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Nature's Wonder Drug Curbed by Illuminati


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Master Number 11 Numerology
Numerology reduces all multi-digit numbers to the single-digit numbers 1 through 9 with the exception of the three Master numbers 11, 22 and 33. These three Master numbers in many cases are not reduced and have a specific set of attributes that sets them apart from all other numbers. Numerology enthusiasts and practitioners have always been especially excited about Master numbers because, as the name implies, they represent something above and beyond the mundane.

However, with the three true Master numbers, their power is not just based on the simple fact that they consist of identical digits, but because those digits are the 1, the 2, and the 3, respectively. In the case of the 11 (a double 1), it has the traits and personality of the 1 twice, and when added (11 = 1+1 = 2) becomes a 2, thereby combining the most powerful male energy (the 1, Zeus) with the equally potent female energy (the 2, Hera). Considering that the 1 and the 2 are on opposite ends of the spectrum and the sum of their combined attributes pretty much overshadows all other attributes assigned to the numbers 3 through 9 you can perhaps imagine a merging of the strongest, most driven and aggressive warrior, an unstoppable masculine energy, with the supremacy of the most intuitive, feminine, and cunning goddess. And even that does not reveal the true essence of the 11 Master number: The 11 symbolizes the potential to push the limitations of the human experience into the stratosphere of the highest spiritual perception; the link between the mortal and the immortal; between man and spirit; between darkness and light; ignorance and enlightenment. This is the ultimate symbolic power of the 11.

This, the ability to reach spiritual enlightenment (the 11), makes it a reality in the material world (the 22), then uses it to lift others into enlightenment (the 33), reflecting the enormity of the gift of human life as symbolized by the three Master numbers. Which brings me to the heart of this article: the secret lesson of the 11, a revelation you will not find in any Numerology book or article. Just as Numerology uses adding numbers, it also subtracts numbers looking for the difference between them -- generally revealing what are called challenges or obstacles, and shortcomings you have to overcome. They represent the gaps between the stepping stones, bridges we have to build in order to continue on our path. In the case of the three Master numbers, the gap between 11 and 22 is 11 and the gap between 22 and 33 is also 11. This tells us that in order to move from the height of spiritual understanding as symbolized by the 11, we need to reach an even higher and more rounded experience of divine insight before we can apply our spiritual maturity in the material world, as reflected by the 22. And the final step, the ultimate divine reality of reaching the level of a true Master requires another superhuman boost of divine realization, this one symbolized by the number 33.

The article is longer I just took the begging and end as they had number 11


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The basis of all numerology is, of course, the meanings of each numeric vibration. We will present the basic vibrations here from 0 through 10 and the Master Numbers of 11 and 22. Be aware that most Numerologists consider each numbers importance and they interpret the larger numbers before they reduce a number to it's smaller base value from 0 - 10

Generally speaking 9 is seen as the number of completeness. It marks the end of the and the end of a series of numbers (1-10), as well as a complete circle (360 degrees = 3 + 6 + 0 = 9). Christ completed his life and died at the ninth hour. Nine categories of people are called 'blessed' in the Sermon on the Mount. Because 9 is a number of initiation it is seen as being liable to injury (since initiations commonly involve ordeals and mutilations. 9 is a complete number: if multiplied by any other number it always reproduces itself (3 x 9 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9). Completeness is symbolized by 9 as well as by 3 and 7 (but for different reasons).
Character traits: A true humanitarian, a strong desire to serve your fellow man. A fighter for social causes for the poor and unfortunate. High mental and spiritual achievement capable of inspired action and of inspiring others. Many interest and sympathies. Generous and compassionate and may be imposed on. Passionate and romantic. High minded and idealistic, and able to fall in and out of love with ease and frequency. A lover of beauty in all things. May have a difficult early life, but will succeed through determination and resourcefulness. Impressionable, intuitive and quite independent.
Negative tendencies: Egotistical and conceited in dealing with individuals. Easily hurt, and not much emotional stability, may be quick-tempered
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Active member
Note numberology is not my beleifs but ties to Devil Worship. Taken form a, Phycadellic Content Site

Note my work below.
Geometry, Symbolism, Ceremonies (including sacrifice, and summoning spirits), and Numerology are all occult techniques used to derive power. The Illuminati is the parent organization (over freemasons, skull and bones, bilderburg...ect) that seems to be exploiting these cosmic sources of energy and suppressing the knowledge of this supposed power currently. I would like to expose occult numerology in this thread.

