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Narcoleptics PPP-Papaya-Ice Garden, 400w (First grow)


Don Cotyle

Narcoleptic said:
Ok... ic what u mean :)
I don`t think it`s a very good idea to switch back to veg.
Bought a fan yesterday works great for `em and i can keep them 40cm from the lights.
I`m tying them down so the little ones would grow at the same level as the bigger ones.
Will add some more soil aswell... thanks for that.

How am i supposed to ask what he means if i have misunderstood the whole thing and i have nothing to ask about.
Yes in do appreciate very much any help i get here...
Thanks for your help...

Why the hell wouldn`t i let experienced growers to help me, this being my first grow...?

Go Back and look at your reply to ChuchyouFarley, It sounded like you blew him off. It's what you learn after you know everything that counts!
He was trying to help you with your streach problem. Ya know...never mind, I was haveing an off night. Good luck with your grow!

Don Cotyle

Sorry, Sometimes the language barrier can be a problem. Your plants will fair better with the 400watt lamps. Have you decided on what nutrients you will be useing?



New member
Shit... was away for two days and the weather got a lil hotter here and i had accidently put the timer off so they had 24h light for the two days.
Some heat burns. I cut the crispy all yellow leaves off.

I set the goal on getting 100g of dry trimmed buds.

Don: Atleast seaweed extract and PK fertilizer 9+15.
I`ve heard good reports of PK fertilizer on a other forum.
Seems to work pretty well for blooming.
Already fed them with it when i got the HPS and they seemed to like it.
Will buy some bat guano also to get the P up.
Maybe some root stimulator also. Any suggestions on that?
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Canna Rhizotonic is brilliant as a root stimulant :wave:

Good luck friend and whatever happens don't give up yet, recovery is gonna happen if you try your darndest. Some of the best grow threads I've read have been ones where people have had serious setbacks much worse than a few burnt leaves.

I'll be watching, and hoping you get a nice lil' crop for your rewards.


Narcoleptic, If you are comfortable about ordering products from the internet wromsway will have everything you need to stock up on.

How are you feeding your girls? Do you store your water before hand at all? Do you have anything in the way of pictures, im excited to see your progress, Ice and papaya are both strains that I'm highly interested in growing.

Good luck on your goal, If you take your time and learn before you do, i'm sure you will have no problem making 100 g's

Congrats on the purchase of your light, That will help you a lot in your grow.

also, if you wish to continue flowering all is fine, but make sure your light is close enough to make your girls happy, if you put your hand on top of your plant, and the light does not make your hand uncomfortable, your plants are doing fine.

Good luck. All will be well!

Don Cotyle

Hi Narcoleptic, You might want to do a little training for yeild before going into flowering stage. Give the stems a pinch about 2 inches from the base and tie the plants down, this will help stimulate side branch growth and make the plants larger and control height. Then pinch the side branches when they get 4-5" or 12 cm and tie them down too. You'll end up with very bushy plants!!! Then flower!!!

As far as nutrients make sure you have a fair amount of nitrogen...it's good for growth!!!

Here's what I mean about pinching and tieing back down! Your plants will still be short but very bushy, they will streach in flowering and you will get a bigger yeild!!!

Click on photo to make bigger!
