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national help an idiot grow dope day

Due to unfortunate circumstance i moved back to the folks gaff few month back (bad times).

Decided to try and grow some dope in a wardrobe

My 1st crack at growing wasnt great. I tried to grow 3 white rhino seeds in soil. I was using 250W CFLs in a 55cm x 55cm x 160cm wardrobe. veg cycle was 6 weeks & flower cycle 8. I was given a feeding guide on what nutrients to give per week in mls per 1000 mls of water. I had a 5" desk fan no extractor fan.
I started off in small herb pots for 2 wks then moved em into 10 litre pots. All 3 plants grew well up to wk 10 then 2 got fur & leaves turned yellow. After 12 wks the plants were squashed inside & there wasnt much available height left, noticed small black flies & it was quite dark.
i sacrificed 2 & concentrated on one. By wk 13 plant was touching lights & i had to keep trimming, there was only small white hairs instead of bud. bought another https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=27611&pictureid=609433 250W bulb & hung it vertically in last ditched attempt to get dope, By week 14 all the main leaves (the big ones with no branches branching of em) had fallen off. I eventually surrendered.

My wardrobe is now in a bad state, as i didnt cover the pigeon hole part of wardrobe in mylar, water has got into the wood, one door is on 2 hinges instead of 3 and the other makes a horrific noise when opened.

Im gonna sack of the wardrobe, give it to the rag and bone men. I want to give growing another go though, so am thinking of buying a 90 x 90 grow tent. Hopefully the old man wont know what it is and if i lob a throw over it, it wont look like a big black tardis has landed in my room.

I cant afford to screw up again, so need advise on what to put in it from those in the know. I could also do with some advise on whether any of my existing equipment/nutrients are worth keeping or whether i should get rid and make a fresh start. Ive looked around this site and seem some crazy shit, but i dont understand most of the lingo used.

i know im gonna need some extraction setup which will be on 24/7, but need it to be as quite as possible.

My current setup consists of...

1 x powerplant sun mate CFL reflector
1 x 250W CFL- built in ballast - 6400k blue 14,400 lumens
2 x 250W CFL- built in ballast - 2700k red 14,400 lumens
1 x canna terra professional plus soil mix 50 litre
5 x 10 litre pots and drip trays
nutrients are aarde, multi zyme and bud XL

i had a feeding guide of how much nutrients in mls per water in mls i had to mix together each week, but i had differing opinions on how much of the water/nutrient mix i actually give the plants. So am not sure if i was under or over feeding em to be honest.

any help will be most appreciated



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the wardrobe looks ok. i would get an extractor and carbon filter and fit it to the wardrobe.
the plants need fresh air coming in all the time as well as circulation.

veg the plants for less time so they stay shorter.

make sure when you flower on 12/12 that there are no light leaks - so no light is getting into the wardrobe during the dark period.



Active member
for that size of light + space - vegging for 6 weeks is a bad idea,

id go more for 9-14 days veg, so they can be easier managed ''not so large/leafy''
after the flip to 12/12

if flipped to 12/12 at 14days veg the plants should be around 16'' - 20'' tall after 12/12 stretch, of course depends on lots of things so its just a over all example

Under feeding will be better than over feeding, over feeding can lead to nute lock out
Plant burning and other problems also,

Id try an get a truncheon ''if you can'' to monitor the E.C/ppm level,
so rather than adding nutes & hoping, you can actually check/regulate how much nute they have, or will need.

vegging less will lead to alot less gpw ''gram per watt''
But id rather have 4oz of good nugs, than 6oz of air bud from a larger leafier veg plant
the wardrobe looks ok. i would get an extractor and carbon filter and fit it to the wardrobe.
the plants need fresh air coming in all the time as well as circulation.

veg the plants for less time so they stay shorter.

make sure when you flower on 12/12 that there are no light leaks - so no light is getting into the wardrobe during the dark period.


yea definately gonna veg for less time in future. That was a big mistake on my part. my plant looks like its been to the barbers and had a flat-top cos i had to keep trimming the top as it was touching the lights.