There are certain numbers and groupings of numbers that have specific meanings and can be looked at as symbols because they have a meaning other than just their numerical value.

Now the most obvious number associated with something of the occult and symbolic, 666.
This is the number of the beast assigned in the bible that everyone will have installed on your hand or forehead to be able to participate in the new society/market, buy or sell, in the late stages of the end times.

(NOTE: I don't know if these techniques actually do derive power but tend to think there is probably some validity because of their continued use and apparent success of staying in power.)


She is singing about somebody.....but who?

I love this lady. Enlightened and doing God's work.
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ICMag Donor
A lot of the number theories conveniently forget the problem caused by leapdays , and the radical calender adjustments taken in history to compensate.

Any contrivance of modern dates is ultimately pointless.


...plus you don't want to wind up all crazy like Jim Carrey in "23" or that guy in "Pi"...


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“According to Dr. Robert O. Becker in his book “The Body Electric,” the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person’s health can be determined by it. Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything has frequency.”“Dr. Royal R. Rife found that every disease has a frequency. He has found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others would destroy diseases. Substances of higher frequency will destroy diseases of lower frequency.”
“In 1992, Bruce Taino of Taino Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Taino has determined that the average frequency of a healthy human body during the daytime is 62 to 68 Hz. When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. If the frequency drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms appear; at 55 Hz, diseases like Candida take hold; at 52 Hz, Epstein Bar and at 42 Hz, Cancer. Taino’s machine was certified as 100 percent accurate and is currently being used in the agricultural field today.”
“The study of frequencies raises an important question concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe, and absorb. Many pollutants have low frequencies and cause the bodies healthy frequencies to be lowered and weakened. Processed or canned food has a frequency of zero and tend to lower healthy frequencies within the body towards degenerative diseases. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz; dry herbs from 12 to 22 Hz; and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz. Essential oil frequencies start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz; which is the frequency of Rose Oil. These higher frequencies create an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, cancer, etc., CANNOT live.”…..“In one study the doctors took two young men who had a 66-hertz frequency. One held coffee and his frequency dropped to 58 in 3 seconds. The other gentleman drank it and his frequency dropped to 52 in 3 seconds.”
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ICMag Donor
If we had eight digits instead of ten , we would be working in base 8 maths , and similar coincidences would no doubt be found.


Active member
Stole this.
This is not far fetched at-all.

In fact, Helicopter pilots in Vietnam often reported difficulties and had accidents as a certain rotor speed cause vibrations which coincided with the resonant frequency of a part of the human eye.


This just in: everything ever written in a book or posted on the Internet is true, and should be believed.


Active member
This just in: everything ever written in a book or posted on the Internet is true, and should be believed.

This coming from a man who back the FDA. The FDA who says weed is more dangerous than Cocain. I read that and don't beleive it. You seem to agree with the FDA, EPA, and UN on everything they say...You must read just their data..Only their scientist. :D

I read this and don't believe it but you worship at the alter of Big Gubbynati..EPA, FDA..your just ignorant and can't see what I see becuase you refuse to read/research. If you did you would at least see the EPA, FDA, DEA, FED, are all the issues and if your Spiritual you may even see the BIG PICTURE! Open your eyes and mind and shut your mouth.
Schedule I Drugs
Schedule I drugs have a high tendency for abuse and have no accepted medical use. This schedule includes drugs such as Marijuana, Heroin, Ecstasy, LSD, and GHB. Recent activists have tried to change the schedule for Marijuana citing the possible medical benefits of the drug. Pharmacies do not sell Schedule I drugs, and they are not available with a prescription by physician.

