who presents an enjoyable story.

Some may quibble about the legal ramifications of presenting fiction as fact, but in the marketplace of ideas, one only has to present them and the consumer will determine their worth.
Evidence to their veracity may not be high on the shopping list and the story's appeal will overide such mundane considerations.

Ickes has captured that type of audience with a wildly imaginative tale and if he is rewarded for his performances then who am I to complain?

He's delivered the product but the prospective buyer must test drive it first and if the burden of truth meets their spectacularly low levels of credibility, then so be it.

In the past, one could hardly have enjoyed the entertaining spectacle of witch-burning if no one had believed in witches so one could claim these stories can serve a useful function if they reach a critical mass of believers.
I have never thought that David Icke does not believe what he says. Funny business model to give up a cushy job at the beeb to go around lecturing to a handful of interested people about fringe topics!


Active member
well, its what, 30 years ago or 20, that david icke came forward on british tv and claimed to be the second coming of christ?

he was pretty darn serious looking and seemed to believe what he said too.

i wonder what else he has said besides this and that.

charismatic bugger though.

that would be pretty funny too, if true.

christ came back and fought aliens to reinstate the kingdom of god!

lol :)


Active member
...hmm though actually.

these arent supposed to be aliens, according to some, the lizards actually claim to be originally from earth (some say they dwelt underground)

latest i saw, was speculation about them being related to raptors, the dinosaurs.

the raptor being the chimp side of the family.

also saw someone trying to connect this to christianity.

"for the serpent was the most cunning of all the beasts" (and actually stood on two legs)

people go all over.

but i have to say..

if these lizards exists, then they are kinda like clark kent.

amazingly adept at appearing total morons (which the elite and politicians regularily do...)


Active member
i still think its a metaphor for their bloodlines,, because they purposely select away from empathy and have done for millenia,,

like the kings and queens and bankers,, they have no empathy gene,,

my hypothesis anyway

I think your right. This is a 50 year study I saw to tv before and read before posting here. It tells how they bred the foxes that didn't bite at him and shyed away. They wanted to study if they could get dogs and they were shocked at how fast the changes happened. I posted a small exert from a great article if you like dogs or think lostinasea has a point.

ENTIRE ARTICLE if you care:

At the time, biologists were puzzled as to how dogs evolved to have different coats than wolves, since they couldn't figure out how the dogs could have inherited those genes from their ancestors. Belyaev saw silver foxes as a perfect opportunity to find out how this happened.
Belyaev believed that the key factor that was selected for was not morphological (physical attributes), but was behavioral. More specifically, he believed that tameness was the critical factor. How amenable was an animal to interacting with humans? This would certainly impact how well an animal would adapt to life with humans.

He hypothesized that selecting for tameness and against aggression would result in hormonal and neurochemical changes, since behavior was ultimately rooted in biology. It could be that the genetic differences that led to the morphological changes that biologists noticed in domesticated dogs (particularly, they noticed differences in fur coloration, and increased skull size relative to body size) were related to the genetic changes that underlied the behavioral temperament that they selected for (tameness and low aggression). He believed that he could investigate some of the questions about domestication by attempting to domesticate wild foxes. Belyaev and his colleagues took wild silver foxes (a variant of the red fox) and bred them, with a strong selection for inherent tameness.


I post the above link because somebody said something about child abuse.
Svali gives some pretty creepy details on child abuse and child sacrifice....
If you think she is telling the truth, which I do.

Bill Gates And His Eugenics - Illuminati/NWO/UN Agenda 21
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I am who I am coz I is who I is.
bill gates is a genocidal maniac, he needs a bullet or a whole magazine, and then once he dies, give all his billions to every single person in the world, share that shit round!


Active member
well, if he had 50 billion$ and there are about 4 billion people in the world.

thats not really that many dollars per person,

possibly a happy meal per each or 2. (math is not my strong side so ill leave the precise calcs to someone else :))

but then again, money is Never going to fix the problems of the world.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
no its not going to fix the problem, but at least it would take the money out of his greedy little palms, and give it to people that do need it at this time and place, even a happy meal could keep the poor happy for a day or 2.

Give it all to 3rd world countries and leave the working men for themself atm then,
Whatever idea gets it from him and gives it too others is a good one for now,

End the whole Fiat money system, and feed the whole world with non-contaminated foods and waters,


Active member
bill gates is a genocidal maniac
I vote Bill be one of the first to go...Heck he is special....Let him be first.
We should let Bill Gates shot Bill G with his own meds and feed him McD's the rest of his life!

Let him be a victim of his own evil plan.

However, I would love to beat him up with my fists for funding such things.
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Active member

The joy and pleasure of releasing your inner Nazi.
A celebration of murder and theft.

Sharing is caring. Especially when it's other peoples money and not your own.
(Guess that would technically be Communism, but why quibble?)


Active member
Sharing is caring. Especially when it's other peoples money and not your own.
(Guess that would technically be Communism, but why quibble?)

If you choose when, who, why, that is sharing/caring

When the Gov't says, You give me that. Do what I say and I may give you some back
I.E. Foodstamps and drug tests......but they didn't drug test anybody before they took the income taxes.
They only drug tested them to get to the job.
They do what they want to with the money.
SS, Medicare/caid will all be gone in ten years at the most. I hope I am wrong.
The Wars overseas and Drug war here are breaking us all.

The Gov't enacted version is not caring not sharing, it is dominance and cotrol.
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el dub

Oh to be young and cock-sure of every mother fucking thing under the sun, again.......