I only drilled one hole (about the size of a 50 pence piece) to feed an extention lead in so could plug in lights and fan. How big a hole would i need to drill in to put an extraction fan? any suggestions on a quiet extraction fan? i smoke like a trooper in my room, are you sure the plants wouldnt be better off without my smokey air?
for that size of light + space - vegging for 6 weeks is a bad idea,

id go more for 9-14 days veg, so they can be easier managed ''not so large/leafy''
after the flip to 12/12

if flipped to 12/12 at 14days veg the plants should be around 16'' - 20'' tall after 12/12 stretch, of course depends on lots of things so its just a over all example

Under feeding will be better than over feeding, over feeding can lead to nute lock out
Plant burning and other problems also,

Id try an get a truncheon ''if you can'' to monitor the E.C/ppm level,
so rather than adding nutes & hoping, you can actually check/regulate how much nute they have, or will need.

vegging less will lead to alot less gpw ''gram per watt''
But id rather have 4oz of good nugs, than 6oz of air bud from a larger leafier veg plant

i was told to feed the plants the water/nutrient mix once a day, and to feed it so that there was a cm of water left in drip tray. I would guess at approx half a pint a day.

whats a truncheon? (presume u dont mean a bat that cops use to beat people with)

the thing with the wardrobe is i can only grow two 10 litre pot plants max, and apparently i can only use CFLs cos of the space and heat build up. i was greedy 1st time around and tried to grow 3 plants and the plants were fighting to get out, it was quite dark at bottom of the plants and i dont reckon one 250W CFL red light was enough to penetrate the canopy and allow em to flower.

This combined with no extractor fan and giving em a random amount of water and nutes was probably why i failed.

the CFLs im using are really chunky. I bought another red one in a last ditch attempt to get bud, and had it hanging vertically. However, it takes up so much space i would only be able to grow 1 plant using it.

I was wondering if i could tie the two bulbs together side by side and then tie em around the reflector so they are hanging slightly below the reflector, and power them using two moulded plug attachments? this way i would have 500W for flowering. see below


Active member
food is summit odd about plants
Some love heavy heavy feeding, the more the better uptill 2.0 ec,
some cant go over 1.4 - 1.5 without nute lock out,

Yep you can put both the bulbs into one shade
I have seen that type of shade before "Twin SunMate CFL Reflector"

if ya can make your own thats great, The only thing i dont like about the cfl's
is the low level they can penetrate threw the canopy, so def shorter plants is the way to go my friend..


i was told to feed the plants

whats a truncheon? (presume u dont mean a bat that cops use to beat people with)

I was wondering if i could tie the two bulbs together side by side and then tie em around the reflector so they are hanging slightly below the reflector, and power them using two moulded plug attachments? this way i would have 500W for flowering. see below

think by truncheon could mean ph tester i could be wrong though

wouldnt recomend "tieing" two bulbs together sounds like an accident waiting to happen you can get double envirolight reflecters there not cheap though could probably get a small hps setup for same amount

enviro double shade

250 hps setup


if space is a concern you looked at scrog methods or a 12/12 from seed sog to maximise your space

think by truncheon could mean ph tester i could be wrong though

wouldnt recomend "tieing" two bulbs together sounds like an accident waiting to happen you can get double envirolight reflecters there not cheap though could probably get a small hps setup for same amount

enviro double shade

250 hps setup


if space is a concern you looked at scrog methods or a 12/12 from seed sog to maximise your space


yea it does wreak of fire hazard, that was my concern...

i was told that i couldnt use a hps tho cos it would cause to much heat in such a small area. Ive come to the conclusion that im gonna have to just get a grow tent, will be a lot easier and i will just have to cut my losses and put my 1st attempt down to experience.


mate its like looking in a mirror i did exact same as you went down enviro route had problems etc etc then got hps and small tent never looked back
look around on fleabay can get tent setup second hand at gd money
or brand new think can get tent and a decent 250 hps for like 140 which aint bad really
and wont need extracter till flowering a 4" fan and filter prob about £50 and your done


Take A Deep Breath
I have so not looked back since I shelled out for the tent/HPS/extractor/carbon. Best £350 I ever spent. Light years beyond what I was doing with an envirolight in a cabinet.