Schedule II Drugs
Schedule II drugs have a high tendency for abuse, may have an accepted medical use, and can produce dependency or addiction with chronic use. This schedule includes examples such as Cocaine, Opium, Morphine, Fentanyl, Amphetamines, and Methamphetamines. Schedule II drugs may be available with a prescription by a physician, but not all pharmacies may carry them. These drugs require more stringent records and storage procedures than drugs in Schedules III and IV.

UN Agenda 21 - In your face

This guy has a bunch of NON EPA SCIENTIST in WASHINGTON and see none of what the EPA says! Michigan, Texas, California...your town too.

Dr. are all stupid too.

According to Dr. Robert O. Becker ...

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You have a reading comprehension problem combined with serious gullibility issues and critical thinking deficts. Combined with what seems to be a 9th grade education at best, it just doesn't make for very persuasive arguments.


Active member
So others know....ZYMOS is a troll from the Ron Paul thread. I told him if he wanted discussion to come here. It is apparent he only wants to troll and hurle insults so I will not reply to this him any longer in this thread either.

Some people want to grow and love and some want to spread hate....I will have no part in all the hate he has in him.

This was posted before the first numerology posting of mine.
Note numberology is not my beleifs but ties to Devil Worship
Some choose to be foolish and only read/comprehend aspects they choose to attack out of ignorant bliss!

I posted a Dr.'s letter and posted a link to a guy fighting the EPA. he had first hand knowledge and it was good interview, for those that choose not to be blind. There evidence is made up only of their insults and nothing more. Who is crazy?

I do believe the frequency aspects of how we work as humans though. I find it fascinating and I am going to try and change my diet because of it and what I learned in Church about fasting. It seems to tie right into what I read about the foods we eat. That ties to one of the ways that NWO/Illuminati are trying to kill us. Right along with the No. 1 killer in America - Rockefeller AKA BIG PHARMA, ALL while dumping Chemtrails, buling FEMA Camps, implimenting UN AGENDA 21 DEPOPULATON.......Do you see what I see
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I'm "from the Ron Paul thread"? What the fuck does that even mean?
You think I'm posting here because you told me to?

You are delusional, not that is wasn't already obvious.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Stop bitching like children please,
and get back to the discussion at hand, or the thread probally will be shut down,

P.S, zymos has his picture as a spiritual like being with an amazing aura creating such a frequency that is it spreading wide and far, as far as i can see itisme, he believes in alot of stuff, and is just getting your blood boiled because it makes you react :S,

Peace, Love and Light to all,

Guest 26753

Zymos, this is MY thread. I don't appreciate you lobbing in the way you did with your passive aggressive posting. I don't want this thread to devolve into battles of negativity. My suggestion is that if you have nothing positive to say, STFU! I see your posts as that of a troll.
It is about respect mate, and you are disrespecting me with your posting.


Active member
Oy vey! Such mishegas!

No wonder your parents are worried...

Good God man! Listen to yourself...The Queen Mum had Whitney sacrificed ???
Is there any batshit idea that has come down the pike that you DON'T believe?

I'll bet this guy figures in "THE PLAN" too. Coincidence?

I think not.


Or if you prefer...

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Note numberology is not my beleifs but ties to Devil Worship. Taken form a, Phycadellic Content Site

Note my work below.

see this is where you have been fooled into the controll of the bible to be ruled by man. and re read your bible cuz 666 is not the mark of the beast its the mark of man.this knowledge on numberology has been around since the beginning of time. the best way to keep someone from reaching there full potential is to create a religion for them to follow and then tell them that anything other than that religon is devil worship. thaats why they say the quran and the bible were the best stories every sold. all religion comes from egypt/kemmit all religion. and they studied astrology and numberology. for example mj they have proclaimed for years that
it made people crazy and that it was a gate way drug and it should be avoided cuz its the devils weed.but today we see that none of what they said are true. it in fact helps with multiple ailments open your eyes oh child of the most high God OHHHH MY MY MY how the sheple are led astray from the god that resides with in them your bible even tells you that your body is the house of God thats why you should take care of you body/temple the achient house of God.
i wish so dearley that i could reveal some of the most important things to you but i cant. the wool has been pulled over the worlds eyes every since kemmit fell and the knowledge fell into the wrong hands. open you eyes my brother PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES

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