Anytime you think that a tent/extractor/HID etc is expensive.....just work out how many ounces of herb you could buy with the same money (not many).....and realise that you will have saved all that money and more within 3 months, and everything after that is free weed.

I think watering your plants in soil every day is too much. In Coco, yes, in soil, no. In soil, it's better imo to do the whole wet/dry cycle thing.


I have so not looked back since I shelled out for the tent/HPS/extractor/carbon. Best £350 I ever spent. Light years beyond what I was doing with an envirolight in a cabinet.

Anytime you think that a tent/extractor/HID etc is expensive.....just work out how many ounces of herb you could buy with the same money (not many).....and realise that you will have saved all that money and more within 3 months, and everything after that is free weed.


thats it most dealers are charging upto 160 an ounce of schwag viet grown weed so for cost of couple ozs can have yourself an unlimeted supply of home grown weed,
its nice to know where it comes from knowing hasnt been down someones croth (unless thats your thing)


I'm with blimey, It was the best purchase I have ever made buying a full kit. Before I was Envirolite's and where I could put it. Ive spent around the same as blimey when including soil and nutes. I bought my stuff of ebay, but becarefull of ebay I bought my mate a kit on the bay 400w hps, 1mx1mx2m bud box, crappy fan and filter. For £190 but it's all sub par quality so becareful. I bought all my kit seperatly and purchased everything on ebay but at at normal prices not the guys offering stuff for cheap as they are usually fake and sub par conditon.

Oh and it has absolutly skinted me over the months buying all my kit together, but I'm gonna save about £240 - £300 on buying crappy street deals. And it should last me through till my next harvest. Fingers Crossed

I hope you manage to get yourself a proper setup. I'm back at home with the parents again also and The first thing I was thnking was I can't grow at home. After a few months of messing with Enviros and gettting rubbish yeilds in came the DRS60, 250w HPS, 4inch Fan And Filter, Clip On fan, and some decent quality soil. Now I'll be on for 5oz's ish every 3-4 month. If I don't sell I'll be in weed easy for the whole of my next growing season.

Enjoy your adventure, there is a learning curve but it's usually fun as hell. :D

St Jimi
yea you are all right! i jumped in with both feet with the whole wardrobe jobby, i need to come out from the closet so to speak. Will take to the wardrobe with a sledgehammer and feed the rag and bone men, and will take the envirolites and reflector to the tip and some youth will think christmas has come early (unless i can find a use for em within my new setup)

the thing is i dont know all the growing dope jibber jabber and i aint got a clue whats good and whats bad material wise. For example, If i was buying a hi-fi i would know that i could rely on a sony but to keep away from the haiwashi. I dont have that sorta knowledge in this field.

i got a quote from some guy from an online grow shop. he said...

" i would use a 250w lumatek ballast with a dual spectrum 250w bulb witch you can use in both veg and flower and buddy wing reflector with a heat spreader and also a 2 pot auto pot kit in a DS 90 tent.you will also need ventilation to change the air i would recomend 2x TT mixed flow fans
one with a fan temp speed control to keep the temperature at the level you need also a carbon filter to extract the and clean the air
you will also need ph and ec pens to make sure the ph is correct and the nutrient levels are right.
heres what you need and the prices
1x secret jardin ds 90 £94.99
1x auto pot easy to grow kit £40.00
1x lumatek 250w ballast £100.00
1x buddy wing reflector £40.00
1x heat shield £20.00
1x 250w sunmaster dual spectrum bulb £25.00
1x TT 4 inch fan £35.00
1x TT 4inch fan with speed and temp control £74.99
1x 4 inch foil duct 10 metres £10.00
1x ph pen £45.00
1x ec pen £45.00
1x canna a&b nutrient feed 1 litre £12.00
1x cannazym 1 litre £18.00
1x canna rhizotonic 1 litre £30.00
1x canna boost 1 litre £47.00
1x canna flush 1 litre £12.00
1x canna pk13/14 1 litre £12.00
1x hygrometre £10.00
4x duct clips free
1x duct tape free
1x delivery free
1x canna grow schedule free
total £670.99 i know its alot of money to invest but you will see rewards
with this system you cant fail the autopot sytem does everything for you all you have to do is follow the grow schedule and you will be succesful
hope this helps
regards the growers shop"

now i know this guy is trying to make a living so hes probably trying to sell me stuff i dont need, but i do like the sound of a retard friendly set-up if such a thing exists. Would have thought if im going to go full bore though that 600w would be the minimum, 250w seems a bit placid for close to £700. he didnt mention what medium to use neither.

what do ya reckon?


seems far to pricey if give us a budget chances are guys on here can give you honest answer as to what you need
700 quid theyre is more than u need theyre for start out grower,120 quid worth of nutrients i would give all of em a miss and get bio bizz grow and bloom prob cost about 15 quid all in will do u many grows (just seen u have nutrients allready) u could def get better for cheaper dont pull the trigger yet get some feedback on here first ,i take it by movn bak in wth parents u havent got spare700

u could get the tent and carbon filter, speed control fan use the lights pots and nutrients u got they will grow plenty bud m8 should cost you 2or300 tops
or get a old wardrobe bit bigger this time go read thru grow journals copy someones set up, u have enough to grow plenty weed m8 allready

good luck


Yeah most of that stuff is'nt needed. Especially if you are a new grower, I would go with soil first as it's a very forgiving medium (mistakes are easier to correct) but there would probably be a bit more looking after them involved (or maybe not, never done hydro yet), but that's a good thing as you get to learn about the plants more intimatly.

Here is all that I have bought for my setup.

1x DR60 - £60
1x Systemair 100cm Fan (4") 1x Horti 4" Filter & 5m Ducting £89.99
4x 6.5ltr Atami Pots (this number would be increased per tent size, I can fit 9 total in a DR60) £1.50each
1x 50ltr bag of Plagron Light Mix Soil (increase this number for amount of pots) £9 per bag
1x 250w Maxi Bright Ballast inc Eurowing Reflector and sunmaster bulb £87
1x Pair of EZE rollers for hangin the light £6
1x Humidity/Temp Gauge £8
1x 6" Clip On fan £10

£274.50 for the above basic kit,

Then there is nutrients to buy
My Current range for soil is Canna Terra, but there are many ranges out there for varying prices.
Terra Vega (vegging nutes)
Terra Flores (Flowering Nutes)
Rhizotonic ( Root Stimulator)
PK 13/14 (flowering booster)
and some cheapo seaweed extract

Also don't junk your enviros, they will come in handy if you ever go down the route of clones/vegging chamber.

It is upto you, I'm sure some else will pop along and give you some other ideas on how to setup.

Take easy and let us know what you shoot for!!

St Jimi
u could grow autos in soil the first time round , ready in 60 to 70 days dont have to worry about light leaks ect they stay short and are almost idiot proof


Never tried the Ratchet thingy ma bobs, Ez rollers do seem a bit fiddley though. As far as nutes go Shafty is right have look around and see what other people are using, because the options are immense.

As stated above the setup I went for is the basics, after your first 1-2 grows you may want to start adding other equipment like a ec pen and ph pen, maybe a intake fan / temp controlled fan etc.

Also check out my thread in my signature, I have the above setup in the grow thread, and it's my first run with it, it may give you a better idea of what you want.

St Jimi
Im deffo gonna go down the soil route, as hydroponics seems like some crazy witchcraft to me.

Im glad that there seems to be a universal problem with using the easy rollerz, i thought it was just me! i had problems when i had to raise em above a certain height, one side kept slipping down, despite it being tightened to the max. It was really doing my nut in. Had to use string in the end. whenever you raise or lower em is like heart in mouth time as far as im concerned.

i must admit i wasnt overly keen on spending £700 despite saving a bit of cash since moving back to the olds (one of the perks lol). £100 + on nutrients seemed rediculous also. Ideally i dont wanna be spending more than £400 considerin ive spent £300 on arse equipment already. Feel violated by the guy who sold me that stuff to be honest, im smoking leaf as a way of punishing myself.

I would really really appreciate it if someone in the know could come up with a bad ass, easy to use system for £400 approx. If i can use any of my existing equipment great, if not so beit, ive seen some crazy pics of bud on this site and i want some. if i went out a bought the stuff of my own back im bound to get fisted again.

How many 10 litre pots do you reckon i could get away with in a 90 x 90 tent?

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